The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 13: Confrontation-4

Chapter 13: Confrontation-4

Xia changhe crashed towards the other end of the formation.

Everyone immediately looked behind and they were stunned by the what they saw.

The hand which held the sword was no more. The entire hand was demolished. Since xia changhe crashed in the formation his spinal cord broke.

Blood was flowing from seven orifices. No one knows how many bones he broke. They all turned towards Avery angrily and were about to shout when they noticed something was different about her.

She even blew her own 'pet', which everyone knew how close she was to it. They immediately blamed it on the formation. They assumed this formation produced an illusion for Avery because of which she suddenly burst her aura.

The more they thought about it, the more it made sense to them.

Well, partially they were right, since Kylo produced the formation and Kylo was the one who 'provoked' her.

Just when they were about to go and save Xia changhe 3 beams shot out of no where.

And the next moment everyone heard 2 "poofs"

When everyone turned to see what happened they were stunned by the scene.

One beam directly pierced through Xia changhe's head. Another one pierced through Freya's heart. The last one was aimed towards Ning jing but she luckily had a combat ranked armour which saved her life.

Xia changhe could not even react and died just like that. Freya had her eyes wide open as she could not believe death will come upon her so soon.

She stretched out her hand wanting to say something but before she could open her mouth she fell on the ground with eyes wide open which still showed fear, anger and regret.

There was a momentary silence before Tang sanzang broke it "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?

It wasn't just Tang sanzang, everyone was scared by now.

"We made a mistake by coming here" Ning jing said with a calm voice but anyone can notice her voice was slightly trembling.

The snake slowly got up from his position and stood beside Avery quietly with solemn eyes that were scanning the area continuously.

Malkam had a grim expression on his face. he wanted to escape but there was no way. He wanted to attack the formation but was scared by the death of xia changhe and Freya.

After a second he did something which most of them were thinking of doing. He clasped his hands and...

"Senior we truly apologize for offending you. It was not our intention but since we were the first ones to intrude in your territory so we don't have any complains and deserved the punishment."

.... apologized while bowing 90 degree.

After pausing for a second he continued "We will also make sure to never intrude in this territory and a decree will be issued to all the powers of Zahrah domain not to take a step here."

After few seconds which seemed like eternity to them a reply came in deep voice "Do not ever intrude here, if I see someone 3000 kms around here, I will personally leave the cave.

Also make sure to send few spirit realm experts to guard the area beyond 3000kms. I do not want to be disturbed every now and then."

Everyone had an ugly expression on their face but they quickly recovered not dating to incur the 'senior's' wrath.

Malkam hurriedly replied "Yes senior, all the demands will be fulfilled. We are grateful for your mercy"

They did not hear anything after that. But in the next second they could see the formation disappearing from there.

They did not waste any time and hurriedly flew away from that cursed place.

A few seconds later Avery calmed down and just when she was about to fly away as well she received another message.

Immediately her expression turned ugly but she could not do anything and just nod her head.

A light flew from inside the cave towards her chest which disappeared inside her body.

The snake was stunned for a second and he was about to attack once again when heard the calm voice of Avery "Let us go"

The snake did not say anything and followed her but still did not forget to look back towards the cave with a crazed expression.

After that nothing except wind flew in that area.

(Author note:- Alright guys, this is my first time writing a fighting scene. Truly difficult! I made sure to make it as exciting as possible. Do write your views about the fight scene in the comments)

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