The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 159: The Truth Behind the Sense of Discomfort

Chapter 159: The Truth Behind the Sense of Discomfort

Another Mail from Nishino-kun arrives.

He has apparently resolved the situation on his side safely.

He says hell explain what happened in detail when we get there and apologizes for the confusion that he may have caused with the previous Mail.

(Something isnt right.)

Something feels off The content of the Mail doesnt sound like what Nishino-kun would normally send.

Normally, his thought process would have been to brief us about his situation through the Mail first, filling us up with the rest of the details during out meeting.

.. .. Am I being overly sensitive?

(An emergency within the Safety Zone Is it related to the Student Council President?)

No, it shouldnt be.

Not to mention that Nishino-kun already knows about her brainwashing skill, he told me that he has Enchantment Resistance.

Besides, even if Nishino-kun ends up brainwashed again, his friends would notice that something is up.

If that happens, it would be the Student Council President who would be placed in a predicament.

Being the cunning person that she is, would she come up with such a thoughtless plan?

Does that mean Nishino-kun got entangled in a different mess?

Its a disturbing Mail, isnt it?

You think so too, Ichinose-san?

It seems that Mail Demon Ichinose-san also feels uneasy.

Her head is cocked to one side with her hand on her chin.

Since thats what he wants, lets hear about the situation from his own mouth when we meet him.


We also have things that we need to inform him about in person.

Theres that Golem, that mysterious humanoid monster which controlled the Golem, and then theres that matter about Ono-kun.

We have a lot to talk about.

(How should I go about explaining all this)

Whatever, we should first meet up with Nishino-kun.

Ichinose-san and I head back to our base in the Safety Zone.


Is what you said true?

Thats the first thing Nishino-kun says when he hears about our side of the story.

With an expression of disbelief, he covers his face with his hands and cries out, What the hell

Im sure you dont want to believe it, but its true, Nisshi.

Rikka-chan, who is sitting curled up on the floor, confirms our story.

Shibata-kun and the other members expression arent any better.

Theyve been released from the Shadow Cage which had forcibly seized them from where they were.

At first, they complained about suddenly being trapped in the shadows without any explanation, but they accepted it after hearing about the circumstances.

Where is Ono right now?

Hes in my Shadow. I didnt think itd be a good idea for other people to learn about him if he goes on a rampage.

Only Ono-kun is still contained inside Shadow Cage.

Hes unconscious as well, so it was less work on my part to carry him over here with him still inside.

Can you release him?

That would be difficult here.


If he really did become a monster, he would be ejected from the Safety Zone the moment he leaves my Shadow.


The realization dawns on Nishino-kun.

Monsters that try to enter the Safety Zone are ejected.

This is something Nishino-kun told me previously.

For him to forget about this, Nishino-kun must be considerably unsettled.

Then does Onon have to stay in Onii-sans Shadow?

No monsters like Aka and Kiki who are partied to a human can enter the Safety Zone without a problem. I cant keep having him inside, so Ono-kun would have to join someones party when he wakes up.

There is only one way for monsters to enter the Safety Zone, and that is to become somebodys party member.

By activating skills like Shadow Cage, one could potentially circumvent this restriction, but that person would have to continue using the skill.

In order to enter and leave freely, it would be necessary for the monster to enter a party.

Wasnt Ono-kun originally in a party?

The party Ono was in got wiped out except for him. Thats also why we werent able to get hold of him until now.

Is that so

Does he mean those delinquents that were with Ono-kun at the convenience store?

At the time, they were being attacked by two Lesser Wolves, and Ono-kun abandoned them to run away.

Eventually, Ichinose-san sniped the monsters to save them, and they escaped somewhere.

In the end, they appear to have died somewhere else due to being attacked by other monsters.

Its a shame that they died after just being saved.

Kudou-san, Im sorry to trouble you with this, but can you follow us outside? Well persuade Ono.

Are you sure?

Im positive. Ill make sure that it is done.

A determined reply.

