The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 35: Nigel-1

Chapter 35: Nigel-1

(Author Note:- 75 power stones in a week for 1 bonus chapter.

110 power stones in a week for 2 bonus chapters.

140 power stones in a week for 3 bonus chapters.)

(Author Note:- Alright guys a notice. The release time will change to GST around 5PM.)


Suddenly Kylo felt two auras approaching the cave.

One familiar another... familiar yet unfamiliar.

Kylo grinned and opened the cave.

The two auras entered the cave and the cave closed.

One hooded figure and another 1.2 meter long red snake were standing before Kylo.

Yes the two of them were Avery and Nigel.

(Author Note:- Nigel is the name of the snake. Also earlier it was mentioned the snake is 3 meter long but now I am making it 1.2 meter long.)

"Well well you came earlier than expected.. Seems little Avery cannot stay for long without me~" Kylo said with a grin on his face.

Avery by now already took out her cloak. The long haired lady just rolled her eyes and said "What earlier than expected. It has been 5 days so it is perfect now..."

Kylo was stunned for a moment before he asked with a frown on his face "You said 5 days?"

Avery just nodded her head with a weird look on her face.

[It meant I was doing that stupid dance for almost a week?!]

Kylo exclaimed in astonishment with how much he danced. The dance he did was a sword technique he got from the Heaven Devourer named {Dance of the Sword God}

[Still how audacious. Since I do the dance won't I be the sword god?

Hmmmm.... not that I hate the title] Kylo was grinning when he observed the red snake.

Nigel was looking cautiously towards Kylo. It was ready to attack Kylo once it found any suspicious moment.

Seeing this Kylo was a little displeased. No matter how one sees this was a show of disrespect towards him.

Perhaps feeling his displeasure Avery just muttered the snake's name.

Hearing her call, Nigel turned and seeing her glare he understood what he did was wrong and slowly put his guard down.

Kylo nodded his head since he already knew it was very difficult to change one's behaviour. And seeing snake's behaviour it already seemed like Avery did her best.

[I was right, this thing is a masochist...

Maybe I should ask Avery to kick him every now and then in the future. He might even thank me] Kylo just thought in his mind with a broad smile on his face.

Nigel suddenly felt a chill over his body. He tilted his head but could not find out the reason.

In fact Nigel was not wrong being disrespectful to Kylo. First of all it heard Kylo's stage from Avery, he was just spirit synchronisation stage expert and Nigel himself was a Dao king expert.

Secondly Kylo was an enemy who killed two of their 'allies' and made them retreat in an extremely humiliating manner.

Even if Avery explained Nigel everything about Kylo, his goals and how she got her help, he still could not help but be cautious.

And Kylo was rather appreciative of this nature.

[You cannot trust someone's words unless you personally experience it.]

Kylo can say this because of his personal experience.

[Though I do not appreciate the behaviour if it is with me...]

Kylo started walking towards the snake slowly and calmly observed him.

Meanwhile Nigel was doing the same, observing Kylo.

Kylo stopped in front of Nigel. He put his hand on the snake's head and observing him.

Nigel did not stop him since first of all he did not feel any ill intent. Beasts and monsters are much more sensitive towards the ill and killing intent since birth.

Only expert level Assassins or the likes can hide their intent perfectly from beasts. And Kylo is not one of them. True he can hide his intent from most of the beings but not from beasts and monsters. Especially not when he was stronger than Kylo.

Being stronger does not have anything to do with intents. Ill intents are natural. You have to practice to keep emotions in check to control your intents.

Well that is not the case with monsters and beasts. They can hide their intents as long as the other party is weaker than them.

Provided the other party is not really kuch more sensitive than himself.

And secondly Avery already explained him that Kylo needed to check him once, his potential, injury, and everything else before making the {Soul Contract}

Kylo used his own Nascent Soul power to examine the snake's power, potential, talent but mostly injuries.

The black haired lady's eyes were wide open when she saw that the power released by Kylo was of Nascent soul. She visited few days back and he was in spirit synchronisation realm. Now in just few days he became a Nascent soul expert. How could she not be surprised?

But then she remembered how Kylo mentioned he was an expert and he just got injured and his power were just reduced temporarily, she gradually calmed down.

Kylo looked at her and smirked as if asking why was she so surprised. He then thought

[I seriously want to see how would she react once she knows I can use domain...]

He was barely controlling himself from laughing out loud.

Seeing the bad smile on Kylo's face she immediately had an ominous feeling. She snorted and turned her head away.

Kylo said nothing, just thinking about the future while he first checked the injuries.

His eyes immediately turned serious when he observed his injuries. Because he noticed that rather than being internally injured he was poisoned.

The poison was scary for Kylo. He could not identify the poison but he can feel the scariness of the poison. His instincts were telling him even for the peak Kylo this poison would be scary.

But he was not scared once he glanced at Avery. Avery was confused by the glance a little.

He did not mind her confusion and continued to check it's bone age that was around 35 years old.

Bone age is not really everything. After all there can be a different soul within the body. Experts can just snatch the body whose cultivation base are weaker than them.

But then again, something is better than nothing.

A 35 year old Dao king was above average talent for Kylo but he knew it was because of the poison or he might be a Dao emperor, a being like this can only be considered natural genius.

He noticed that the snake can actually release power more than its actualy stage.

Kylo squinted his eyes and continued observing the snake who also closed his eyes because of boredom.

When he observed closely he felt something weird. It was not that his cultivation stopped improving rather...

Kylo shook his head and thought if he could cure this snake it had potential to atleast support him well until he reached his previous world.

But he still had to determine whether it is worth to form a soul contract with it because it was difficult to find cure for such poison.

Even his identity, he started forming doubts about his identity after checking the poison. Even in his previous life he had never seen such a vicious poison.

Kylo continued to examine its bloodline and after few seconds his moments halted.

He removed his hands from the snake's head.

The snake opened its eyes and looked at Kylo who was also looking straight at its eyes.



(Author Note:- .... *SIGH*)

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