The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 218 - Bitch!

Menedelia and Rebecca were gathering firewood, hundred meters from the wooden house.

Rebecca looked at the dried twigs on the ground. "Granny, I think we gathered enough firewood already. Can we go home now?" she asked.


Menedelia frowned. "Why? Don't tell me, you are sleepy again?"

"Yeah, that's true. I would like to go home and crawl back in my bed," Rebecca answered.

"But it's still morning! You just wake up three hours ago. You wake up late in the morning and sleep several times in a day, your such a lazy pig!" Menedelia joked.

Rebecca looked at her companion. "I dunno, Granny. I'm feeling tired and always want to sleep nowadays," she said. "I dunno what's happening to me. Do you think I'm sick?" she asked.

"Don't worry, I will perform the ritual later after we arrive home to diagnose your sickness," Menedelia said.

"Alright. Let's go!" Rebecca said and hoisted the firewood on her shoulder.

The women walked on the path leading back to the wooden hut.

They arrived at the house and stepped inside. They deposited the firewood in the tiny kitchen.

After putting the firewood under the makeshift stove, Rebecca began yawning. "Granny, I'll go to my room now and sleep," she said.

"Okay, I'll come to your room later after I finished getting water from the stream," Menedelia replied.

Rebecca went to her room.

Melinda picked up the water jug and exited the hut going to the stream located twenty meters away from the house.

A few minutes later.

Menedelia returned from the stream, entered the house, and deposited the jug in the kitchen. She went inside her room and walked to the altar, she picked up the Candle Of Life representing Rebecca and exited the room.

She went inside Rebecca's room and found her charge sleeping soundly in the bed.

She placed the candle on the small table near the bed and waved her right hand upon it. Suddenly, the candle was lit with light, shining brightly.

Menedelia chanted a spell and put her hands above Rebecca's head, then down to her tummy and her legs and feet, then back to her tummy scanning for any abnormalities. She looked at the candle. "Candle Of Life, what is happening to Rebecca's body? Please tell me!" she said.

Suddenly... the candle produced a white smoke in the air and the image of Rebecca's tummy was formed, showing a silhouette of what's inside the belly, Menedelia saw two fetuses breathing normally inside the womb!

A megawatt smile was plastered on Melinda's face. "Wow! Rebecca was pregnant with twins!" she exclaimed in happiness.

She immediately checked Rebecca's pulse for a few seconds and she got her pregnancy confirmed!

The smoke suddenly disappeared from the view.

Menedelia's heart was bursting with excitement, she wanted to jump and down with joy, she can't contain her happiness!


Things are finally happening her way!

The birth of the twins is her good luck! The beginning of her rise from obscurity!

She grabbed the candle and exited the room, she went back to her room and put the Candle Of Life back to the altar.

She left her room and went to the kitchen to prepare delicious and healthy soup for Rebecca. She wants to make sure the babies are growing healthy inside the womb of their mother. The babies are her future! She must cultivate them well inside the womb.

One hour later.

Rebecca's eyes lids fluttered. She saw Menedelia sitting on the chair smiling brightly at her.

"Granny, did you already finished your ritual? What is my illness?" she asked worriedly.

Menedelia smiled brightly. "You have no illness dear. It's just a symptom of pregnancy. Congratulation! You are pregnant with twins!" she said ecstatically.

Rebecca's eyes widened in shock. "Whaaaaat?" she exclaimed in astonishment.

Menedelia's brows furrowed. "What's wrong? Why are you shocked? You didn't expect that you will get pregnant? You married a vampire and it's normal to get pregnant," she assured her.

Rebecca groaned and shut her eyes, biting her lower lip in agitation. "I'm not ready to be a mother yet!" she protested.

Menedelia sighed. "Get over it! You will give birth to healthy babies a few months later! I'll make sure of that!" she assured her.

Rebecca released a deep sigh as fresh tears emerged from her eyes.

Menedelia breathed deeply. "Why are you looking sad and worried?"

"Because I don't know how to be a mother! I'm not ready for these shiits! I didn't anticipate this. I don't know how to raise children, and worse twins!" Rebecca whined.

"Look at you! You have sex with your husband and now you're complaining about why you're pregnant? How stupid you are!" Menedelia rolled her eyes.

"Granny, I want these babies out of my tummy, do something!" she cried and begged.

