The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1201 - 1201, A Moneybags’ Style

Chapter 1201, A Moneybags’ Style

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

Xu Zhensheng’s face twitched and fell, glaring at the other booth, “Senior uncle, who is that?”

“Oh, that must be the Luo clan.”

The old man squinted and said, “They’re not with them, just a group that got fame from throwing their money around in Gambling Town recently, nothing but moneybags.”


[They go after Eight Emperors’ people without any backing? I can’t lose now, what about Sword Emperor’s sect’s reputation!]

Xu Zhensheng shouted, “Thirty million…”


The elder snapped, a little too late. Youths could never handle a challenge right, irking for a fight at the slightest provocation.

Thirty million was his yearly allowance for training, yet it was all thrown over some unknown useless bauble.

The old man cursed him for being a sore loser, while Fang Min rejoiced under the second hand attention.

Zhuo Fan casually replied, “Sacred stones!”

The entire stands were stirring, with all eyes fixed on his booth in shock.

Twenty million sacred stones over some random crap? That was no longer betting, but throwing cash around.

[What kinda moneybags are behind that curtain?]

Xu Zhensheng choked, grimacing, unable to face Fang Min’s hopeful eyes and choosing to direct all his hatred at the enemy.

[Bastard, who the hell are these Luos? Throwing away twenty million sacred stones like garbage? Did they run out of spirit stones? This is absurd! They got more money than a Sword Emperor disciple!]

The senior uncle was stunned, but sighed in relief.

[I’m glad this wastrel got his desires curbed, ha-ha-ha…]

“Uh, honored Luo clan, are you sure you want to bet twenty million sacred stones on this?” The city lord was taken aback as well.

All eyes awaited for the booth’s reply.

“City Lord, we only have sacred stones and we’ll only be using them from now on.”


The hall exploded with clamor, never leaving the booth out of their sight. They all heard of the Luo clan’s deep pockets, but to think they were bottomless.

They used sacred stones right off the bat and they would keep doing it! What were the rest supposed to bet then?

Many clutched their heads, grimacing out of futility to deal with this upstart.

Looking at the crowd, the city lord stuck to his role, “The Luo clan bid twenty million sacred stones on this item. Is there anyone else who bids more?”

Silent as the grave.

“No one at all?” The city lord tried.

Seeing no reaction, he declared, “Then the fascination of women and obsession of men shall go to the Luo clan!”

The city lord threw his arm and uncovered the trolley to reveal a dazzling prismatic hairpin, decorated with 18 crystalline pearls of incredible clarity that mesmerized the crowd.

The girls in particular, looked spellbound, holding them under its mystical spell.

“Prismatic Virtuous Hairpin, created from refined metal 180 times and adorned with pearls, each priceless. As a woman, wearing such a pearl hairpin would magnify their beauty, emphasize their elegance, and perfect their image.

The city lord went on, “Alas, it can’t be considered anything more than a hairpin. Any man that would buy it is bound to have their hearts bleed in regret going home with this trinket, ha-ha-ha…”

The audience burst out in laughter, most of which were men, of course. As for the women, they were just enamored with the pearl hairpin.

The Ruby Cloud Sect women, even Mei Sangu, weren’t any different, their eyes sparkling like that of a young girl.

Fang Min bit her lip, giving Xu Zhensheng a reproachful look, “You’re useless. You couldn’t even buy a hairpin.”

“Sister Min, it’s good that he didn’t. It’s nothing but a pointless decoration worth less than a hundred spirit stones.”

“As if! It has its uses and I wanted it!” Fang Min whined like a spoiled brat. Chu Qingcheng nodded at the side, envious, “Sure it’s not valuable, but it’ll be nice to be able to wear it just once.”

“You? Ha!”

Fang Min scoffed, “No amount of hairpins will work on someone as hopeless as you!”

Chu Qingcheng pouted with a lowered head.

The city lord turned to the Luo clan to say, “Of course, a sword is worthy of a hero, as makeup is sublime on a lady. We’ve been mocking its value only from a man’s standpoint. For a woman, however, especially a breathtaking beauty as young miss Luo, it is another matter entirely. With your wealth, it is not just about money when bidding on the hairpin, but a must have accessory. Take the hairpin to young miss Luo!”


An attendant took the trolley with the item.

All the eyes that glittered as the item passed belong solely to women, filled with envy.

“Hold!” A voice from the booth came.


“Give this hairpin to Ruby Cloud Sect’s young miss Chu Qingcheng.”

Everyone got rowdy again. All whispering as they turned in Ruby Cloud Sect’s direction.

[Luo clan just threw away twenty million sacred stones just so it can gift it to Ruby Cloud Sect? Are they their backers?]

The Ruby Cloud Sect group was baffled as well. Fang Min turned eager to Mei Sangu, “Senior aunt, is the Luo clan with us?”

The elder stared at her hard, tense.

[With Ruby Cloud Sect having such a wealthy branch, it will make the last bidding dangerous.]

“I don’t know. Sect Leader didn’t tell me anything. Were they sent to help?” Mei Sangu was floundering.

An attendant brought the item over, bowing, “Senior, who might miss Qingcheng be?”


All eyes focused on Chu Qingcheng, who looked out of sorts as she raised a hand.

The attendant smiled and bowed again as he presented the hairpin, “As miss heard, the Luo clan’s master gifts you this. Please take it miss.”

“Uh, oh.”

Chu Qingcheng operated on reflex at this point, too overwhelmed to speak. Before she did reach it, however, another hand flicked the cover and moved to grab it right in her face.

With a cold eye, the attendant dodged the insidious hand, staring at the owner, “Miss, you’re not Chu Qingcheng and I can’t give it to you.”

“I’m the head senior sister of Ruby Cloud Sect, Fang Min. If Luo clan told you to give Ruby Cloud Sect the time, then why can’t I have it?” Fang Min’s eyes burned with jealousy as she grinded her teeth.

The man spat, “Master Luo bought the hairpin, and it’s our duty to give it to the rightful owner. Gambling Town abides by this rule. Since sir wished for young miss Qingcheng of Ruby Cloud Sect to have it, it’s clear that it doesn’t belong to the sect itself.”

“Damn you…”

“Min’er, stop making a scene. You’re only making a fool of yourself.”

Fang Min was about to flip out, but Mei Sangu shouted. She then smiled, “Qingcheng, it’s his gift, so take it.”

Chu Qingcheng nodded with a smile, taking the item offered by the attendant and adorning the hairpin in her hair.

The clothes made the man, or the woman in this case, as the hairpin blended flawlessly with the perfect girl, turning her otherworldly…

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