The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 291 - Lovingly

Graven appeared inside the headquarter in the city.

Horace entered the room. "My lord!"


"Inform the driver that I'm going to use the carriage today. Make it ready within one hour. I'll use the carriage to go to my father's residence later," he ordered.

"Copy, my lord. Anything else? Do you want coffee or water?" Horace offered.

"I prefer coffee," he replied.

"Okay, I'll make you one," Horace said and left the room.

Graven went to his desk, sat on the chair, and produced a pen and paper from the drawer of his desk. He placed them on the table. He finally decided to write the letters so that his wife and his father will understand why and how he met his end and why he prefers not to tell them about the things in advance and kept it a secret from them. He released a deep sigh and picked up the pen.

Horace returned and placed the mug of coffee on the table and saw the pen and paper, he kept his mouth shut after realizing that his master is going to make letters for his loved ones. He sighed inwardly, feeling sad about the whole thing. He left the room quietly.

Graven took a sip of his coffee and began writing the letter for his father.

Minutes went by.

He finished writing the letter for his father.

Up next is the letter for his wife.

He finished his coffee, took a deep breath, and began composing the letter for his wife.

Half an hour later.

He finished the letter for Laura. He folded the papers and put them inside the two envelopes.

He released a sigh of relief, feeling better that he finally put everything in the message. All the things that he wanted to say to them are all in the letter. He also apologized to them for not informing them about the cursed King and everything related to him because he doesn't want them to worry about it all the time.

It's better this way, they will only know everything after he was gone, and his loved ones will deal with the pain only once and then move on with their lives without him.

There's still enough time left, he picked up the pen again. He will make a letter for his brother Cooper so that he will take his new responsibility seriously. After his death, he wants Cooper to take over the family business with little guidance as possible so that Horace can focus on his job on managing his businesses and protecting the South Pond Town along with his men. Even that, he already instructed Horace to extend his help to his brother anytime Cooper wanted it.

He began writing the letter for his brother and finished it within fifteen minutes.

Then how about his brother Luke? Should he make a letter for him as well?

He should! Just in case Luke will survive, and he will end up dead. After his death, if his brother still pursues his wife and finds her one day, he pleaded to him to treat Laura with gentleness and never hurt her. And give her all the love she needs but never force himself on her. Allow her wife to learn to love him again on her own accord, not by force. He also asked him to be a good father to his child. It's the only way to make Laura fall in love with him again. He'd rather want his brother to take care of his wife and his child and consider them as his own than Laura finding another husband to wed.

Twenty minutes later.

He finished writing the letter for Luke, folded the paper, and put it inside the brown envelope.

He looked at the four letters and released a sigh of relief. He feels much better now. He can finally leave this world in peace.

Horace entered the room. "My Lord, do you want another cup of coffee?" he asked.

Graven shook his head. "No need. I already finished writing the letters. Only give the letters to my loved ones after three days - if I can't make it!"

Horace picked up the letters and silently read the names written on them. "Got it, my lord. Rest assured that these letters will reach the recipient three days after the castle's ruins," he assured him.

"Good! I'm counting on you, Horace! Don't let me down," he said.

"I swear to you that I will never let you down, my lord!" Horace made an oath.

"Alright, I'm done here. Take care of the letters for me, make sure they reached my loved ones after I'm gone from this world," Graven said. He stood up and walked towards the door, then exited.

Horace released a deep sigh, still holding the four letters in his hands. His only hope is that his master won't lose his life while performing a dangerous rescue mission underneath the castle. He and Calder are willing to do it on their master's behalf, but their master won't allow them.

He shakes his head hopelessly and left the room.

Meanwhile, Graven was already onboard the carriage. Earlier, a messenger bird was already sent to his mansion informing his father, Sir Nicholas, that he will be coming home to have lunch with them.

He stopped at one of the stores he saw on the street and bought toys for his niece and nephew.

Half an hour later.

He finally arrived at his father's mansion. He arrived just in time when they were about to eat lunch in the dining room. He gave the toys to his niece and nephew.

