The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 306 - Just Began

The following day.

Nathan woke up late in the morning, blissfully happy with the feast last night that was specially made to honor his awakening.

He sits upright, picked up his walking stick, and left the room to start practicing walking in the hallway of the basement. His limbs are getting stronger after sleeping for a long time. He can feel the strength coming back to his body slowly but surely.

Once his body is used to walking, he can finally walk without the aid of the stick and explore the whole place.

He slowly walked in the hallway, occasionally looking at the closed door where his grandfather's body lies. He smiled a little.

He will visit him today.

Nathan continues practicing walking, going back and forth in the hallway.

A few minutes later, he went inside the room to drink some water because he feels thirsty. There is one bottle of fresh virgin blood beside the pitcher of drinking water, he might as well drink it before it will get rotten.

He opened the lid of the bottle and drink the blood bottoms up. Fantastic! The blood tastes so sweet like nectar!

He wiped the stain of blood on his lips with his finger.

Done quenching his thirst, he picked up the walking stick and left the room again. This time he will visit the other room to try to wake up his great-great-grandfather.

He walked towards the closed door and looked at the servants guarding the door. "He's not awake yet?" he asked.

"Not yet, my lord," one of the servants replied.

"Open the door! I want to visit my grandfather!" he ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" the servants replied in unison and opened the door with the key.

Nathan noticed that the room was padlocked with the key. His parents are making sure that if the guy inside is not the reincarnation of their grandfather, he can't get out of the room easily.

He went inside, and the servants closed the door behind him.

He looked at the wasted food and blood on the table. Every day the servants replenished the food and blood in preparation for the awakening of their grandfather.

He went closer to the bed and stared at the guy's face. "Grandpa, when are you going to wake up? Wake up now!" he urged him. He nudged his arms but to no avail. The guy refused to wake up or his spirit is still wandering in the soul realm unable to come back to the land of the living.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you not waking up yet, Grandpa?" Nathan asked again.

No movement, the guy continues lying on the bed, unconscious, like a statue.

Nathan released a deep sigh.

Suddenly the door opened, Sylvia entered the room and went to her son's side. "I'm looking for you in your room, and the servants told me that you're here," she said.

"I visited Grandpa here, wanting to wake him up, but he refused to wake up," Nathan replied. He looked at his mother. "Do you think his spirit was being held somewhere? Although his body is here he won't wake up! This is confusing, Mother," he said.

"Confusing indeed. But we can't go to the Soul Realm and find your grandfather's spirit because it would require a huge sacrifice. The last time I did that to get someone's soul, I pay a heavy price, and you end up dead in my arms..." Sylvia said sadly.

Nathan looked at his mother and noticed the sadness in her eyes. "What soul did you fetch in the Soul Realm, Mother," he asked curiously.

"It was Laura's soul, your father's beloved woman. Their loves story started thousands of years ago," Sylvia responded. "During that time, I used the forbidden spell and risk my life to get her soul from the Soul Realm and implanted it in the body of a dead baby, just for her to be reincarnated in the present times, so that Laura and your grandfather will meet again in this lifetime," she explained.

Nathan looked at the guy's face for a few seconds. "Mother, what if he wakes up and he is not grandfather's reincarnation? And he turns out to be a powerful enemy? What will you do?" he asked.

"No need to worry about that possibility, son. I used a powerful spell to prevent him from using his power against us. I put a spell on him, blocking his power, that's why, I can say with utmost certainty that if he wakes up and claims that he is not my grandfather's reincarnation, we are safe from him if he turns out to be our enemy," Sylvia elaborated further. "Right now, he's like a useless mortal man, no power to use against us. But if he is indeed the reincarnation of our great-great Grandfather, King Rhazien, then I will unlock the spell right away. But he needs to prove to me some things first, that he is indeed my grandfather. If he failed to pass the test, then we will kill him and dispose of his body in the human's cemetery," Sylvia said.

Nathan's eyes gleamed after hearing his mother's statement. "Let's leave this room, Mother. I'll continue practicing walking in the hallway," he said and walked away from the bed.

The mother and son duo left the room, they failed to see the unconscious guy's fingers moving for a few seconds and went still.

