The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 3: Don’t Die

Chapter 3

Peach Blossom Spring Life Season, as the name implies, is just like the currently popular rural slow life variety shows. There are a bunch of similar shows, but except for the first one to gain popularity, the ratings of others are not great.

Anyway, this show is created just to take advantage of the trend, so why not do something different by inviting a bunch of controversial celebrities? The producers and directors hit it off on this point immediately.

For ratings, no means are despised.

"Go and try your best to build your image, get more camera time, do whatever it takes, as long as it's legal and morally acceptable..."

Li Yao said to her.

"That may lead to termination of our cooperation,"

Qin Wei asked naively,

"So more camera time means more pay?"

"Of course not, but you can't slack off because of this. This show is not about truly experiencing the life you aspire to, it's your chance to make a comeback!

Being viral red is still red, even black-red is red. You've barely appeared in front of the camera for almost half a year, and now you return to public view because of illegal driving...

Weiwei, please be more sensible! If this continues, you'll truly be finished!"


Qin Wei suddenly became interested, but her focus seemed a bit off,

"You mean as long as I participate, the crew will pay me in full even if I'm just a background extra?"

"In principle, yes, as long as you cooperate with the filming..."

Li Yao vaguely sensed something amiss.

"Qin Wei, don't really think about retiring from the industry. You are born to stand under the spotlight and in front of the camera. Other than this, you can't do anything well."

Qin Wei stayed silent, but her rebellious mind could not be contained.


Three months later, the weather warmed up and the show officially started filming.

The van left, leaving Qin Wei and her luggage standing at the village entrance, gazing at the muddy dirt road after the rain. Qin Wei couldn't help but sigh.

The road seemed to be telling her—

"The next few days will also be bumpy."

For money, she had no choice but to resign to her fate for now. Just as she was about to pick up her luggage and walk, she saw someone coming towards her from the other side of the road. He was handsome with delicate features, a young hunk.

Daniel Lin!

Qin Wei recognized him as a popular idol singer, emerging musician, and former member of boy group SW-K, Daniel.

If she counted carefully, he belonged to the same overseas entertainment company as herself back when she was still a trainee. Although only 22 years old, he debuted early and was her senior as well as fellow disciple brother.

It's just too bad her senior brother never noticed her plain existence before.

"Let me get it!"

Daniel called out and gestured for her to stay put. He ran over to help carry her luggage.

But he couldn't lift it up.

He tried again.

Still couldn't lift it up.

Daniel was surprised. Did this luggage contain iron blocks? But it would be too face-losing to show he couldn't lift it, so he gritted his teeth and tried again.

"It's a bit heavy..."

Seeing his flushed face, Qin Wei said,

"Why don't I carry it myself..."


Daniel firmly rejected,

"Lifting heavy stuff is a man's job. You're so pretty, just stay in front of the camera and look beautiful."

After saying that, Daniel lifted the luggage with both hands, trying hard to cross the muddy dirt path. It looked very difficult.

Qin Wei sighed again. She hurriedly caught up to him in just a few quick steps, took back the luggage from his hands, and strode towards the yard single-handedly carrying the luggage, leaving Daniel behind, standing in the wind astonished.

Today's wind was exceptionally noisy.


Daniel followed behind. The two of them arrived at the yard in front of a turn in the dirt path. There was a sign hanging on the door with "Peach Blossom Spring" written on it. The yard was very spacious with decent-looking bungalows inside.

After all, the cast invited were all celebrities to some degree, so the living conditions would still be guaranteed.

However, the enormous yard was empty. It seemed the guest stars would arrive one by one...

As for what to specifically do, the production team didn't communicate in advance, only saying just show up and it'll be good, no script, all improvisation.

Daniel pointed to one of the vacant rooms at the side of the yard, "These two rooms are empty. You came first, just pick whichever you like!"

Qin Wei thanked him. Daniel carried the luggage in. There were two beds, two closets, and a bathroom inside, fully equipped with washing facilities.

It seemed the production team didn't plan to make things difficult for their guest stars regarding accommodations.

Daniel glanced at her still carrying the luggage and had to admit he was frightened by this delicate-looking female celeb's freakish strength.

He swore to the heavens that he wasn't acting. That luggage was truly heavy, far exceeding his imagination.

But he was also curious. What on earth could a normal person pack in their luggage to make it so heavy?

"You can put down the luggage now...the luggage..."

Reminded by Daniel's kind prompts, Qin Wei finally realized she was still holding onto the luggage—

She didn't know whether this body had inherited the strength trained from carrying water buckets in her previous life, or the physical training in the past three months had taken effect, but when she first woke up in this body, even lifting a 5kg dumbbell took great effort. Now she could already carry bags of rice.

Yet this body was still on the skinny side with no visible muscle gain at all.

Oh well. As long as the body is healthy, that's a blessing. A peaceful, ordinary life is the true happiness.

She pushed the luggage to the corner and felt a burning gaze staring at her back. Turning around, she saw Daniel's hesitant expression.

"What's the matter?"

Qin Wei looked at him, then followed his line of sight. It seemed...he was very curious about her luggage.

Daniel shook his head and finally his reason defeated curiosity. A girl's luggage contained her privacy. So he turned his head and looked outside, "There are other guests. I'll go greet them first."

After saying so, he jogged out.

This segment aired later and attracted a lot of heated online discussion—

[Qin Wei is freakishly strong! She single-handedly carried the luggage that a guy couldn't even lift? Is this scripted? ]

[My baby's hands are for playing the piano. Of course he can't lift heavy luggage. But I have a bad feeling, this woman isn't trying to stir up a CP with my baby, right?]

[The one above, I'm worried too! This woman's agency is notorious for stirring up CPs. She tried clinging onto superstar Shen not long ago but got outright ignored, tsk...]

[Am I the only one super curious why the luggage is so heavy...?]


Qin Wei briefly tidied up, and heard Daniel's voice coming from outside, accompanied by a girl's crisp laughter. The two seemed to be chatting happily as they walked over and entered the room next door.

It must be another guest star, but Qin Wei didn't know who exactly.

Just as she wanted to go out and take a look, one foot stepping out the door, she was drawn by the clamoring noise from the entrance. It sounded like rumbling thunder.

Qin Wei couldn't help twitching her mouth when she turned to look at the scene before her eyes. She was stunned speechless by what she saw.

Although Li Yao had repeatedly reminded her before leaving that the whole show would be filmed, and told her not to curse, the camera still captured Qin Wei standing in the doorway of the living quarters, blurting out:

"Holy f**k..."

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