The children squealed in delight, hugging their toys excitedly.

Sir Nicholas looked at his grandchildren. "Children, what are you going to say to your Uncle?"

"Thank you for the toys, uncle!" the children said in unison.

Graven smiled. "You're welcome!"

Sarah talked to her children. "Nika...Nicholas...put the toys on the table. Let's eat lunch first, and after you're done eating, you can play with your toys, okay?"

The children nodded their heads and put the toys on the table.

Sir Nicholas addressed his family. "Alright, let's head to the dining room and eat our meals," he said.

They went to the dining room, gathered around the table, and ate lunch in comfortable silence.

Forty-five minutes later, they finished eating lunch and retired into the living room to have a chitchat.

Sarah and the kids played with the toys while the men discussed topics about business.

Cooper asked Graven lots of questions on how to manage the business properly and what are things needed to be done to avoid driving the business to bankruptcy.

Graven smiled happily. At long last, his brother is finally asking the right questions and getting interested in running the family business. Once Cooper finally learned on his own, Horace will no longer be overwhelmed with work and responsibility.

Sir Nicholas listened to his two sons discussing how a business should be managed properly to avoid getting bankrupt. When it comes to running a business, the management should focus more on prosperity, progress and avoid killing the business in the process. His lifelong dream of seeing his biological son getting interested in learning how to run their family business finally comes to fruition today. He can finally die anytime, at peace with himself.

The three men continue their business-related conversation outside on the veranda while Sarah and the children remained in the living room, playing with the toys.

Graven stayed in his father's mansion until evening. They finished their day, eating sumptuous dinner in the dining room.

It was a happy and satisfying family gathering in the eyes of Sir Nicholas. He will cherish this remarkable moment in his heart forever.

His son Cooper had come a long way from being an irresponsible guy. Fast forward, he was now a devoted husband and father to his little family.

Nicholas was grateful for Sarah, and the children's daily presence in their lives, because it made Cooper realized how lucky he is, thus made him changed for the better.


Graven accompanied his father into the bedroom.

Sir Nicholas looked at Graven. "Son, thank you so much for helping your brother all this time and never losing your patience in dealing with him until he changed his bad attitude in life. I hope you never stop supporting and helping him become a better person and businessman in the future even if I'm no longer here in this world," he said.

Graven smiled and rubbed his father's back affectionately. "Don't worry, Father. I'll help Cooper every step of the way," he assured him.

Sir Nicholas smiled and lay down on the bed. "Goodnight, son!" he said.

"Good night, Father!" Graven replied. He picked up the blanket and wrapped it around his father's body.

He only left the room after hearing his father's soft snoring.

Graven vanished from his father's room and teleported himself back to his manor.

When he landed in the middle of the bedroom, Laura was about to go to sleep. Her face lighted up after seeing her husband inside the room. "Husband, you come! I was about to go to sleep. I thought you won't sleep here tonight-?" she said.

"I've changed my mind. I want to sleep beside you tonight," Graven said and lay his body down on the bed beside his wife.

Laura smiled happily and rested her head on his arm. "I love you!" she said and kissed his cheek.

Graven smiled and planted a kiss on her head. "I love you more," he said.

" are they doing there in South Pond Town?" she asked.

Graven smiled. "They're fine. The children are growing fast, and my father adored them so much. Cooper and his wife are looking happy with each other. Everything is good there at South Pond Town," he replied.

"That's good! I can't wait to see them again one day and introduce our baby to your family!" Laura said excitedly.

Graven smiled and hugged his wife fondly. "Let's sleep now," he said and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. If he fails in his mission, he will die. This will be his last embrace with his beloved wife. He might as well enjoy their wonderful moment together while he still can.

One hour later.

The couple finally drifted into a deep slumber, embracing each other.


Author's Note:

Hello everyone... thank you so much for voting, commenting and supporting the novel financially. A big help for a single mother like me during these difficult times. Take care always and stay safe!

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