Nathan and Sylvia walked into the hallway.

"Mother, can I see the backyard of the house?" Nathan asked.

"I think it's not possible yet, you're still weak. You might get tired easily. Wait after one week, you can finally see the backyard and the front yard of the house," Sylvia said.

Nathan no longer insisted. "Okay, I'll listen to your words, Mother..."

"Good! Listen to me always because I always know what's best for you," Sylvia said.

Nathan smiled while looking at his mother. "Mom, you're the best mother in the whole world for me!" he said affectionately.

Sylvia smiled happily after hearing her son's high praises, which she never heard for a long time.


Helix Vanguard Clan.

It was already 1:00 in the morning. Nini's family was already sleeping soundly that evening in their respective rooms.

Suddenly, a scream erupted from Nini's room.

Nini's sister Angela rushed to her room first because her room was the closest.

"Sister, open the door! What's wrong?" Angela knocked on the door furiously.

Evelyn and Tony also rushed to their daughter's room.

"Daughter opened the door!" Tony shouted.

Evelyn went back to the master's bedroom and took the spare key of all the rooms. She rushed back towards Nini's room.

Tony took the spare key from his wife and inserted it on the doorknob. After the door was opened successfully, they rushed inside the room.

They found Nini sitting on the bed, crying her heart's out.

Evelyn and Angela rushed to Nini's side.

"Daughter, what happened to you? Why did you scream so loud? Did something happened to you?" Evelyn starts interrogating her daughter.

Nini didn't reply, she just continues sobbing hard in her mother's arms.

Angela rubbed her sister's back.

Tony went to the open window, looked outside, and then shut it.

Nini finally stopped crying. Then she looked at her mother with her tear-stained eyes. "Mother, I have a bad dream. In my dream, my hands are filled with blood because I killed a lot of people," she said looking at her hands.

Tony and Evelyn looked at each other.

"Daughter, who are the people you killed in your hands?" Tony asked.

"I killed everyone... mother, sister brother, grandpa, grandma and uncles, aunties and all my nephews and nieces! I killed everyone in this place!" Nini said hysterically.

Angela's face went paperwhite. She immediately bolted from the bed and went to her father's side.

Evelyn never left her daughter's side. She looked at Angela. "Go back to your room now," she ordered.

Angela obeyed and left the room.

The couple looked at each other.

"Shh, calm down, daughter. Go back to sleep now. I will stay here with you in your room," Evelyn said.

"A-aren't you afraid of me, Mother?" Nini asked between tears.

Evelyn shook her head. "No. I'm not afraid. I know that you're not going to kill your family no matter what, right?" she said, gazing at her daughter's expressive eyes.

"I will never do such a thing, Mother! But...but...after I wake up from the nightmare, there's a tiny voice inside my head telling me to kill...kill...kill..." Nini said in a horrified voice.

"What-!?" Tony and Evelyn asked in unison, both shock by their daughter's revelation.

"Daughter, where is the voice now? Still inside your head?" Evelyn asked in horror.

Nini shook her head. "The voice is gone, Mother, after you entered the room," she replied.

Tony released a troubled sigh. This is not good!

He looked at his wife. "Let's stay in Nini's room tonight. Girls, go back to sleep," he said and settled himself on the couch.

Evelyn looked at her daughter and wiped her tears dry with the blanket. "Let's go back to sleep..." she said.

The women lie down on the bed, embracing each other, closing their eyes to sleep.

Tony didn't close his eyes, he's guarding the women until morning comes. Tomorrow, he will ask for Zero's presence to discuss Nini's nightmare.

Hours went by.

Tony failed to stay awake, he began dozing off.

It was already 4:00 in the morning when Nini screamed again.

The couple was once again awakened by their daughter's loud screaming.

"Daughter, what is it?" Evelyn asked in alarm.

Nini looked at her mother. "The voice is back, whispering in my head to kill!" she said.

There were fresh tears in Evelyn's eyes. "Daughter, please, don't listen to it, okay? You're not going to kill anyone or anybody, you got it?" she said, trying to convince her daughter.

Nini nodded her head and went back to sleep.

The couple looked at each other anxiously, they wore a petrified expressions on their faces.

Nini's nightmare has just begun.

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