The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 241 - What's Inside?

Rebecca was already yawning as drowsiness took over her senses. She wrapped the blanket around her body, about to go to sleep, suddenly she feels a presence inside the room.

When she looked over her shoulder, she saw that guy who freezes her inside the shop!


Oh, no! She sits upright in surprise.

Jeez! These people don't know how to knock!

Then she remembered that this is not her room and she was a prisoner of this guy.

She released a deep sigh and retreated farther away. She looked at the guy angrily, rage was flashing in her eyes. "Why did you imprisoned me here? We are not an enemy to each other! I can't remember if I have offended you in the past? Why are you doing this to me?" she asked.

"You didn't do anything to me, but your grandmother did something unforgivable to me! That scam thief fortune teller stole my ring!" he said furiously.

A deep creased appeared on Rebecca's forehead. "Huh? What ring are you talking about? My grandmother is not a thief! She won't steal her client's ring! She won't ruin her reputation in that area just because of a ring!" she denied his accusation vehemently.

"And how can you explain her sudden disappearance when she took my ring?" he asked, his eyes flaming with fury.

Rebecca sighed and shook her head. "Can you tell me what exactly happened when Granny and the ring vanished?" she requested.

"When the fortune teller is holding the ring in her hand, suddenly, the ring emitted a blinding light, and I have to close my eyes to protect my vision. When I opened my eyes, the ring and your granny were no longer on the table! They disappeared without a trace! I just returned from the shop just a while ago, she's not there!" he said.

"No! My grandma won't abandon me just like that, especially that I'm pregnant! She will never steal your ring! Why are you so adamant in accusing an innocent old woman? What if she was abducted by someone?" she reasoned with him.

Zero let out a dry laugh. "Abducted, huh? Inside the room while I'm there? I didn't notice any presence in that room during the strange phenomenon that happens. It's just your grandma, the ring, and me inside that room! No one else!" he declared.

Rebecca closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened her eyes, she was teary-eyed.

"You are pregnant, right? If you care for your babies inside your womb, you better tell me where is your grandmother's hiding place? Or else, you will lose your babies!" he warned her and disappeared from the room.

Fresh tears fell from Rebecca's eyes. She began sobbing hard beneath the blanket. Not only that she was worrying about Granny Menedelia, but she was also scared of what that guy is capable of doing to her babies!"

Rebecca cried for one hour straight until her body succumbs to deep sleep.


Upstairs in the manor, inside Zero's room.

He was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling, deeply puzzled by what happened inside the psychic's shop.

Where is that thief now?

Why she was interested in the ring?

Why she left behind her pregnant companion inside the shop knowing that he will get angry and will lash out at the first person that she left behind.

Something's not adding up to the picture in his mind!

Did that fortune teller stole the ring or not?

And if she didn't do such a thing, why the hell she disappeared inside the room without a trace?


He suffered a painful headache just thinking about it. He can't afford to lose that ring!

Not when he was about to go to the capital to present the missing ring to the leader of the Vanguard Helix clan!

They already knew that he found the missing ring!

The entire clan was eagerly waiting for the ring and Sofia's homecoming!

Now, after all, that's happening today? How can he explain to them what happened to the ring?

It will be shameful to admit to them, to his family, and himself that he loses the ring due to his carelessness!

He might be powerful, but he can't take a glimpse of what happened in the past. That is why he was desperate and seek the services of that palm reader to find the missing baby.

Sofia can't shift, she can't convince him that she is the missing baby!

The missing granddaughter of the Helix Vanguard Clan is still out there, somewhere!

He needs to find her and the ring!


He's back to zero!

How could this be?

So many years of finding the missing baby, just when he finally had a breakthrough in finding the ring, now it's gone again!

But all is not vain yet!

He can use that pregnant woman to make that old thief return the ring!

The first thing he will do tomorrow after eating breakfast, he will go back to the shop! Maybe the thief is already waiting for him there!

He closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep.


The following day.

Zero returned to the fortune teller's shop, but it's still empty! The old woman who stole the ring was nowhere to be found!

He's getting agitated.

But where to find that scam psychic!?

Dammit, he wants the ring back! Now!

Then he remembered that fortune teller's companion, the pregnant woman! Maybe she knows where that old woman is hiding right now!

He needs to go back to his place and talk to that woman!

Zero disappeared from the shop.

He appeared in his room inside the manor that he had rented. He went to the cabinet and took a bottle that contains a pill made from poisonous herbal roots. It can be used to abort the fetus inside a woman's womb. He won't hesitate to use it to make that woman confess where is her accomplished was hiding!

He exited his room.

He's going to eat his breakfast first before going to the basement.


Inside room #7.

Hera appeared inside the room carrying a food tray in her hands. She placed the tray on the table and looked at the woman in the bed. "Eat your breakfast," she said.

Rebecca looked at the white-haired woman. "What are you planning for me? How long you will keep me imprisoned her?" she asked.

Hera looked at the woman and released a deep sigh. "I have no idea about the duration of your stay here inside the basement. I want you to know that my job is to serve you and make sure you are eating properly. If you have further questions, you can ask them to my lord when he comes here later or tonight," she explained.

"Did you already found my grandmother?" she asked.

"From what I heard, she's still missing until now, along with the ring. If I were you, you should tell my master the whereabouts of your grandma before he will go ballistic and harm your babies inside your tummy! As long you will cooperate, he will go easy on you and give you your freedom. Just tell him where is your grandma's hiding place right now, and he will release you right away!" Hera said, trying to convince the woman to reveal to her what she knows about her grandma's disappearance.

Rebecca's body was trembling in fear.

"If you reveal to me that thief's whereabouts right now, I can help you convince my lord not to punish your grandma severely. All my lord wanted is for the ring to be returned to him immediately! Because it's important to him. So, hurry up! Tell me, where is your grandma? and the ring!" Hera repeated.

Fresh tears rolled from Rebecca's eyes. "I dunno where is Granny right now! She didn't tell me that she will disappear all of a sudden and abandon me. Until now, I have a hard time believing that she left me just like that without saying goodbye to me!" she continues sobbing and lamenting.

Hera shook her head and sighed. "Alright, stop crying! Just eat your breakfast. I will return after twenty minutes. You better finish eating your food! If I come back and you haven't eaten yet, I'll return the food to the kitchen, and you will not eat lunch and dinner today! Don't annoy me, or else you will end up starving the whole day!" she warned her sternly and disappeared from the room.

Rebecca wiped the tears from her face with the hem of her dress and went to the table, she began eating her food in silence.

She finished eating her food in fifteen minutes.

Done eating, she went to the bathroom. She emerged from the door a moment later.

She went to bed and lie down. She stared at the ceiling, wondering where is Granny at this very moment? Maybe she was back in the forest, at her place!?

Could be! Why she was not able to think of that idea!

Fifteen minutes later.

Zero appeared instantly inside the room.

Rebecca was startled to find the guy inside the room looking pissed!

She sits upright. "What are you doing here!?" she asked in alarm.

Zero ignored her stupid question, he showed her the bottle. "Do you know what's inside of this bottle?"

Rebecca stared at the bottle and shook her head. "I have no idea," she said in a small voice. From the look on the guy's face, something tells her that what's inside the bottle is harmful to her. She had a sickening feeling that the bottle contains a harmful object that might kill the twins in her belly.

Zero smirked.

Raw fear leaped from Rebecca's eyes, she wrapped her hands around her stomach protectively.

Zero opened the bottle and went to her side. "Open your mouth!" he commanded harshly. "If you lose your babies, blamed it on your grandma for stealing my ring!" he said angrily.

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