The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 231 - For Real!

Back at Terros place.

The men were sitting on the balcony discussing their latest escapades in the Windless Mountains.


"Oh, boy! I can't imagine that we're duped by that old hag!" Terros said.

"Yeah... let's just move on. The important thing is, we achieved our main goal by going there," Graven replied positively.

Terros scratches his head. "I'm just thankful though that Veronica is very much alive and she got two normal eyes now. I've never seen her so much happier than before! The deity is indeed powerful!" Terros stated.

"I'm happy for Veronica, she deserved it! And we succeeded in convincing the goddess to help us with our problem concerning the black liquid and the cursed King," Graven said.

"Yeah... we come there ready for action but the result is astonishing! I never expected it! Veronica's mind-blowing transformation and the goddess cooperation happens in just one day! I'm still blown away by our good luck!" Terros's face produced a megawatt smile that illuminated the whole place.

After a while, Graven's face turned solemn and the old man noticed it.

"What's wrong, son?" Terros inquired.

"I have a new problem back in my manor at Moraderry Town..." he said.

Terros brows furrowed. "Huh? What is it? I hope it's not about Laura again..."

"No." Graven shook his head. "It's about her sister, Sofia!"

"What happened to her?"

"She runs away from home. She left the manor without permission in the middle of the night," Graven said morosely.

Terros eyes widened. "But why? Why would she do that? She doesn't like staying with her family in a safe environment?" he asked.

"Um... maybe...dunno... I solely blamed myself for it..." Graven said dejectedly.

"Tell me... what prompted her to run away?" asked Terros.

Graven released a deep sigh. "With my eagerness to protect my wife and our unborn child, I guess... I went overboard. I suggested to Laura that no one can get in and get out of the manor on daily basis to prevent the vampire couple and their minions from tracing anyone back to the manor. All they need to do is make a weekly list of the things they wanted to buy from the market such as foods, etcetera... and I'll have my men buy it for them... then deliver the goods outside the gate of the manor to ensure 100% safety for all the inhabitants of the manor..." he explained.

Terros gave him a thumb up, meaning he approved the plan. "I think your decision is a brilliant one. So... why would Sofia run away?"

Graven sighed. "Because according to Laura, her sister doesn't want to stay holed up inside the manor for a long time. She wants to venture outside the manor a few times in a month... then all of a sudden, Sofia told my wife that she wants to leave the manor for good to find her real parents outside because it happened that she was just an adoptive daughter of the Helman Family..."

Terros was surprised by the revelation. "Oh, can you tell me Sofia's life story?"

Graven took a deep breath. "According to my wife, Sofia was found outside the gate of the Helman Family. She was intentionally left there by her parents or whoever dumped her there. In short, Sofia is not the biological daughter of the Helman Family."

"I see... the poor girl just wants to find her real parents... on that part... I can understand her. But it's wrong timing to do so right now because if she keeps venturing outside, the vampire couple can locate her easily. It's a perfect recipe for disaster!" Terros commented.

"That's what I'm saying, the girl is both stupid and naive! I would support her to find her real parents, but it must be done safely and properly... however... not during these chaotic times. She not only endanger herself, but she also endangered the safety of her adoptive family especially her sister that is pregnant!" Graven lamented.

"I agree and I can feel your woes, son. So... where is the girl now? Di you find here?" asked Terros.

Graven shook his head gloomily. "Not yet. I will go back there now to continue searching for her," he replied.

"How about the wooded area outside the manor, did you already searched that place thoroughly?"

"We did, the servants didn't sleep the whole night just to comb that whole area. They didn't find anything that would prove that Sofia went there. She leaves no trace behind... as if she just vanished in thin air. I'm worried about her safety because I'm sure that my wife and her family were already heartbroken about it," Graven said.

Terros breathed deeply. "Wow, I can't believe this! We just received two good luck, but here comes another problem, Sofia is gone!" he blurted.

"I'm sorry, old man. You are dragged along with my problems," Graven apologized.