Theres no reason for Nishino-kun to feel responsible about Ono-kun, but I guess its because of their friendship.

Okay, Ill leave his persuasion to you.

If its Nishino-kun, Im sure hell be alright.

Just as I am about to stand up, Rikka-chan asks Nishino-kun a question.

Oh, right! Nisshi, what was up with that urgent Mail?

Hearing her question, Nishino-kun makes a difficult face.

The Student Council President came over.

Ew, really?

Rikka-chan has a disgusted expression.

Its pretty obvious that Rikka-chan doesnt like the Student Council President.

Were you okay? Did she do anything strange to you? Is Nisshi still Nisshi?

S-stop, Rikka! Stop touching all over the place!

Really? Are you really fine?

Nishino-kun panics from Rikka-chans continued advancement.

Y-yes, I am! So dont stick to me like that! Y-your chest!


Just get away from me! Im okay!

Buuu, whats with that attitude? I was just worried for you! Nisshi is a meanie.

Rikka-chan expresses her anger with a pout.

Nishino-kun, on the other hand, is blushing profusely.

Mmm, watching these two makes me feel bittersweet.

Why arent they dating yet?

Kudou-san, normies. There are normies here. Can I shoot them?

Theres a dark aura around Ichinose-san who has sensed the aura of normies.

Of course not. Thats your best friend, you know?

This and that are separate matters. I cant bear this bittersweetness. It makes me nauseous.

Ichinose-san spits on the ground.

This girl and her social anxiety disorder

I should do something about the situation before things start to go wrong.

Why did the Student Council President visit this place?

Weve derailed from the topic of our conversation, so I steer us back on track.

Nishino-kun seems grateful for my intervention.

There was something bothering her, which was why she came over.

Something was bothering her?

Yes, this is it.

From his pocket, Nishino-kun takes out an informative pamphlet titled the Public Notice Pamphlet of Hirasoto.

Ah, Ive seen these when I was still working at the company.

They were in the companys reception room along with the newspapers and magazines.

Personally, Ive never read one though.

After all, I dont harbor much interest in this town.

Whats wrong about it?

Rikka-chan tilts her head and studies the informative pamphlet that Nishino-kun took out.

Nishino-kun takes a glimpse at her valley.

Then, he steps back and looks away before answering with his cheeks bright red.

What an amateur in love.

The pamphlet itself doesnt have any problems. Whats intriguing is the part about the towns population.

Nishino-kun briefly explains how the number of people in this town is too small compared to whats stated in the pamphlet.

He then goes on to tell us that the Student Council President also noticed this irregularity and came to seek his opinions about it.

Was that really all?


Nishino-kun nods.

Hes holding something back from us, but he doesnt sound like he was brainwashed at least.


The population now that I think about it, youre right.

Lots of people died from monster attacks, but the number pales in comparison to the towns total population.

Im sure there are many that are hiding, but the numbers still do not add up.

(Why didnt this come to my attention?)

No one questioned it.

Even I didnt pay it any heed until Nishino-kun mentioned it.

Hmm, I didnt pay it any heed?

Whats wrong, Kudou-san?

Nothing I just think Im forgetting something

What is it?

A feeling of discomfort Yes, Ive felt this discomfort from something else before.

What was it?

I cant recall what it was.

(Doesnt that mean it wasnt a big deal?)

No am I being made to think like that?

From what? What is making me forget


I desperately trace back my memories, eventually arriving at what I was searching for.

Why had I forgotten about that?

Everyones eyes are concentrated on me.

Kudou-san? Did you figure something out?

Its nothing big, but

No, that cant be the case.

Its clearly abnormal how I keep thinking that its not important.

Arriving at this conclusion, I speak loudly and confidently.

The Trees.


The huge trees that are growing outside are strange in many ways.

Everyone cocks their head at my claim.

Yes. The huge trees which Ive been seeing from day one.

Theyre clearly alien species, yet Ive never questioned their presence.

I wonder why I had forgotten about them until this moment.

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