The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 126: Reflection and a New Occupation

Chapter 126: Reflection and a New Occupation

Normally, the full extent of a skills effect should be analyzed before using it. After all, it could directly affect the survivability of me and my teammates.

For Kikis Reflection ability, I would have typically tested the skill out to find out about its effective area, duration, and number of use.

In another words, the skill is not something that can be used rashly against a monster, especially when it is a named monster.

(But the situation is a bit different this time around)

Just fleeing would not do. Depending on whether Kikis Reflection ability could cope with the Giant Golem, future fights will be influenced greatly. We might be able to make it out alive despite the despairing circumstances.

Kiki can you use the skill you used just then once more? Kyuu.

Kiki nods.

Then please deploy it when I give the signal.



If Kikis ability does not work, Akas defense does not make it, or I fail to dodge in time I will surely die.

Arriving at this thought, I become frightened. Very frightened. Yet I must do it in order to survive.

To approach death in order to avoid death. How contradictory this is.

This world must really have been damned.

Furu furu.

Aka who is disguised trembles.

Its alright. Together.

Aka seem to be encouraging me in its own way. Im grateful. Its making me feel slightly better.


Titan begins to move and raises its gargantuan arm. A mass far surpassing that of the tetrapods heads my way. Its fist is almost like a wall.

The pressure coming from it is so great that it crushes the air surrounding it. While withstanding such pressure with my bare skin, I shout out.



The jewel on Kikis forehead shines brightly.

A thin film emitting a faint light appears in front of me.

Then they clash.

Kikis reflective film confronts Titans blow head-on.


The surrounding air trembles and the buildings creak before eventually collapsing. The collision results in the rupturing of the asphalt street and the collapse of buildings, completely changing the scenery around the area.

At a certain corner of the devastated Shopping District

Im alive?

My two legs are intact. Abnormalities none. I open and close my hands repeatedly to ascertain my survival.

Kiki, Aka. Are you guys fine?


Furu furu.

Neither of them is injured. Then what about that guy?

I immediately turn and look at Titan. The dust gradually settles, revealing Titans figure.


Its fist is cracked. No, its not its fist alone. Its arms, its legs, and its egg-shaped body are all cracked.


Titans finger cracks before falling to the ground. This in turn makes Titan lose its balance and fall on its butt. With that alone, the ground shakes violently.

It worked.

I clutch my hand unknowingly. Emotions spring up from the bottom of my heart.

I did it! It worked! Kiki! Aka! The reflection! Kikis Reflection is effective against it! I laugh. The feeling of delight erupts within me. We won. We won this bet.

Kyu Kyu !

Furu furu .

Emotions of joy is transmitted from Aka and Kiki.

But of course. Stranded in a hopeless situation, we have found a tiny spark of hope. There isnt a reason not to feel delight over the event.


Titan lets out a low rumble as if it could not comprehend what had occurred. Its red and cloudy eyes turn towards us.


I can feel it. Those are the eyes of a monster which has recognized us as enemies. My muscles freeze momentarily.


I call out to Aka instead of Kiki. This may have been due to a skill, my survival instinct, or possibly both. I wonder if it was the right decision.


Furu furu.

Akas body expands the moment Titan lets out a roar. Just as Aka finishes enveloping us into its body, we are blown away.

A terrible shock passes through my body. We bounce as we are blown dozens of meters back.

Gaha wh-what?

What just happened?

Looking around, I can see that the buildings and the ground have been largely carved in. I can even look through some of the buildings.

I turn towards Titan while refusing to believe my guess. Its right arm is gone.

It threw its arm at us?

The right arm which was riddled with cracks and no longer capable of functioning. Titan must have cut it off and thrown it at us. The arm scattered like a shotgun and blew away much of everything in the surrounding area. (TN: Reminds me of Attack on Titan Season 3.) Monster!


Using its remaining arm, Titan gathers the rubbles around him and proceeds to swallow them. A change occurs on its body when it swallows the rubbles. The cracks on its body rapidly start disappearing.

Hey, hey. Youre telling me that in addition to its gigantic body, it is capable of self restoration? Its a proper monster alright.


It continues to devour its food before eventually sinking back into the ground. Did it withdraw to recover its right arm?

(Anyway, Im saved)

Im relieved that the battle is over. Strength leaves my body.

That was scary. I thought Id die. That was cutting it real close.

But it yielded results.

Now that I know that Kikis Reflection ability is effective, I can come up with countermeasures. Titan would also be wary of us, but we have advanced a step forward nevertheless.

We should also leave this place.

I want to take a break somewhere I can relax. We leave the scene behind while being alert of our surrounding.

Thereafter, we find a house nearby and decide to rest there. As it was about to be noon, we have a simple lunch as well.

Now then, I guess Ill pick a new occupation.

Its the long-awaited time to choose another occupation. I have accumulated 30 JP during the previous battle. With these, I can finally unlock occupations which are even more advanced.

As of now, I have the occupations Ninja LV7, Hunter LV7, and Shadow Master LV5. If I focus my points on a single occupation, I can bring either Ninja or Hunter to a higher rank.

I think Ill be choosing Ninja after all

I wasnt able to get my hands on offensive Ninjutsus such as Katon no Jutsu, but I might be able to get them when I rank up Ninja.

I wonder whats above Ninja.

Jounin (Elite Ninja)? Oniwaban? Hokage? (TN: Oniwaban was a group of undercover agents established by the Tokugawa shogunate.) I suppose Ill know it when I see it.

Just when I am about to allot JP to Ninja

Furu furu.

Aka shakes.

What is it, Aka?

Furu furu furu.

Are you recommending me to allot points to Hunter?

Aka shivers in affirmation. So Aka recommends Hunter


Kiki nods as if to agree with Aka. Hmm, I remember choosing Shadow Master under Akas and Momos persuasion as well.

Its troubling but Momo and Aka have never been wrong in these kinds of situation. There must be some reason. Something that merits ranking up Hunter over Ninja.

Okay. I understand, Aka.

After thinking for a few seconds, I decide to believe Akas words and raise Hunter to LV10.

What will happen next?

The Hunters level has reached the upper limit.

Senior Jobs and Derived Jobs are now available.

The Fourth Occupation is now available.

Advanced Occupation Veteran Hunter has been released. Advanced Occupation Tracker has been released.

Advanced Occupation Brigand has been released.

Certain conditions have been satisfied.

Derived Occupation Actor has been released.

Derived Occupation Scammer has been released.

Derived Occupation Exterminator has been released.

Derived Occupation Prayer has been released.

A new list of senior and derived occupations is presented to me.

(TN: I believe Exterminator means pest exterminator.)

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