The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 121 Teach Her How To Poison Someone

The dinner went well and somehow, Abel and Dexter didn't argue… that much. They still attempted to throw shade at each other, until Aries scolded them, Abel, to respect her brother and Dexter to show some decency towards her lover.

Both men could only frown until the dinner ended. Dexter didn't stay long after that since Gustav came to tell him about something important. Meanwhile, Abel stayed because, apparently, no one aside from Gustav and Dexter knew about Abel.

In other words, Aries, who panicked and told him to hide, wasn't wrong in making assumptions. Fortunately, Gustav ordered the servants not to bother Aries, so she could have some peace of mind while Abel was with her.

Thanks to Gustav as well, Abel had a change of clothes. However, just like the last time Abel snuck inside her room, she woke up without him anymore. Still, he left her a note and a flower to appease her.

That has been Aries' life since then.

In the morning, Aries would study in her own library or join Dexter in his office. They would also spend some afternoons having tea. Aries was still taking some medicine to recover her health, when in fact, those medicines were poisons. She still needed to strengthen her immunity for poison since her life would be in constant danger in the Maganti Empire.

At night, Abel would sneak into her room every three or four days and embrace her in her sleep. If he couldn't, he would send his raven, Morro, to relay his letters and flowers to her.

After a month since she first arrived at the marquess's estate, Aries already got used to this life.

"My lady." Aries smiled as she tilted her head, seeing Gertrude and Minerva's shocked expression. "You look… stunning."

"My lady, although your green hair is pretty,  your natural hair color suits you the best!" Minerva, whose relationship with her has gotten better, exclaimed excitedly.

Aries pursed her lips before she turned around to see herself in the mirror. She blinked at a constant pace, trying to recognize herself. Yesterday, the hair dye Dexter procured arrived and Gertrude helped her with her hair all morning.

It was Gertrude's idea not to let Aries see herself in the mirror until she was ready. Minerva only helped in dressing her up and arranging Aries locks so they would fall on her back elegantly.

"I miss my hair," she whispered, touching the tip of her golden curls with a gentle smile. "It looks pretty."

"That is because you are already gorgeous, my lady." Gertrude smiled warmly.

"Gertrude is right, my lady. Whatever hair color you wear, everything will suit you." Minerva grinned excitedly, making Aries chuckle.


"My lady, this is Gustav. His Lordship summons you to join him in the greenhouse." Gustav's voice caressed the three ladies' ears, turning their attention towards the shut door.

"Perfect timing," Aries huffed as she looked at herself in the mirror once again. "I wonder what my brother has to say when he sees that my hair is the same as his."

"He will surely be pleased, my lady." Gertrude commented and Minerva backed it up with a confident, "the Marquess will surely think you are lovely, my lady."

"You two stop inflating my ego! Help me. I'll join my brother for tea."

"Yes, my lady!"

Minerva and Gertrude helped Aries, but she had to leave them to supervise the other maids who cleaned her room. Gustav led the way with Aries walking a step behind him.

As they sauntered through the hallway, Aries could not help but stare at Gustav's back. This man has always been at Dexter's side. Even Abel knew the head butler. It made her wonder how a mere butler got recognized by the emperor?

She wanted to ask, but Aries ended up keeping her thoughts to herself. Hence, she followed him in silence until they reached the greenhouse situated at the back of the vast estate, near the garden.

"The marquess is inside, my lady." Gustav halted in the entrance of the greenhouse, stepping aside as he motioned his hand towards the door. "This is as far as I can take you. This place is prohibited to everyone except the marquess and now you."

Aries rocked her head in understanding before flashing him a meek smile. "Then, thank you  for leading me here."

"It is my honor, my lady." Gustav also sported a kind smile, watching Aries enter the greenhouse.


When Aries entered the greenhouse, she flinched when the door automatically closed behind her. But she didn't dwell on it as her attention was snatched by what was inside.

She expected a glamorous greenhouse perfect for tea time. However, this place had exceeded her expectations! A variety of flowers and plants could be seen all around; it looked like she entered an orderly jungle.

​ "Dani, I'm here." Aries snapped her eyes when she heard Dexter's voice from a distance. She looked around, only to see his shadow not far away.

"Don't touch anything," he added in a lazy voice as she walked in his direction. "Everything in here is poisonous. Some plants will kill you instantly."

Her steps halted for a second, her eyes dilating. Once again, Aries looked around. Unlike her opinion earlier regarding the unique beauty of the plants and flowers, she couldn't help but look at them with fear.

"They won't harm you unprovoked." Dexter laughed, walking back to see her freeze on the spot. He was holding a bottle and a dropper, the string of his spectacle dangling to his side.

"Just don't touch them."

"Brother, you have a greenhouse full of poison?!" she gasped as she resumed in her stride, standing at his side. Her eyes then fell on the bottle and dropper in his hand before they shifted to the plant pot before him.

"What's that?" she blurted out.

"It's a plant." She frowned at his reply while he chuckled playfully. "It's a type of poisonous plant that can make people hallucinate and fall asleep."

"Ohh…" Her lips formed an O-shape, eyes back to the plant. "What are you doing with it then?"

Dexter smiled as he put down the dropper to close the bottle. "I am extracting its poisonous substances from it…" he explained and cocked his head when he finished closing the bottle.

"See?" he raised the transparent small bottle, showing the paltry amount inside. "This is poison."

"Is it deadly?" she asked and then explained why she asked such a ridiculous question. "I mean, you said its effect is to make people sleep and hallucinate. You didn't say it's deadly."

"If you drink this directly, it will kill you in an hour or a maximum of five hours. However, if you mixed a drop into a person's drink or food, it is not," he explained.

"Come. Let's sit down while I teach you how to poison someone."

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