The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel

Chapter 162: A new world but not alone this time...

Chapter 162: A new world but not alone this time...

(Ryoto's pov)

This is bad, this is bad, this is bad, this is really, really bad! Next to me was Rin wearing old clothing that suited this world, and my clothes were also changed. The only difference was that I had a sword in a scabbard attached to my waist. I couldn't make it disappear, so it looks like I'm stuck with Zangetsu being out the whole time, but it's not that bad. It's better to have a weapon out in case of unknown danger since I don't have spider sense at the moment.

But that's not important. I need to focus on Rin, who was panicking.

Rin: "What is happening!? Where are we!? Why did our clothes change!? And-"

I grabbed Rin by both of her cheeks, forcing her to look at me.

Ryoto: "Calm down, Rin. Breath in, breath out."

As I instructed her, Rin followed my words and started breathing slowly.

Now that she was calm, I could talk with her and try to explain the situation. But how should I do it?

Ryoto: "Panicking right now won't help us. We are in unknown locations, so let's ask someone here."

I said only the truth to her. I really don't know where we are. I may have some ideas, and it's best to confirm them.

Rin: "Y-yes, you're right."

The whole situation was a lot for Rin to handle, and I understand that. I feel kind of responsible for her being here, so I'll do what I can to keep her safe here.

We walked up to some man who didn't look busy to ask him some questions.

Ryoto: "Excuse me, I think we are a little lost, so could you tell us where we are?"

Man: "Hmm? So you just got here."

He looked at Rin, who was not looking good.

Man: "It's understandable that you are confused then. Right now, you're in Soul Society, Rukongai District 78, Inuzuri. You died and were sent here. All you can do is live your life from now on. Good luck. And be careful about that sword of yours. It can bring you trouble, and that's the last thing you want here."

With that, he left to do his things. Just like I thought, it's the Bleach world. The biggest clue was Zangetsu being out the whole time.

I turned to Rin, who was pale. No wonder. She thinks that she died, and it's not something easy to accept.

I put my hand on Rin's shoulder, making her flinch in the process.

Ryoto: "Rin... don't worry I-"

Rin: "Don't worry? Don't worry!!!? Ryoto, we are dead!!! We don't even know how we died or if we are the only ones who died!!! And... and..."

I pulled her into a hug. I know what she feels at the moment. Being brought into a new world and not knowing what you should do.

First, when I became Ryoto, then when I got into Assassins Classroom world. The only difference was that I had information about my situation. Information that Rin doesn't have, and I don't think telling her the whole truth would be good for her either.

Ryoto: "Rin, listen, everything is going to be fine. WE are going to be fine. And who knows, maybe there is some way to get back to life."

Rin: "How do you know?"

I wiped away the tear from her eye and smiled.

Ryoto: "I don't, but neither do you. We don't know, and that's why we can have hope."

What I said doesn't make a lot of sense, but Rin needs some kind of attachment, a hope of some sort to not go crazy. And I'm not even lying. We are going back eventually. I just don't know when. Depending on when we are, we would need to wait either a few years or a few hundred years, if not thousands of years.

But the first thing we need to do is survive, so we need to find shelter.

Ryoto: "Since we don't have anything on us right now, we should start with finding someplace to live. I don't think it's safe to sleep outside. After that, we can start gathering information about our situation more thoroughly."

Rin looked at me with a blank expression.

Ryoto: "Did I say something wrong?"

Rin: "No... You just seem really composed... compared to me."

She looked down.

Now I feel bad. I can only be composed because I know what's going on.

Ryoto: "Don't feel down. I'm not the most normal person around, so don't compare yourself to me. Come on! We have a home to find!"


We walked around for a while, observing the district. There wasn't a big difference between Soul Society and the living world. People worked, got paid, and kept living.

The only difference is that they didn't need to eat unless they had high spiritual power. Otherwise, they only need to drink water, and it, of course, costs money.

We, on the other hand, have no job and no money. I can expect to have a need to eat since I have Zangetsu and can use Getsuga Tenshou. I don't know about Rin, though. It can go either way.

Before it got dark, we found an abandoned building that we could use.

Ryoto: "It may be in slightly worse condition than we are used to, but at least it has a roof."

Rin seemed to be in a better mood, but she was still down.


I don't know what more I can do. I just hope that she'll get better.

Ryoto: "It was a difficult day so let's go to sleep, and tomorrow we'll think about what to do."

Rin: "Will we be safe, though? I overheard someone talking about how dangerous it became as of late."

Ryoto: "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."

I ruffled her hair a bit with a smile. I was confident in protecting her from ordinary thieves, but I hope it's not some strong hollow or rogue Shinigami. It could also be one of Aizen's experiments depending on the timeline. I'm not even starting to talk about crazy strong criminals like Yachiru. If Yachiru is still a criminal, then we may be screwed.

I don't know when Seireitei was built. I think that it existed before Gotei 13 did, so it's not an indication of the timeline.

Better go to sleep as well. Tomorrow I'll hopefully get some of the answers, but before I go to sleep, I need to do one last thing.

'Zangetsu, can you keep the watch for me?'

Zangetsu: "...Fine."

It's going to be a difficult mission.



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