"Don't worry about me, son. I'm blessed to be a part of your world. I'm happy to give you advice now and then and help you with your problems to the best of my ability. It's not a big deal..." Terros said.

"Thank you so much for your continuous help and support, old man. You are living a peaceful life here in the forest and yet I keep coming back to involve you in my problems. I sometimes feel bad that I abused your kindness, I'm sorry about that, never my intention in the first place," Graven apologizes in a solemn voice.

Terros sighed inwardly, he patted Graven's shoulder. "You know what... I never had a family of my own, when you came into my life, you and your men automatically become my family including Veronica. I finally know how it feels to be a part of the family again. When my master died, I was alone ever since... then I met Veronica and you... the rest is history. Yeah, that's true, I was able to experience complete solitude, peace, and contentment living on my own back then without having to worry about everything and anything. It's a good feeling for a while but something is always lacking with that kind of life no matter how perfect it is. Then I discovered that life is always better if you share laughter and sorrows with your friends and love ones, it makes you feel important and cherished and part of a family," he said, misty-eyed.

After Terros's lengthy speech, Graven smiled brightly. "It's my blessing to meet you in this lifetime, old man! I'm so lucky to meet you! I wish that in my next life we will become father and son for real!" he stated.

The two men looked at each other with tears of love, compassion, and gratitude shimmering in their eyes.

In Terros eyes, Graven is the ideal son that he could never have in his lifetime.

In Graven's mind, Terros is the ideal grandfather that he wished he had. He already had an adoptive father, Nicholas Redding.

But even though they're not blood-related, they shared a close bond.

"Alright, let's stop discussing this emotional thing, or else we will up crying the whole day. Don't worry, once I have free time, I'll help find Sofia for you in the neighboring areas around the manor..." he offered.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Graven smiled cheekily. He doesn't normally call Terros that endearment. He's used to calling him old man. For some reason, he wants to call him Grandpa this time.

Terros smiled.

"Which do you prefer best? Should I continue calling you... old man or grandpa?" Graven asked him.

Terros grinned. "Whichever that suits your fancy, I'm not sensitive though. Honestly, I'm not offended if you call me old man because that's a fitting name for an old man like me. But every time you call me Grandpa, I felt special," he smiled cheekily.

Graven grinned. "Alright, from now on, I'll officially declare and call you Grandpa!" he said and hugged the old man affectionately.

The two men hugged each other for brief seconds.

A minute later.

Graven rose to his feet. "Grandpa, I need to go back to the manor to check the people there," he said.

"Okay, son, go ahead. Give my regards to everyone there. I will also visit the headquarter to check on the farmworkers' health condition there," Terros said.

Graven saluted at Terros and disappeared from the place in seconds.

Terros went downstairs to perform his daily routine, watering his plants, feeding his chickens, getting firewood, and drinking water from the streams...etcetera.


Graven landed inside the master's bedroom of his manor in Moraderry Town.

The room was empty.

Where is his wife? Maybe she's with her parents, talking to them.

He exited the bedroom and went out to find his wife.

He found the women sitting beside each other on the couch in the living room.

It looks like his mother-in-law was crying, probably worried to death about Sofia, while his wife was busy rubbing her mother's back to console her. He sighed inwardly.

He cleared his throat. "Um...girls, did Sofia returned already?" he asked, he settled himself on the couch beside his wife. He planted a gentle kiss on her head.

Rosa quickly wiped her tears with the handkerchief. She tried to be strong and pretended that she no longer cares about Sofia's whereabouts, but she can't help it, being her mother, she always worried about her.

Laura looked at her husband. "Sofia hasn't returned yet," she answered sadly. "Mother and I are deeply worried about her sudden disappearance," she finally admitted.

"Oh," Graven said with a sigh. "In that case, I will look for her myself in the town. Tell the men to continue searching the woods for any signs that she went there. But don't let the men venture too far away..." he told his wife.

"Ok, I will," Laura responded.

Graven turned around to leave.

"Husband, will you join us for dinner?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, I'll join you guys at dinner time," Graven answered, he continue walking towards the door and exited.

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