The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 156: Hidden cp Powder

Chapter 156

Sun Tiantian, with the corners of her mouth raised, was also watching the video on repeat for almost the tenth time, smiling like a fool.

The creation of this video was entirely thanks to Sun Tiantian.

Ever since she heard in the morning that they would be filming a daily life segment with Qin Wei and Qiao Sixiao, she had been actively participating - not only quickly writing the script, but also directing them, instructing the cameraman on the shots, and finally editing and adding background music.

That's why the final video came together so quickly.

As a hidden cp fan, being able to have the original couple earnestly act out scenes from her own fanfic was already the highest honor for a cp fan!

And Sun Tiantian had achieved it!!

Qin Wei and Qiao Sixiao had been standing in the bedroom watching Sun Tiantian laugh like this for a long time. They had also seen the edited video, and were shocked by Sun Tiantian's editing skills - too powerful!

Let's go back now and revisit the filming scene from this morning -

In the bedroom, Sun Tiantian said to Qin Wei:

"In the first scene, you walk out the door looking like you've just woken up, and imagine you're going out right now to buy breakfast, just like you normally would."

Qin Wei gave an "OK" hand gesture, and was about to walk out when Sun Tiantian pulled off her hair tie.

Her hair cascaded down around her shoulders.

After Qin Wei went out, Sun Tiantian put the hair tie around Qiao Sixiao's wrist:

"As for you, you're going with her now to buy breakfast. You're going to put her hair up in a ponytail, then smile at her and give her an encouraging look."

Qiao Sixiao let out a cold humph:

"You might as well just tell me to look at her lovingly and I'd understand."

When editing, Sun Tiantian chose a soft light filter to highlight the close-ups, like the facial expressions and slightly upturned corners of the mouth. She then slowed down the speed of the whole video segment. That completed the first part of the video that everyone saw.

For the second segment with the umbrella, Sun Tiantian's original intention was to have the two of them hold hands, but clearly their expressions when holding hands didn't meet Director Sun's requirements, so they scrapped that idea.

For the segment of them chatting and laughing, the sound was completely removed - because they were bickering and laughing the whole time, but they looked the most natural when insulting each other.

Director Sun also added music to this part.

The last segment was them sitting under the lamplight looking over a script. Sun Tiantian let them improvise for this part, but unexpectedly it turned out the most natural, including when Qiao Sixiao raised her hand to tidy the stray strands of hair around Qin Wei's temples, something Sun Tiantian didn't arrange intentionally.

Finally she just added a filter to make the overall color of the scene softer.

Done! Shower confetti!

The intern and cameraman were shocked after watching it. Sun Tiantian herself was busy the whole time, making them almost forget that Director Sun was originally an actress herself with such professional skill.

Sun Tiantian started watching it for the tenth time. Her expression was the same as when she watched it the first time - both surprised and delighted.

Qin Wei and Qiao Sixiao had also been standing there watching Sun Tiantian for a long time.

Qiao Sixiao asked Qin Wei:

"Has Sun Tiantian gone crazy?"

Qin Wei looked at Sun Tiantian and shook her head:

"I heard when you ship a cp, you get like this. They call it 'losing your head'..."


After watching it two more times, Sun Tiantian gradually regained her sanity and gave the tablet back to the intern.

The intern hugged the tablet, looking at Sun Tiantian with admiration:

"Director Sun, you really graduated from the music academy? You didn't take any directing classes?"

Sun Tiantian shook her head.

"Then you really are a genius! Could you teach me?"

The intern's eyes were already full of stars.

After spending a day together, Sun Tiantian felt that although the kid was a bit dumb, he was honest and obedient, so it was fun getting along with him, and she decided to let him in on her secret.

Sun Tiantian lowered her voice:

"Have you ever chased stars? Or shipped a cp?"

The intern shook his head.

"Then start chasing them, for work. Keep at it until one day you start genuinely shipping a cp, choosing materials, editing, post-production, etc, and you'll know how to do it."


It was time to sleep.

Sun Tiantian rushed to occupy one of the single beds first.

"I still don't feel well today. I'm going to sleep first. You two can squeeze together on one bed."

After Sun Tiantian said that, she pulled up the covers and lay down flat. Qin Wei couldn't even pull her up.

