The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 225 - Let's Go!

Terros arrived at the Windless Mountain one day ago.

He was baffled because he saw nothing at the top of the mountain! No signs of the marble house or the plants that were described by Veronica.


It's just a plain mountain top, surrounded by clouds!

Did the deity change her address?

Or she migrated into a faraway place or dimension?

This is confusing and mind-boggling!

Where to find Veronica and the goddess Elva Sunbelle? It looks like his trip is going to end in vain!

Terros was scratching his head in bewilderment. He was at a loss on where to start.

He rose higher in the air, looking far and beyond trying to spot any mountain that fits Veronica's description. He needs to see a marble house and plants at the top of the mountain surrounded by clouds, but still... he didn't see anything!

He released a deep sigh.

There's a total of five tall mountains in the area, they almost have the same height, and both peaks were surrounded by a sea of clouds.

Did he get himself lost?


He and Veronica passed this area once and she pointed to the second mountain where the deity built her marble home.

But when he went to the top of the second mountain, there was nothing in there! No marble house and no plants!

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, he already wasted one day scouting the whole area and didn't find the marble house! He can't even detect any powerful aura lurking around. It's just plain mountains and wilderness everywhere.

He pondered about his next move.

Should he just go home and give up finding Veronica and the deity? Or continue searching the neighboring areas? He was confused about what to do!

He hovered in the air for a few minutes.

He told Graven that he will be gone for one week only to find Veronica. If his search is futile he will return to his place. He still has a few days left to continue searching for his missing housemate.

He saw a stream below, he might as well go down to get drink water because he feels thirsty and hungry.

He hovered down and landed on the grassy ground. He walked towards the stream and found a big rock to settle down while filling his bottle with drinking water. Done taking water, he looked around the area, there are towering trees scattered at the base of the mountain, the trees are everywhere as far as his eyes can see.

He failed to detect the presence of that goddess anywhere. He's beginning to believe that he got lost!

He left the rock and went to rest under the shade of the tree located near the stream.

He removed the boiled banana and boiled egg from his knapsack and began eating.

A few minutes later, he drinks the water that he had taken from the stream.

Feeling well-rested and stomach full, Terros is ready to resume finding the Windless Mountain which is the deity's residence.

He was about to stand up... but out of the corner of his eyes, he saw an old woman washing clothes below the stream, about twenty meters from his location.

His brows furrowed. He didn't expect that someone is living in this remote place far from civilization.

He walked towards the location of the old woman.

The old woman noticed someone approaching her and looked over her shoulder.

"Hello, Madam!" Terros greeted him.

The old woman looked at him from head to toe. "W-who are you?" she asked.

"I'm new here. I'm trying to find my lady friend who is missing. She told me that she's going to visit her friend, a goddess, who lives at the top of Windless Mountain. She is living in a marble house and loves growing plants," he said and pointed his fingers at the top of the second mountain. "That mountain over there!"

The old woman looked at the mountain and back at Terros face. "Are you sure? I never heard of a Windless Mountain. And I have no idea that a goddess is living at the top of the mountain."

"Are you sure, Madam? How long have you been living here?" Terros asked curiously.

"I've been living here since I was a young child. When my parents passed away a long time ago, I continue living in this place alone surrounded by mountains, plants, and trees," the woman replied.

"Ah, I see..." Terros murmured. "Where do you live? Where is your house?" he inquired.

"I'm living in a wooden hut located a few meters away from here," she replied. "You mentioned of a lady friend? Can you describe her physical appearance to me?" she asked.


"Because I saw a dead body of a lady in the forest last two weeks ago. Out of pity, I buried her body in a shallow grave," the woman said.

Terros's heart skips a beat. He was hoping that Veronica is not the one that the old woman was talking about.

"Can you tell me her physical description?" the old woman asked.

"Her name is Veronica. Her two eyes were nonexistent, she got a third eye on her forehead, which is a gift from her friend the goddess. She wore a veil on her face to hide her third eye. That's all!" he finished his description.

"Oh, the dead body I found in the forest matched well with your description! She could be the one you're looking for!" the old woman said.

Terros's eyes welled, his heart stopped beating for a moment as dread take over his senses. "Madam, c-can you please bring me to the shallow grave where you have buried her body? I want to see that woman with my eyes and make sure that my friend is not the one whom you buried in that grave," he said in a wretched voice.

"Okay, wait a minute. I'll just finish washing my clothes, then I'll bring you to her grave," the old woman replied.

"Thank you, Madam! I'll wait for you to finish your task, take your time," Terros said. Outside he looks calm but deep inside - a knot was forming in his belly. He hoped that it's not Veronica that was dead.

He cleared his throat and began asking another question. "How did you find the dead body, Madam? What is the status of the body when you found her? Did she have wounds on her body?"

The old woman looked at him. "The body was tossed carelessly into that small shallow hole in the ground. There was a stab wound on her heart, that's the only fatal wound I see on her. It looks like all the blood was squeezed out from her body. In my observation, she died a horrible and painful death. When I found her in that shallow hole, I immediately covered her body with the soil to prevent the wild animals from attacking and feasting on her flesh," she gave a lengthy explanation.

Terros released a deep sigh. The more he hears about the old woman's tale, the more he wanted to go to that grave fast and see for himself if it's Veronica or not! He's crumbling inside, fearing and agonizing that it could be his housemate that dies in there! His heart was hemorrhaging with fear and agony!

He can't take it anymore! He's impatient to go there on his own!

"Madam, can I help you with your laundry?" he finally offered because the old woman was very slow in washing her clothes.

"No thanks! I'm nearly done," she replied and continue her washing.

Terros kept his mouth shut, no longer trying to ask a question, he's hoping that by staying silent the woman will finish her washing fast!

After a while, Terros got tired of waiting because the old woman washes her clothes meticulously, it takes her forever to finish her chores!

He can't finally take it!

"Madam, can you just please tell me the direction of the tomb? I don't want to disturb you anymore. I'll just go there and check out the grave myself. Please?" he begged.

The old lady looked at him. "Don't be impatient! The area around the grave is dangerous... I put some traps there to catch some wild animals. If you step on the wrong area you will endanger yourself and worst you will get yourself killed! And Why are you in a hurry to see the dead body? She might not be the one that you are looking for? And besides, if she's the one, there is nothing you can do to save her because she's already dead. I don't want to see and bury another dead body around this area again, it's going to pollute my place! So wait for me until I finish with my chore so that I can bring you there safely," she said casually and resumed her washing.

Terros sighed inwardly.

And wait he did!

A few minutes later.

The woman looked at him and said, "I'm done!"

'Thank goodness!' Terros said to himself, he rose to his feet and smiled. "Shall we go now? Please?" he asked politely.

"Not yet! I'm going to hang my clothes in the branches of that tree over there to dry them, I'll come back here later to get my clothes," she said.

Terros groaned. He rolled his eyes. "Let me help you!" he offered.

"Thank you!" the woman said.

Terros picked up the plastic basin and carry it to the tree and began putting the wet clothes on the branches of the tree. He finished the chores after a few minutes. He looked at the woman. "Done!"

"Alright, just put the basin beside the trunk of the tree, I'll come back for them later. Let's go!" she finally said.

Terros breathed deeply. 'About time!'

The old woman walked steadily in the direction of the forest.

Terros followed the woman from behind.

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