The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 73: a favorite

Chapter 73: a favorite

[Ding! Five disciples have entered the fifth round, Epic Mission is at 40% completion. The host has obtained 20 contribution points.]

[Ding! Sect Contribution: 92/500.] 

Jun Changxiao said, The fifth round is about to begin. There are only four more rounds to go, this one, the regional finals, the semi-finals, and the finals. It seems that I need to have the disciples take top 3 for the completion to be 100%.

The system agreed, [Correct.]

Shortly, the fourth round ended. 

32 participants; half were eliminated while the other half continued. 

At this point, it could be said that the competition had entered a fiery stage, because each participant left was very strong. 

Many of the audience members said that the participants would finally show their true strengths. 

After another short break, the referee announced, Fifth round first match, Li Qingyang versus Sun Haotian.



The two people cupped their fists. Once the referee called for the match to begin, the two instantly appeared in the center and started to fight. 

This opponents strength was undeniably strong, as Li Qingyang did not achieve a quick victory, engaging in a dogfight instead. 

Bang! Bang!

The sound of punches and kicks filled the air. 

The two participants fought with great skill, the audience watching with keen interest and immense pleasure. 


They had come from so far away to watch the outstanding talents have a showdown, not matches that immediately ended! 

This was what the competition was about!

Bang! Bang!

Within a short amount of time, Sun Haotian and Li Qingyang had exchanged moves 20 times. But as they continued to fight, Sun Haotians heart felt colder and colder. 

Because not only did his opponent have spiritual power to protect his body, his physical strength was intense too! Sun Haotian resisted the attacks, but his body shook and tingled with numbness. 

Li Qingyang and the others, though they werent as crazy as Xiao Zuiji, had also spent 6-10 hours in the tempering machine each day. Their physical strengths were monstrous; how else would they have been able to easily eliminate opponents?

Since Xiao Zuiji wasnt even at Meridian Opening, he could only force himself upon the path of body cultivation. 

The other three people had spiritual power, so they developed more comprehensively.


Finally, after a dozen more exchanges, Sun Haotian could no longer defend and was pushed off the arena.

Fifth round first match, Li Qingyang wins!

The next one to fight was Lu Qianqian, who brutally swept her opponent offf stage. 

This young woman did not enter the training room, but practiced every day in the Qi Gathering Array. After several days, she had boundless spiritual energy.

Li Qingyang depended on a union of spiritual power and physical strength; she depended purely on spiritual power. 

Su Xiaomo and Tian Qi also depended on a union of spiritual and physical power, striking their opponents out one by one. 

The competition progressed much slower, as they were no longer able to force a quick win or loss. Instead, various aspects had to be taken into consideration to achieve suppression. 

Even more impressively

Many of the experts at the scene were unable to accurately speculate their true cultivation!

These Ironbone Disciples still havent shown their hands.

Probably their opponents were too weak, insufficient for them to erupt with their true cultivation.

A ninth-grade sect, how did it train such outstanding disciples?

The experts were puzzled, simultaneously looking towards Jun Changxiao. 

This guy who seemed like a Meridian Opening rookie could actually train youngsters with mediocre aptitude like Su Xiaomo and Tian Qi, inconceivable!

Too strong.

The pressure is on

The other participants also noticed that Li Qingyang and the others continued to neatly defeat their opponents, their brows wrinkling. 

At this time, if they still saw the Ironbone Sect disciples as soft persimmons, then they were really stupid. 

The audience had already lost their minds. 

The Ironbone Sect disciples kept rising through the rounds, so they thought that the disciples were dark horses.

But from the looks, they were really competent!

Three zones already have a disciple entering into the zone finals. If they win the next round, then a ninth-grade sects disciple will enter the top four!

The area finals will definitely mean Martial Apprentice level, even if it is only the First Stage. They will definitely not find it easy to continue.

As the people discussed, the referee announced, Fifth round seventh match, Xiao Linye versus Xiao Zuiji!

Its here. Jun Changxiao sat up, looking serious. 

Xiao Zuiji had only defeated opponents of the Meridian Opening Realm so far, who were not worth mentioning. The Martial Apprentice level Xiao Linye was the true test!

Its starting!

Younger Cousin Linye has been cultivating in Sound Valley these few months, his strength must have risen remarkably! That fellow is just waiting to be beaten!

The Xiao Family descendents were alive once more. [1]

Although Xiao Zuiji had luckily defeated his opponents one after another, making their minds suffer, he had not met Xiao Linye, meaning that his good luck had come to an end. 

