The Villain's Wife

Chapter 191 Love is Not a Guarantee

The Villain’s Wife 191 Love is Not a Guarantee

Just as Lily suspected, when Yang Lina discovered that Yang Mi’s mother and sister were no longer at their previous residence, she was not able to stop herself from lashing out.

"Do you think she was the one who give Yang Sen the DNA results?" Xuan Zeng asked while massaging his temples.

"No. I’m sure it wasn’t her. My men monitored everything that she did and they found nothing! Can you believe that? The woman seemed to know something and yet my men still found nothing!"

"Then its her husband. You forgot to check out her husband," Xuan Zeng said while frowning.

"I did not know that she was married back then. She must have changed her papers just recently. Her status was still single the last time I checked," Yang Lina reasoned.

"You have a point. Well... you can go and see Yang Sen and explain everything about Lily. I believe she is the one responsible for sending that DNA result. You should stop underestimating that woman. She is very formidable. Behind her kind smile is a very capable woman," he said, earning a nod from Yang Lina. Actually, Xuan Zeng does have a point, Lily was the only thing who is capable of doing that, but this would mean that she’d already done her research about these things before she even got here.

This could only mean that Lily is far more dangerous they’d originally anticipated.

"Then I will go and see my brother. Will you accompany me?" she asked.

Since Xuan Zeng had a meeting the next day he was unable to accompany his wife out of Hong Kong. Yang Lina, as expected, also made sure that her grandchild, Xuan Rui Lee, would be well cared for in her absence.

Yang Lina arrived in MainLand China at eight in the evening, just in time for the Yang Family’s dinner. Since her father was not aware of her visit, Old Man Yang was surprised to see her and warmly invited her to join them for dinner.

"Ah... I was not expecting to have a great grandchild. You did not even inform me that your daughter in law gave birth last night. How could you leave them like this and personally come here to spread the good news?" Old Man Yang beamed. He was an eighty-eight-year-old man, however, he still had a youthful spark in his eyes. Old Man Yang used to be very strict and stern, but his personality slowly changed over the years since his retirement. The old man was not as strict as he used to be, but this did not mean that he’d also changed his habit of trying to control everything about the Yang Family.

"I was just so excited that I couldn’t wait to come and deliver the news in person," Yang Lina eyed Yang Sen, who was eating silently. He hadn’t uttered a single word since Yang Lina arrived. "I figured this needed to be celebrated by everyone."

"That is true..." Hu Yuyan nodded and gave Yang Lina a beautiful smile. "Lina ah, congratulations on your grandchild. I am so jealous. I wonder when Yang Jing will have a child of his own. He is even older than Xuan Hui. Can you believe that child?"

"Yuyan, these things.... are beyond our control. The best thing that you can do is to find a woman that would suit him and arrange for a marriage."

"What marriage? That man seems to enjoy intimidating his betrothed! Three woman. I tried to plan his marriage three times and in the end, each of the poor women would decline. No one knows what he did. How could someone as good-looking and successful as him refuse to get married?" He Yuyan asked, her face full of regret.

"Yuyan," began Old Man Yang. "I already told you to stop trying to find a woman for your son. He is not ready yet and we cannot just shove a woman into his life. That will only create chaos in his married life." He Yuyan was about to answer Old Man Yang when Yang Sen suddenly chimed in.

"I was the one who told her to find a woman suitable for my son," he said. "These women all came from elite families. They all grew up with good temperaments." He then looked at He Yuyan and give her a meaningful look. "Loving someone does not guarantee that he would be happy all throughout his marriage. It’s better to find someone who would suit him perfectly over someone who is concealing her true nature just to make him fall into the trap of love."

Without waiting for anyone’s reply, Yang Sen lifted his napkin and wiped his mouth before he rose from his seat. "I am full. I will wait for you in the study," he said, his words directed to Yang Lina. In response, the latter cleared her throat and nodded. How could she not understand Yang Sen’s words?

Yang Sen and He Yuyan used to be so in love. A handsome military man falling for a beautiful military nurse. Their love story resembled those dramas that are everywhere on TV.

However, this all changed when Yang Sen discovered what they did seven years ago. His change seemed to manifest overnight. The warm and loving Yang Sen had changed into this cold man whom his wife and sister didn’t recognize. Though he never divorced He Yuyan, Yang Sen seemed to lose all respect for his wife and just stayed with her for his son, Yang Jing.

"It’s okay," He Yuyan said gently as she also wipes her mouth and rose from her seat. "I am not feeling well. I will go and take a rest. Call me once you are done talking to Yang Sen," she said before walking in the direction opposite to Yang Sen’s office.

Old Man Yang, let out a deep sigh as he watch He Yuyan’s lonely back. "I don’t know what happened all those years ago, and to be honest, I am not interested in finding out anything as this will only anger Yang Sen. However, both of them have suffered enough. I truly hope that whatever it is that Yuyan did, my son will find it in his heart to forgive her." Then he also rose from his seat and slowly walked towards his room.

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