The Villain's Story

Chapter 149 [149]The Birthday Party[3]

"So how did you...get so?"

"Things happened."

Alan answered Elijah as he finished pocketing the bottles.

Elijah's concerns were valid.

Alan got taller, bigger, and more handsome.

And such a change in only a few months was...too unbelievable.

The three engaged in small talk as Henry and Alan had a small deal of Alcohol bottles.

"Hey, Give me another one, you bagged 6."

"Two is all you get."


"You guys are hopeless."

And it was then, That Elijah asked Alan a question about something Alan had forgotten about.

"Oh yeah, Alan what spirit did you get?"





Elijah sighed as Henry laughed at Alan's stupid answer.

He then clarified his question.

"I mean the spirit contract ritual, didnt you perform it?"

'...oh that's what he was talking about.'

Alan thought in his mind as he suddenly remembered the spirit contracting ritual.

Students that are D rank or above can perform a spiritual ritual.

A ritual that tests your aptitude for spirits.

If you can successfully contract one, you can raise it and even choose to become a summoner type awakened if you have the talent to contract many.

Alan had completely forgotten about it.

It was supposed to take place way sooner, but he was away from Shield all the time, and he didnt has the strength to carry it out after the fight with Kazikato.

And after that, it never appeared in his mind.

'... let's see, Elijah got a salamander,

Henry got a wind hawk, Elaine got a Light Owl, Sabrina got a Dark Claw, and an Illusory Snake.'

He remembered the spirits the 'protagonists' contracted.

​ "Here's mine."

Elijah said as he held out the palm of his hand, and a ball of fire appeared.

"Come out."

He uttered those words, and then the ball of fire grew bigger and bigger, taking the form of a reptile of sorts.

And then, the fire vanished, and an orange lizard that crept along Elijah's Shoulder appeared.

Orange fiery scales, Scarlet Eyes just like its master, and a small fire on its tail.

(A/N:Who's that Poke Spirit?!)

It licked Elijah's face.

"See, it's called a Salamander."

Alan observed the lizard and deduced its strength.


Quite weak, but only for now.

Spirits were special beings that could evolve into many types.

And Alan was certain this one received a blessing from The Supreme Dragon of Fire Agri.

He just forgot what it was.

"I didnt do it yet."

Alan answered Elijah, who replied

"Oh, Good luck then for when you do it."

"How does the ritual work anyway?"

Henry asked Elijah as he stared at the Lizard over Elijah's Shoulder.

"I met Headmaster Oliver, who guided me to a room that had an enormous Magic Circle engraved on the floor, I had to input my mana into the circle while standing in the center, and then...I have just heard a voice."

"Oh? What it did say."

"It was this guy's voice, Asking me if I wanted to form a contract with it, and then I answered yes, next thing I know this guy materialized and I felt a connection to him."

Elijah explained as he pointed at the salamander spirit.

"It was that easy?"

Henry asked Elijah, who responded with a simple yes.


'Easy my ass, it was only easy because Agri was helping him.'

Alan thought.

It was only easy for Elijah because Agri helped him.

For others who didnt have a guardian Dragon to help them, it would only be a part of the pain.

'I wonder which spirit I'll get?'

An Ice Spirit?

Chaos? I hope not.


Wait are there even any Spatial Spirits?

Alan didnt remember them from the memories he had.

No mention of any Spatial Spirits.

'I just have to Ask Lanesha to give me one then.'

Alan just had to ask Lanesha for a spirit of ice.

He didnt knows about Spatial Spirits, and chaos wasn't a good option, so Suleras is out of the question.

He just needed to ask Lanesha, The Supreme dragon of Ice to give him a spirit, just like Agri had done with Elijah.

It would be simple, he just needed the Aptitude for Spirits.

But what Dragon didnt have am altitude for Spirits.

Alan dismissed the thoughts from his mind and then was about to walk away before Henry started to talk to them.

"Hey, I have something to tell you both."

Elijah and Alan turned their heads toward Henry.

"What is it?"

They asked.

"If Ezra Fornum, asks either of you to duel, reject it."

Henry continued.

"I don't want you guys to experience it, so I'm warning you right now, If Anyone from Behemoth approaches you, don't associate with them."

"What? You don't want us to pummel your guild mates?"