So she turned her head to Qiao Sixiao and said:

"Teacher Qiao, out of the three of us I'm the only one who hasn't slept at all until now. It'll trouble you to stay up all night. I'll sleep first."

Qiao Sixiao immediately refused and sat down on the bed:

"I don't mind squeezing together with you. If you can't accept it, then don't sleep."

Saying that, she lay down.

Whoever suffers more should be the one to change.

Qin Wei started feeling conflicted.

She didn't have very good sleeping habits. Such a small bed definitely couldn't fit both of them.

Should she try squeezing together?

Or forget it?

Very timely, the driver knocked on the door:

"The road repairs finished this afternoon. The show crew sent a car to come get us. Are you happy, teachers?"

Seeing that Qin Wei was about to pull back the covers, as soon as she heard the driver talking outside, she immediately stood back up. Sun Tiantian's smile disappeared instantly.

Not happy at all.

For safety reasons, the car didn't drive very fast. By the time they returned to the inn, it was already midnight. Qin Wei didn't want to disturb Youyou, so she could only go squeeze into Qiao Sixiao's room.

She had slept the whole ride here, and with her recent irregular schedule, she wasn't tired now either. After taking a bath she lay down on the small sofa. When morning came she awoke and massaged her shoulders and neck - she really needed to find a hospital to do some physio therapy after she went back.

While the three of them were away these past few days, the show crew had taken the artists to a nearby town's lantern festival, and toured the old streets the next day, trying on traditional costumes and making some silver accessories.

Qin Wei didn't envy any of that. The only thing she envied was them tasting the local specialty foods.

She didn't consider herself a foodie, but she did enjoy good food. Going on a trip somewhere and not eating anything, she would always feel it was a pity.

Today was the day to "submit their homework." At the start of the field trip they had already arranged for their group of three to choose their own material, and by noon to submit everything to the director's email.

Qin Wei figured Youyou should have woken up by now, so after washing up simply, she returned to her room. But instead she saw Youyou with an anxious look flipping through files on her laptop.

Seeing Qin Wei come back, she was first happy but then worried again - happy to see Qin Wei return safe and sound, although they had spoken on the phone so Youyou knew she was fine, but seeing her in person still put her at ease.

She was worried because at the moment, their group's assignment had disappeared.

Youyou tried hard to remember, and her expression suddenly changed:

"Sis Qin, I may have made a mistake, but don't worry, I'll take full responsibility..."

Qin Wei walked over and looked at the laptop screen:

"Don't rush to take responsibility first. Just tell me what happened."

Youyou explained:

"The audio compilation you made over the past few days is gone."

Qin Wei didn't speak, clicking to open the document and take a look. The audio file hadn't been deleted; it had been covered by a blank document instead.

Deleting could be recovered; covering was much harder, at least not something Qin Wei herself knew how to fix.

Someone had definitely done it intentionally.

Qin Wei wasn't angry. Getting angry now would be meaningless:

"Tell me first exactly what happened."

Youyou truthfully answered:

"Last night when we returned from the old streets, Liu Xin came over saying she wanted to have a good chat with me. I refused, but it so happened that Xin Ya also came, and said we did work together after all, so even if we're going separate ways now, there's still some friendship left.

Although Sister Liu Xin wasn't being fair, Sister Xin Ya had always been nice to me, so I thought..."

As soon as Qin Wei heard these two names she felt annoyed, but she also couldn't do anything to them. So she interrupted:

"I understand about interpersonal politics. We all work in the same circle, no one wants to openly make someone lose face. Just directly tell me what exactly happened."

"They were sitting right here talking to me about the contract termination. I don't know when they touched the laptop, because this one belongs to the crew so there's no password...

Looking at the file access timestamps, it lines up with around when they came in. Sis Qin, I was wrong. I was careless."

Everyone makes mistakes, right? Putting herself in Youyou's shoes, at least Qin Wei felt it wasn't that big a deal and perfectly forgivable.

"Alright, don't feel bad anymore. I actually never intended to turn in that audio in the first place. I've also done plenty of absentminded things before, so let this be a lesson learned! I made a new homework submission a while ago, just in time to turn it in now."

Qin Wei also secretly thought to herself, she hoped Liu Xin and the other one had only covered up her audio file rather than taking her audio submission for themselves to turn in.

Either way, directly asking them, they wouldn't admit to it.

If it was the latter, then things would get interesting.

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