The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 48: A Flash From The Past-6 (Auction)

Chapter 48: A Flash From The Past-6 (Auction)

(Author Note:- 75 power stones in a week for 1 bonus chapter.

110 power stones in a week for 2 bonus chapters.

140 power stones in a week for 3 bonus chapters.

Also please read today's author's thoughts...)


"Alright, it is high time we get serious now."

And in next moment the mood of the entire group changed. Kylo also gathered his thoughts and spoke.

"The auction will be conducted in the ground floor. Though the seating arrangements will be based on status people. Higher the status, higher the floor.

Though unfortunately we don't have any status." Kylo snickered which led the others to let out a scornful laugh as well.

"Well now it comes to distribution of invitation cards within us. Uncle Dumas and big brother Bai will be going to the fourth floor. Here is the gold invitation card required for that." Kylo took out a golden card and gave it to Nicholas Dumas.

"But Kylo.." Bai Yishan, in a concerned tone called out to Kylo.

"Yes?" Kylo asked

"We do not have much funds on us..." Bai yishan pointed out the issue which was bothering him.

"That is why I am sending Uncle Dumas and you to the upper floors." Kylo said with a grin.

"What?" This time everyone were confused. Kylo as if understanding their confusion spoke to clear it.

"You see, Uncle Dumas is the strongest among us." Kylo said and everyone nodded.

Indeed Nicholas Dumas was much much stronger than Kylo. Not just Kylo, he was stronger than anyone in the group.

Even though Kylo had already cultivated for few decades by now, Nicholas cultivated for centuries!

And anyways, being a leader does not mean being the strongest. At least that was what Kylo always believed.

"So if someone opposes you both in a bid, Uncle Dumas can let out the pressure of his cultivation base. And at that time big brother Bai can, with his.. um... natural tone, demand the item.

Most of the people will be intimidated and give up on the bid."

"What a terrible way to use your big brother....."

Everyone when they first heard Kylo tried their best not to laugh but they could not control themselves when Bai Yishan mumbled to himself in a low voice, loud enough for everyone to hear it.

Calling him big brother did not mean he was Kylo's real brother. It was just Kylo's way to show respect to his first companion who joined his journey back then.

And also the person who saved his life!

Not once but twice!!

[Without him, I would have died tragically that day...] he thought nostalgically...

After a second, Kylo coughed a little and avoided looking at Bai Yishan's eyes due to embarassment.

"Anyways I have also prepared a lot of money recently for this situation." Kylo said.

He then looked towards the twins and said "Well you twins take this white invitation card."

"Huh? White means ground floor right, second bro?" Yan Qingchang asked Yan Zhongyue in a confused tone.

Yan Zhongyue did not reply him. He just took the invitation card and nodded his head to Kylo.

"Don't ignore me, hey..." Yan Qingchang grumbled in a sulking tone. Yan Zhongyue knew his brother very well.

He knew that Yan Qingchang would like to ask for cards that allowed him entry above first floor since those people get private rooms and that is the reason why Yan Zhongyue ignored his brother.

Private rooms in each floor from the second floor have their own benefits and privileges.

For example in the fourth floor private rooms, if the buyers demand, they could get a woman or man with high cultivation to dual cultivate.

Though this really would not help the bidders much. Since to benefit from dual cultivation, you would need someone better than your cultivation base and all those who attend the top floors are powerhouses.

But this is just the auction house showing their goodwill.

Next is the purity of the air, no the purity of energy in the private rooms of the fourth floor is much better than the outside because of formations. Also the 'snacks' served by Auction House were made of resources that were very scarce to any normal cultivators.

Many may seem it as waste of resources, but who were the people of the fourth floor? How many people can even get invitation of the fourth floor??

First of all only a little, very little percentage of the total population of the continent were invited in the biggest auction of the continent. And secondly, only and only the people of highest status in the continent were invited for fourth floor.

The third floor, just has the pure energy to cultivate and the 'high grade refreshments'.

The second floor just had the pure air.

But that was enough for Yan Qingchang to really want to get a seat above first floor.

Though, Kylo, as well ignored him and continued "I and Anastasia will be going for second floor room." Kylo took out a light silver invitation card and said.

"Yippee~ finally some private time with my master...." Anastasia hugged Kylo's arms tighter and said in a cheerful voice.

Kylo looked at her and thought.

[Lets ignore this one as well...]

He took out two lists handing them to Nicholas Dumas and Yan Zhongyue. One of the lists had two columns in them.

The first list contained all the the people attending the auction. The list only had names for above first floor people. Since even if the offend for those below the second floor, they can just kill them.

The Second one contained the columns:

the first one had the name of the products sold in the auction.

the second column contained the big shots who could be aiming for those products.

Kylo handed out the lists while saying "These are the items you need to bid for. Unfortunately the second column is not a sureshot but most of the possible bidders are mentioned there.

There can be various unknown changes in the auction. So be careful...

Yue, if in case you cannot the items given to you then just give up okay? Do not exceed the alloted cost.

And um... uncle Dumas, if in case the products we buy are clashing against some Holy Empires, lets just avoid them..."

Kylo gave out all the instructions in one breath.

Yan Zhongyue nodded his head to Kylo's instructions.

Yan Qingchang meanwhile said "Yeah, after all we are reaaaaaally not ready to take on a dynasty."

Anastasia just nodded her head.

Bai Yishan asked "Will Dynasties really send someone?? Will they really come in this little occasion???"

Kylo just nonchalantly replied "Well, who knows what my shitty luck has to offer right?"

Everyone seriously nodded their heads in unison.

Nicholas Dumas did not say anything even after a long while which was worrying Kylo a little. At the end seeing the Kylo and the other guys' worry he just sighed and nodded his head.

Kylo heaved a sigh of relief.

And that was when the only old man of the group asked the leader "So how did you even get everything?"


(Author Note:- From this chapter it may seem he is somehow a good guy here but no.... really no... he is a good guy only to those around him.

Well from these last 2 chapters conversation maybe you all are confused but they'll be mentioned in flashbacks...

And from the flashbacks hopefully you all will get to know my characters more...

Also read today's author thoughts please...


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