Menedelia threw her a dark look. "Stupid girl! Get over your whining! The babies will stay! And I will make sure you will give birth to them!" she glared at her. "Thinking and planning to kill your unborn children? You're such a cruel mother!" she chastised her.

Rebecca began sobbing hard. "I want to get rid of these babies! I want them out of my stomach!" she cried over and over again. She doesn't want to be reminded of Corbin and his parents and everything that happened to her during her captivity. Why does destiny play a cruel joke on her again!

Why... why... why!?

She cried in despair, her pregnancy hits her so hard... emotionally, physically, and mentally!

She's just not ready yet to be a mother! It was never part of her plans!

Menedelia studied Rebecca's disgruntled face, filled with anguish, worries, and sadness. "Don't worry, you won't be alone on your journey to motherhood. I'm here to help you raise the babies. I will help and teach you to be a good mother to your children every step of the way. Just don't attempt to abort them, I will never allow it!" she said in a hard voice.

Rebecca shut her eyes. Granny would go to town for her palm reading business four times a month. During those times that she is alone in the house, she will find a way to get rid of the fetus in her tummy and just inform the old woman afterward that she meets an accident and lose the babies!

Menedelia was tapping her fingers on the chair trying to guess what's going on inside Rebecca's head. The girl was gone crazy after she discovered that she's pregnant with her husband's babies! How absurd her reaction is!

She's happy with the pregnancy, but unfortunately, the mother doesn't want the babies growing inside her tummy!

What she dreaded the most is Rebecca going psycho! And the demented girl might abort the babies during the times she's in town conducting her palm reading business.

She released a deep sigh. She has to bring Rebecca with her to town, just to be sure that she can protect the unborn babies.

"Rebecca..." she called her name.

Rebecca opened her eyes and looked at the old woman. "What is it, granny?"

"Drink this soup that I especially made for your unborn children. They will grow healthy if you eat delicious and healthy soup that I especially made for you," Menedelia said and placed the bowl of soup in the bed.

"Okay, I'll eat it," Rebecca said obediently. She picked up the bowl and began eating the delicious soup loaded with herbs and spices sprinkled with dried meat and vegetables.

"Did you like the soup?" Menedelia asked.

Rebecca nodded her head. "Yeah, it tastes delicious! The twins inside my tummy would surely grow healthy if you keep feeding me with this kind of healthy soup. Thank you, Granny," she said.

Menedelia's brows knitted together, a nagging suspicion was growing in her mind. "Young lady, I'm glad that you have a change of heart and ready to accept your unborn children. I'm greatly relieved by this," she stated.

Rebecca released a deep sigh. "Granny, don't worry, I can assure you that my reaction earlier was just born out of shock and surprise. I'm ready now to become a good mother to my children," she told her.

Menedelia smiled. "Oh, that's great! You give me a scare earlier! I hope you're telling me the truth. As I have said earlier, you have nothing to worry about your pregnancy because I will help you in raising the babies. You won't be alone on your journey! Do you understand me, child?"

Rebecca nodded her head. "Yes, I understand you, Granny," she replied and quickly finished eating the soup in the bowl. "Done!" she said and handed the empty bowl to the old woman.

"Good!" Menedelia said in a pleased voice. "I'm glad that you no longer have evil plans to get rid of your babies. Trust me, when I say to you that your future won't be so dark anymore. The babies will keep you company through your darkest days. They will be your guiding light and strength!" she assured her.

"Thank you for reminding me of the value of my unborn children, Granny. I'm so sorry, I was a bitch earlier and I hated myself for planning to abort my babies! I feel ashamed of myself!" Rebecca said in a repentant voice, tears glistened in her eyes.

Menedelia sighed deeply. "Alright, I have already forgiven you. From now on, face the future with hope and positivity. You can't go wrong with that kind of mentality. If the day comes that you really can't bear the responsibility of having children then just give the babies to their father. I'm sure your husband will welcome his children with open arms, am I right?"

Rebecca nodded her head and smiled. "Yeah, he wants to have children with me and it's finally happening!" she said excitedly.

Menedelia saw the sincerity in Rebecca's eyes. She was fully convinced and satisfied that she will no longer harm her babies inside her tummy. She rose to her feet. "Alright, continue resting, I'll go to my garden and pick some vegetables for the dishes that I'm going to cook later," she said and exited the room.

The moment Granny was out of the room, Rebecca sobbed silently underneath the blanket.

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