The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 234 - Zero

When Sofia entered room #6... she was confused by what she saw there.

What the hell! It's just another room!


Same with the room where she comes from! The only difference is that there's a bed, table, chair, and cabinet in the room, while the one she occupied was empty.

She scratches her head.

Where is the old woman? Why she's not inside the room?

Was it room #6?

Or she went to the other rooms?

She went to the closed door in the corner and opened it.

Nothing to see there - it's just a bathroom!

She released a deep sigh and closed back the door. Curiosity got the better of her, she went to the cabinet and opened it. She's expecting to see clothes but it was empty!

She went to the bed and sat on it, wow, it's comfy! She would rather stay here than go back to the previous room! This room offers more comfort than the one she was put into.

She rose to her feet and walked towards the door intended to go back to the first room.

She reached for the knob and tried to open the door, but it won't move!

What's going on!?

She was locked inside!

She tried opening the door several times but failed each time.

Tired and annoyed, she went to bed and sat down.

She looked around the room, it's way better compared to the previous one!

It's the only reward she got out of her curiosity.

She breathed deeply as sadness and fear engulfed her.

She was wondering if her family back home are already looking for her? Yes, they are, she was sure of that!

She can very well imagine the volume of tears her mother Rosa shed for her. Dang! she brought extreme pain and stress to her entire family! How could she do it to the people who raised, accepted, and love her unconditionally? She truly is a heartless, cruel, and ungrateful brat!

She only realized now the magnitude of her mistake!

If only she could turn back time, she would never leave the manor!

"God, please, give me a second chance! Help me get out of here!" She earnestly prayed to God in heaven over and over again.

Suddenly her stomach rumbled, damn! She's hungry!

She remembered that her breakfast was left in the previous room! How can she get out of here? She wants to eat her breakfast!

She stood up and went back to the door, she tried opening it again, but still the same thing, it's locked! Who locked her inside?

Must be that old woman! She's the only being she had seen so far.

Hungry and furious, she went back to bed and lies down. She closed her eyes.

A few minutes later.

The door opened...

Sofia sit upright on the bed and looked at the door.

The old woman entered the room holding the same tray in her hands and placed it on the table. "Why did you come here, this is not your room! Eat your breakfast and afterward, go back to your room!" she said sternly. "I'll wait outside. After you're done eating, leave this room and go back to your room!" she commanded in a cold voice and left.

Sofia rushed to the table and began eating her meals.

She finished eating everything on the plate and drink the glass of water.

She was thankful for the food because her empty stomach was no longer rumbling.

She like this room better than the previous one, she doesn't want to leave but the old woman might get mad at her. She already looked angry earlier. She doesn't want to cause any more trouble to her and make her even angrier, the old woman might stop bringing her food. She can't afford that!

With a deep sigh, she exited the room.

The old woman was waiting for her outside the previous room.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the room.

When she reached the door, she paused in front of the old woman. "Granny, How long will I stay here? What is your plan for me? Are you going to kill me?" she bombarded her with questions.

The old woman looked at her in the eyes. "I'm not the one who brings you here. I'm just entrusted with the task to bring your food so you won't starve. You have to direct your question to the one who brought you here," she replied nonchalantly.

"Please, tell me where can I find that person? When can I see him? Can I talk to him right now? Can you bring me to him! Please!" she pleaded.

"I'll tell him about your request, but there's no guarantee that he's willing to talk to you," the old woman said.

"Just tell him, please!" she begged.

"Alright, get in the room and behaved yourself. No more wandering around the hallway! You might bring harm to yourself! Understood?" the old woman scolded her.

"Got it!" Sofia nodded her head. She entered the room and the old woman closed the door behind her.

Sofia went to the corner and lowered herself on the floor.

She was pondering about her situation. She was consoled with the fact that they didn't hurt her physically yet. They only imprisoned her in the room. Maybe, they will finally set her free after a few days. That's why she needs to talk with the one who abducted her and brought her to this place!

She rose to her feet and went inside the bathroom. Some of her wet clothes were already dry. She took a bath and donned other clothes.

She exited the bathroom and walked back and forth inside the room. Ugh! The manor is much bigger and better compared to this place! She hit her head a few times and scolded herself for running away from the safety and comfort of her home.

She only has herself to blame because she brought this all to herself.

It's all her fault! But it's no use blaming herself now, her life is in danger, she was abducted by strangers and she had no idea what they're going to do to her, and whether she can get out of this place alive is still a big question.


Inside room #10.

The old woman named, Hera and the handsome 25 years old man named Zero, were talking to each other on the couch.

"How is she?" the young man asked.

"The girl is a bit annoying, my lord!" the old woman replied.

The young man raised a brow. "Why?"

"She tried to escape and asked me a lot of questions! Sometimes I wanted to show you my self to her to scare her," the old woman replied in annoyance.

"Don't do that! I instructed you to shift yourself into something gentle so that the girl is not afraid of your image. If you turn into your original self you will give her a heart attack!" the young man said.

"Alright, I'll keep wearing this image for her sake and while she's still here under my care. By the way, she begged me to tell you that she wanted to talk to you in person. She wanted to ask you so many questions. What is your decision, my lord?"

"Tell her that I will talk to her one of these days if I'm in the mood," he said.

"Noted, my lord," the woman said. "Are you going to bring the girl to your journey?"

The young man pondered the questions for a few seconds. "I'm still thinking about it. I haven't decided what to do with her yet. All I know is that we need to keep her here as long as we can. I'm still waiting for the news from the capital. I'm waiting for my parent's decision regarding what to do with her. For now, you have to take care of her, treat her well!" he replied.

"Got it, my Lord! I'll go back upstairs, anything else?" Hera asked.

"How many vacant rooms do we have here?" Zero asked.

"We have five vacant rooms, my lord," answered Hera.

"Alright, relocate the girl today. Put her in a room with a decent bed," Zero ordered.

"Yes, my lord. I'll take my leave now," Hera said and exited the room.

Zero stood up and stared at the abstract painting on the wall for a few minutes.

He and his men have been renting this place for more than a year trying to find the missing granddaughter, and finally, they got a positive result! The bearer of the amethyst ring that symbolizes the most powerful family of the shapeshifter clan has been found!

But he was doubting if the girl is indeed a shapeshifter because she's exuding a human scent all over her. Shapeshifters like them have a distinct smell different from other creatures. Creatures like him can easily identify a person that belongs to their kind due to the distinct smell that emits from their bodies no matter what type of image they shifted into. Humans can't detect their unique scent and can't shift to anything.

He fished out the amethyst ring from the pocket of his pants, it was worn by the girl on her finger when he found her in the forest. The amethyst ring has an invisible marking that only a shapeshifter like him can read. It has the logo of the most powerful clan of shapeshifters all over the land.

The Helix Vanguard Clan is the recognized leader of all shapeshifters in the country. He and his parents work for the clan and they were assigned to locate the missing granddaughter.

The girl's true origin is still questionable.

He needs to ask the girl why the amethyst ring was in her position.

Tonight, he will talk to her.

He will uncover the mystery of the girl and the amethyst ring.

Although the ring is important to be found because it's the clan's most prized heirloom, it was the missing granddaughter that is on the top of their list.

The ring just comes in second.

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