Elijah joked with Henry, who still had a serious expression on his face.

"Im not joking Elijah, If you don't want to face despair, I suggest you don't fall to Behemoth's Provocations."

"Every technique you have, won't be yours exclusively anymore."

" don't fight my brother."

There was silence between the three of them after Henry finished his words.

"Got it."

Alan broke the silence and then walked away.

"Where are you going?"

Elijah asked Alan, who replied with a solemn tone.

"I've been neglecting my job for quite some time."


"My! What a cutie! Can I hold it?"

Emily, the star of the party, asked Sabrina, who was holding a black cat with a purple gem in its forehead and the same color eyes.

"Please do so."

Sabrina offered her spirit, The Dark Claw to her, but unfortunately, the spirit refused to leave her hands.

"Oh my, it's quite a feisty one!"

Emily tried to grab the cat, but it scratched her hands.

Of course, it did nothing to an A-ranked awakened like her, but it still broke her heart.

"Your beauty never ceases to amaze me."

"My, Thank you, Jonathan."

Jonathan Reinhardt, The father of Emily Reinhardt, complimented Sabrina's Mother.

A much more mature, sexier version of Sabrina Wellington, Alexa Wellington.

Pure Obsidian Black, Complimented by her Green Eyes, and vivacious figure.

The 'Fantasy' of many men.

The parents of the two, engaged in small talk with each other, while Emily still tried to get a hold of Sabrina's Spirit.

"I don't think it likes you."

"I'll make her like me!"

Emily however, didn't act her age and continued to persist.

But in the end, she eventually gave up.

But she played with Sabrinas Cheeks.

"I still can't get over your cuteness."

"Please Stop big sister."

"Sorry, Can't."

Their parents laughed as they watched them.

Emily had held Sabrina in her hands when she was a baby.

And now look at them.

How the time goes by.

The Reinhardt And Wellington Families were close to one another.

"Alan Peccator and Elijah Ardor, those were their names correct?"

Sabrina heard two familiar names come out of Jonathan Reinhardt's mouth.

One of a friend

And one of the unfaithful bodyguards.

One who's been gone for months.

Well, Lucas didn't bother her for some reason during the time he was gone so it didn't bother her.

But it still intrigued her.

What are they talking about that involves them?

"I guess they are the targets this time.

I hate that it's going to occur during my daughter's Birthday."

As they heard his words, Emily Reinhardt and Alexa Wellington had their faces stiff.

They seemed to remember some 'Unpleasant memories.'

"Father, Please, I don't want to remember any more of that, not on this day."

"Sorry, Dear..."

Her father Apologized, but Sabrina wanted to know more.

"Mother, What do you mean by targets?"

Her curiosity was a flaw.


Her mother's solemn face shook her, but she sighed and told her daughter anyways.

"They...are going to be the victims of robbery this time."

"Im sorry?"

Sabrina questioned once again, not fully understanding.

"Ezra Fornum, Those two pitiful boys are probably his targets this time."

'Ezra Fornum?'

Sabrina had heard the name, he was Henry's Older brother.

However, unfortunately, she didn't know a lot about him except for his identity.

She didn't pay much attention to what went on in the world.

"Can someone please Elaborate?"

She asked the three there and also noticed Emily clenching the helm of her dress as her face scrunched up.

"Do you know the feeling of having everything you trained for be copied in an instant?

Well, of course, you don't, unfortunately, they will feel it soon.

Ezra Fornum, and Behemoth will humiliate them in the worst way possible..."

Her mother proceeded with her words.

And Sabrina got the gist of it soon enough.

"But...why don't they just refuse?

Even if Behemoth pressure them, they just have to refuse...and besides, they have people behind them too."

Elijah Had Serena, which automatically made the Awakened Union behind him.

And Alan Had twilight.

"You see my little angel...most young talents have an ego the size of planets...they eventually accept.

Whether it be because of their own ego, or that their backings cannot fight back, or even if the public sentiment pressures them....they will eventually be forced to accept."

They will eventually, and definitely, have to fight Ezra Fornum.

And lose all their confidence.

Behemoth and Ezra used many means to get a duel.

And the result was always the same.

Ezra wins everything.

And the Opponent loses their dignity, pride, and their techniques.


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