But at the same time, this group of Xiao Family descendents were still using luck to comfort themselves about Xiao Zuijis victories they really had no hope. 

Hmph. In the stands, a Xiao Family elder said coldly, The first several rounds, although he won, he has now met Linye, equal to knowing the results beforehand.

The Xiao Family had confidence in Xiao Linye. After all, he had been a Martial Apprentice even before the months of cultivation in Sound Valley.

That Xiao Familys Xiao Linye is a favorite to win this competition, Xiao Zuijis path as a dark horse ends here.

It is said that this Xiao Familys direct descendants aptitude is good, but was always overshadowed by Xiao Zuiji. Not until the opposite party degenerated into waste did the situation switch.

Yeah, several years ago, everyone called him Xiao Zuijis younger cousin. Its rarely mentioned now.

Xiao Linye walked on stage and heard the people discuss, his eyes exuding a chilling intent. 

Xiao Zuijis younger cousin This name, five years ago, was like a nightmare that plagued him. Even if he was outstanding, he continued to live under Xiao Zuijis shadows. 

He refused to accept it, he was unwilling!

He therefore assiduously cultivated and there was finally a day, after ceaseless effort he came out on top because his cousin degenerated into a waste. 


Xiao Zuiji stepped on stage.

Cousin, I will beat you under the eyes of the public. That way, everyone will know that I am called Xiao Linye, not Xiao Zuijis younger cousin.

Xiao Zuiji said, You wont.

The martial artists watching them looked at the pride written on Xiao Zuiji face and suddenly, they saw the Xiao Zuiji from five years ago. How eye-catching and popular he had been then, that shocking and peerless talent!

Xiao Linyes eyes were cold. You havent even opened one meridian, what qualifications do you have to say that I wont be able to?


Xiao Linye clenched his fists, anger simmering. 

He was actually a pretty calm person, but facing Xiao Zuiji, he found his mood hard to control. 

Begin! announced the referee.


As soon as he spoke, Xiao Linye angrily dashed forward, his hands forming interwoven afterimages, instantly creating a densely packed handprint. 

Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara Palm! [2]

Thats a mid-grade intermediate martial skill! an expert exclaimed. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shortly, numerous palms came at Xiao Zuiji from different angles, but he stood there solid as a rock. 


The cultivators in the stands felt their mouths twitching. 

The Xiao Familys direct descendant was a Martial Apprentice and had even used an intermediate palm technique, but still couldnt push Xiao Zuiji even one step back. His physical body was simply terrifying!


Xiao Linyes palms and fists were extremely quick, carrying strength well over 2500 jin. 

Unfortunately, when he hit Xiao Zuiji, there was only a bang, the body before him not moving in the slightest. 


Xiao Linye knew that the guys physical body was strong, but he didnt expect that it was strong to the point that even with the martial skills, it was his own hand that shook!

Xiao Zuiji calmly said, Older Cousin taught you in the past, you cannot fight with undue haste, cannot proceed with a chaotic state of mind. It seems like you have forgotten.

A loser does not have the qualifications to teach me! Xiao Linyes face crumpled in anger and another fist carrying several thousand jin came whistling. 


Xiao Zuiji dodged it. Moreover, he avoided it with only a slight movement. 

Many experts exclaimed in surprise.

Xiao Linye hit nothing but air. 

He used Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara Palm once more, launching an air-tight offense. But regardless of how he attacked, Xiao Zuiji was not shaken. 

In the stands, the Xiao Familys Great Elder had an ugly expression, killing intent increasing as the match continued.

He was able to see that Xiao Linye was unable to move Xiao Zuiji and his state of mind was getting more unstable. Sooner or later, there would be a problem.

Sure enough. 

When Xiao Zuiji saw the opponent forming another seal, he preemptively stepped to the side, lifting his fist to punch Xiao Linye in the elbow. 

The elbow allowed the arm to be more flexible, but was the weakest point. 

When punched, although it might not be dislocated, there would be intense pain. 

Xiao Linye quickly grabbed his elbow and retreated several steps. 

Xiao Zuiji said, You have a wound there.

That was right. 

When cultivating in Sound Valley, Xiao Linye had injured his arm. Although it was not a large obstruction, it was still an injury. 

Did it get discovered.Xiao Linyes expression became fierce. 

Xiao Zuiji shook his head. Fighting with an injury, you are even less of an opponent. Its better for you to quickly get off the stage.:


Is he ridiculing me?

Unforgivable, that is unforgivable!

Xiao Linye clenched his fist, pouring spiritual power into them, using a step technique to rush over once more. 

