The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 133: Battle of the City Hall Part 1

Chapter 133: Battle of the City Hall Part 1

Currently, its 10 AM.

I am heading to the Underground Shopping Mall with Nishino-kuns group to defeat Queen Ant Alpha.

There are 28 people participating in the subjugation operation, which is pretty much the full extent of the City Halls power.

We have been divided into three groups and are aiming for the Underground Shopping Mall from different directions.

The group I am in consists of the students that are being led by Nishino-kun. We number 10 in total.

Were acting separately to disperse the attention of the Golem in the event that we meet it.

Whether its to run away or to become the decoy, were more likely to survive if we move separately.

At least thats what we were told.

(The real reason is probably to avoid pulling each others legs)

In particular, it is clear as day that my ex-colleagues and Nishino-kuns group are disgusted at each other.

We shouldnt expect any degree of cooperation between them.

In that case, the mayor must have judged, wouldnt it be more efficient to separate them from the beginning?

(In a sense, its amazing how were still trying to trip each other under these circumstances)

Its a relief that I dont have to work with my former colleagues, though.

I feel bad for Nijou and Chief Shimizu, but I cant see them in a good light.

Even though its just my disguise, they were peeking at Ichinose-sans body with that kind of eyes it pisses me off.

Oops, I shouldnt get sidetracked.

I have to concentrate.

Anyway, were aiming for the Underground Shopping Mall.

If things proceed without hiccups, we should arrive there in ten minutes or so.

As everyone is nervous about the mission, few words are being exchanged.

I glance at Nishino-kun who is walking next to me, and his face looks serious.

Is he anxious?

No, this is more like the expression people make when theyre thinking about something.

Whats wrong, Nisshi? From a while ago, youve been making a difficult face.

It seems that Rikka-chan is also curious. She asks Nishino-kun while leaning forward.

We can see a glimpse of her valley along with her pink underwear. As expected of Rikka-chan, the natural airhead.

N-no, I was just thinking about our subjugation target.

Nishino-kun turns his head away as he answers.

His cheeks are slightly pinkHes surprisingly pure.

Theyre the Queen Ant and the Golem, right? What about them?

Actually, I talked with the mayor briefly before we left. There was something that was bugging me, and

I raise my hand before Nishino-kun can continue speaking.

Theres a reaction from Enemy Detection.

Hearing my words, everyones facial expressions change.

Nishino-kun and Rikka-chan also stop chatting and ready themselves for a battle.

80 meters ahead. 15 of them in total. 13 regular Ants. No superior species. And there are 2 Goblins.

I convey the information in a concise manner.

Are the Ants and the Goblins fighting?

No, it doesnt seem like thats the case

Its more like the Ants are flocking to the two Goblins.

Perhaps theyre

Okay, Rikka, Ichinose, and I will advance ahead. Everyone else, follow us from the back.

Nishino-kun hands out quick instructions in a whisper before taking Rikka-chan and I to the place where there was the reaction.

We hide behind a nearby wall and watch the situation in front of us.


Witnessing the scene, Nishino-kuns expression shifts in an instant.



Before us are two dying Goblins.

The Ants are surrounding them and rapidly working their mouths.

They are in the middle of a meal.

They havent noticed us.

Wait a second. Are they eating?


Nishino-kun and Rikka-chan appear pale.

If they die, the monsters will disappear, leaving only their magic stones behind. Thats why the Ants are intentionally keeping them alive.

But the parts that separate from their bodies while theyre alive remain even after their deaths.

Just like how the monster bloods from before remain on the washing machines .

What the Ants are doing should be considered as having monster Ikizukuri [1].

How can you be so calm

Im just used to it. Also, I have a resistance skill.

Its really a gory sight. Without the proper resistance skill, one is likely to throw up.

They havent noticed us yetIf we want to kill them, we should do it now.

O-oh, youre right.

Nishino-kun composes himself and gives orders to everyone.

Everyone, were heading out!


The students along with an Ossan charge in unison in a neat movement.

I also hold the gun (Aka) in my hands.

While Im in Ichinose-sans form, I decided to fight using the sniper. I received ammunition from Ichinose-san in advance, so there wont be much of an issue.

Furu furu!

Aka shakes to express its motivation.


The Ants that were having their meals finally notice our existence.

However, its too late.


At Nishino-kuns signal, everyone shoots his or her Magnum Blaster.


Along with the sound, a large amount of smoke is shot out.




The Ants that are directly exposed to the smoke scream in agony.

Nishino-kun and the others do not miss the opportunity to strike.



Rikka-chan and Goshogawara-san cut in first, and the other students follow behind them.

Rikka-chan dexterously moves around the gaps and slashes at the joints of the Ants.

As for Goshogawara-san he crushes them forcefully using a log. Logs are amazing.

The other students also clash with the Ants with their respective weapons.

Through Command and Combat Support, Nishino-kun enhances the teams coordination by giving out occasional orders.

(Theyre stronger than expected)

Nishino-kun is the commander, Rikka-chan and Goshogawara-san are the attackers, and Shibata-san is the medic.

The others also have a decently high level and some good skills.

More so than anything else, their teamwork is outstanding.

Just by looking at them, I can tell how much fights they have experienced together during these 7 days.

As proof, the Ants that numbered over 10 are being reduced in the blink of an eye.

(Wait. Is there anything for me to do?)

I hurriedly position my gun, but Rikka-chan decapitates the last Ant before I could do anything.

Furu furu!

Not yet? Aka asks.

Sorry, Aka. You seem pumped up, but your turn wont come this time.

The first battle finishes in spite of the quivering Aka.

Check if there are any other monsters! If not, resume moving!

We start moving again after collecting the magic stones.

As for the Goblins that were being eaten, Shibata-kun puts an end to their lives.

Speaking of which

After the battle, I find an appropriate time to talk to Nishino-kun.

What was Nishino-kun about to say earlier?


Yes. Something about the Queen Ant and the Golem

Oh, that?

Nishino-kun nods.

Well, Im just a little bothered. Why did the condition of subjugating two designated monsters appear this time around?

Oh, that was on my mind too.

According to the mayor, the conditions for leveling up Town Development were Securing 10 personnel and 10 magic stones for reaching level 2 and Securing 50 personnel and 100 magic stones for reaching level 3.

However, this time, the subjugation of two named monsters is added on top of the previous conditions.

The difficulty level has clearly jumped up.

Isnt it stupidly hard to achieve the conditions?

I agree.

Rikka-chan who is next to me also joins the conversation.

But on the contrary, cant you think of it like this? The conditions became stricter because it had to.


A question mark appears on top of Rikka-chans head.

I asked the mayor before we left. What happened to the monsters that were originally in the area when the Safety Zone expanded due to the rise in the level of Town Development?

What happened?

They were forcefully expelled. The monsters that were in the area were forcefully expelled to locations at the very edge of the new border. With the help of some City Hall staffs, he confirmed this with his very own eyes, so the information is authentic. When the monsters tried to enter again, they could not because they were blocked by some invisible wall.

Hoh, there is such a mechanism?

So its like a Barrier which kicks out monsters and prevents them from reentering the premise.

And thats why I came to the hypothesis that we have to defeat the two monsters for the Safety Zone to expand once more using Town Development.

Hearing Nishino-kuns words, another question mark floats out of Rikka-chans head.

Um, what does that

In other words, for whatever reason, these two are exceptions which cannot be forcefully removed?

Therefore, they are subjugation targets.

I interrupt Rikka-chan to answer her question, and Nishino-kun nods in response.

Wouldnt that explain a lot of things? For example, if a queen ant builds a nest, she spends her entire life in the nest. Its a Queen Ants Characteristic which cannot be erased even through the effects of other skills. Im convinced that thats why the Queen Ant was designated as a target. In addition, the system specified for the subjugation of the Queen Ant instead of the Ants.

So thats how it is

It may sound nonsensical to apply the logic of ordinary ants on monsters, but Nishino-kuns conjecture certainly makes sense.

To begin with, its strange that the Ants arent bothering to change the location of their nest despite so many of them having died by our hands. So its almost certain that the Queen Ant cannot leave her nest no, shes a monster that cant move.

That is plausible

Hmmm, I dont really understand.

It seems like Rikka-chans head has already overheated.

Then what about the Golem? Unlike the Ants, cant it move around freely?

Shibata-kun who is walking behind us joins the discussion.

What are you talking about, Shibata? Isnt that even easier to understand? Try remembering its name.

Eh? Um Guardian Golem Titan, right?

Thats right. Ono would have probably gotten it by now. After all, hes good at this kind of games. Guardian literally translated as One who Protects.

Ah! Shibata-kun raises his voice.

I also come to the realization.

Did you catch on? Titan is probably protecting something within the Subjugation Area. Since he is the Guardian, he cannot move away from this area as long as that thing existsAs for what its protecting, I cannot say for sure.

I see A-as expected, youre amazing, Nishino-san!

Its not a big deal. Even if we know the reason, it doesnt change the fact that we have to fight it.

Hes right.

There is no future for the City Hall unless these two monsters are defeated.

But it will be useful for future reference.

Hm? Did you say something, Nishino-san?

No, nothing.

Nishino-kun accidentally mutters something, and I hear it clearly.

Maybe Nishino-kun is thinking along the same line as me.

Obtaining the Town Development skill and establishing ones own Safety Zone.

In that case, Nishino-kun is truly a reliable person.

Ill ask him about it later on.

Lets stop with the chitchat. Were almost at the enemys headquarters.

Yes, youre right.

The Shopping District is now visible.

Enemy Detection is gradually picking up more signs of monsters.


We each hold our weapon. At the same time, the ground shakes and cracks begin to form.


A large number of Ants appear before us yet again.

They were waiting for us to come.

Seems about right.


Around now, the City Hall team and Chief Shimizus team should have arrived at their designated spots.

Its time to begin! Focus, everyone!


The students charge at Nishino-kuns command.

I also move ahead so that I dont get left behind this time.

The moment I think of moving to a place where I can start sniping


I start having an unpleasant feeling.

What is this?

Hostility? No, is this malice?

I turn towards the direction where the feeling is coming from.

If Im not mistaken, thats where Chief Shimizus group should be at.

Why is it?

A sense of foreboding strikes at my heart.


[1] Ikizukuri is like the Japanese dish where sashimi is prepared from live seafood.

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