As spiritual energy billowed, the surrounding dust flew into the air. 

Xiao Zuiji did not continue to take the hits with his physical strength, retreating step by step, avoiding the attacks step by step, simultaneously searching for an opportune moment to counter. 

Although Xiao Linye had been deliberately protecting the area around his elbow, he could not continue to punch. The originally unimportant injury had become aggravated, transmitting intermittent waves of heartrending pain. 

Based on the look of the match, he was still suppressing Xiao Zuiji. But to an expert, his movements were much slower than before. 

This Xiao Zuijis body is too strong. If the Xiao Family direct descendant cannot achieve an effective attack, he will fall into a disadvantageous position sooner or later.

A body strengthened to this degree will not easily shake, unless you use a weapon.

The Sect Martial Arts Competition has never allowed participants to use weapons. In my opinion, the Xiao Family direct descendant is in danger.

Tsk tsk. Without opening a meridian, he can fight against Martial Apprentices, never thought it was possible!

Look, the elders from the Xiao Family are so angry their faces are green.

This monster who trained his body to such a degree was expelled from the Xiao Family, of course they would turn green!

Many experts watched and discussed. 

The Xiao Family elders expressions constantly changed, their bodies flooded with anger. 

They could not accept that the loser they had expelled was on par with Xiao Linyes full power because you know.

On par?

The Xiao Family elders were too naive.

Xiao Zuiji was seeking a flaw, but this continuous attack style was affecting Xiao Linyes elbow. As his injury ached, his attacks became disorderly. 

Even the ordinary cultivators were able to tell that this Xiao Family direct descendants attacks were becoming more energy-consuming. 


Swiftly, Xiao Zuiji landed another heavy blow on Xiao Linyes elbow. 

There was a kacha and Xiao Linye grimaced and retreated several steps, sweating from the sudden influx of pain. 


Xiao Zuiji approached him and circled behind, reaching around to grasp Xiao Linye by the neck and performing a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw. 


Xiao Linye fell heavily on the ground, his face exceptionally pale. 

Its over, the many experts shook their heads. 

This result, from the moment Xiao Linyes previous injury had been discovered, was set in stone. 


Of course not!

After Xiao Zuiji judo-flipped Xiao Linye, he grabbed the boy by his neck. Remember, your older brother is forever your older brother. Even if he degenerates into a waste, it is not in your right to blaspheme him.

Bang! Bang!

His right fist went down again and again. 

In just a moment, Xiao Linye, who had been a promising seedling, was as miserable as Bei Jian. 

Jun Changxiao shrugged, Favorite to win? Nothing more than trash.

The Great Red Gate elders expression couldnt help but twitch. 

A disciple who wasnt even at Meridian Opening beating this Xiao Family direct descendant like this Damn, god-motherfucking-damn!


Suddenly there was a loud sound and the elder startled in his seat.

The Great Red Gates elder quickly turned to the side, only to find that the toy in the Ironbone Sect Heads hand was smoking. And where it was aimed there was a hole pierced into the stands some distance away!

The loud gunshot alarmed several of the other cultivators. 

They all glanced over and saw Jun Changxiao holding some weird stick thing. Opposite to him, the Xiao Family Great Elder was standing in front of his seat, panic stricken. Less than half a meter away from him was a freshly-made hole. 

Did Sect Head just open fire? Su Xiaomo and Li Qingyang wondered. 

What was that sound just now?

It sounded like a firecracker!

The crown started talking at once. 


Jun Changxiao had one foot on the seat and pointed at the Xiao Family Great Elder, Sit down.

The Xiao Family Great Elders expression was extremely ugly, but faced with the thing still smoking, he could only obediently sit down. 

Especially when he remembered how the moment he stood up, a flowing light had instantly brushed past him, exploding into the wall with terrifying power. His heart was still shaking. 

Zuiji. Jun Changxiao cocked his gun and brightly called down, Vent properly. Youve been wronged for the past few years. This Lord will help you look; whoever dares to act unreasonably, their head will explode.

Xiao Zuiji smiled, raising his fist to once again maliciously strike down.

This continued until Xiao Linye was beaten half to death and was dragged like a dead dog, then flung off the competition stage.

Fifth round seventh match, the winner is Xiao Zuiji!

The referees announcement echoed through the arena. 

Many martial artists found that they were unable to calm down for a long time

[1] Alive and fired up sound similar, both pronounced huo

[2] Avalokitesvara is the bodhisattva of infinite compassion and mercy; the Chinese usually worship him in female form as Guanyin (the raws said Thousand-Armed Guanyin)

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