The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1152 - 1152, Devil Palace’s Actionsvin

Chapter 1152, Devil Palace’s Actionsvin

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks


One white and one black figure landed in a valley, the Exalted Double Dragons.

Looking at the distant wooden house, Exalted Hei Ran looked bleak, “A report said Luo Alliance’s young miss made contact with Baili Jingwei here.”

“The source is good so it must be true.”

Exalted Bai Mei nodded, “We’ve taken harsh actions but it’s still a shame that the Luo Alliance would take such a path. For Luo Yunhai, they’d even side with Baili Jingwei and betray the western lands!”

“Regardless, there’s no tolerance for betrayal. Let’s see what they have to say when they’re caught red-handed!”

Exalted Hei Ran stared in front.

The door to the house opened, with Luo Yunchang peeking her head out and looking around. She made a sign to make a hole for her to slip through, followed by Zhuge Changfeng and the rest. They made sure to close the seal back.

Exalted Hei Ran’s words dripped with hatred, “They must have something to hide for even have a barrier to be in place. Humph, the house is beyond suspicious. The central area’s spy must be inside!”

“I agree. Let’s go and catch him!” Exalted Bai Mei shot forth with Exalted Hei Ran behind.


The two blocked Luo Yunchang’s group as they left, startling them.

This only worked to cement their doubts.

Luo Yunchang held a bright smile, “Exalted, you gave us a shock appearing out of nowhere, ha-ha-ha…”

“Of course you’d never think we’d come, since you didn’t want your evil plan to come to light.” Exalted Hei Ran scorned.

Luo Yunchang’s eyes rolled around in confusion, “Why does Sir Exalted mean? I don’t understand.”

“Then let me make it perfectly clear!”

Exalted Bai Mei spoke sternly, “Your brother is in the hands of the enemy so you wanted to make a deal with them and sell out western lands for Luo Yunhai’s life. Am I right so far? This house must have central area’s spy!”

Luo Yunchang’s mouth shook, but then she snapped, raving like a banshee from hell, “Yeah, I want Yunhai back alive no matter the price, even your precious western lands. Can you blame me? My brother had toiled hard for western lands, loyal and honorable. Now that a crime was pinned on him, you didn’t do crap, letting the enemy take him. Now you show up accusing me of selling out western lands? You sold out my brother first!”

“Luo Yunchang, you’re narrow-minded! The Central area framed Luo Yunhai, not us. For the good of western lands, he honorably gave his life. And what do you do? You disgrace his noble sacrifice. Would he be happy to be rescued like this?”

“You have no brother, so how can you tell he won’t be glad to be back? And another thing, his honor and decency don’t mean he has to kill himself for some fools like yourselves. Stop trying to tie him down with honor and righteousness. The Luo clan’s noble and righteous character is within our heart and not medals on our chests. When honor becomes our clan’s shackle, our unjust crime, that will be the day we will switch tactics, laying waste to everything in sight. I won’t give a rat’s ass about the western lands’ people. Anything to get my brother back! You can survive but we can’t?”

Luo Yunchang layed out all the pain and sorrow in her heart.

Exalted Bai Mei held up his hand in fury, “I’m not here to waste words on some petty woman. I have come to catch the central area spy and you all will be coming to Double Dragon Manor as well to show all of western lands the truth!”

Exalted Bai Mei went to the door and shouted, “Listen up, whoever you are, come out at once or I’ll make you come out, in pain!”

“Hoh, western lands’ Exalted are so fiesty. Anyone can take the throne with no real contender, I see. You two have to work together to fight a Sword King, but are worth nothing in the central area. While in western lands, you strut like kings. Western lands is a lost cause, ha-ha-ha…”


The sounds of zither were heard as a harsh words came out.

The Exalted’s heart sank, turning grave, “W-who are you?”

The zither became louder and the wooden house exploded, with sword energy shooting at the two.

The two worked as one against such onslaught, putting all their power in front to resist. But more swords remained, slicing forward and straight into the heavens, making them rumble.

“Seven Notes Obscure Sword!”

The two cried out, “Zither Sword King. Liu Mubai?”

The music became mellow as Liu Mubai smiled, playing the zither. But his smile held disdain.

“You flatter me. What happened to your earlier demands? Didn’t you ask me to come out or I’ll know pain? Ha-ha-ha, well here I am. How will you make me suffer, I wonder?”

The two shook in silence.

The spy they were after turned out to be a damn Sword King! Fighting toghether would only end up in a draw, unable to take him down.

“Luo Yunchang, you have some nerve to bring a Sword King into the western lands. Do you not realize the risk?” Exalted Bai Mei glared, “What have you done?”

Luo Yunchang’s rose an eyebrow, sneering.

Zither Sword King smiled, “As Sword King, all acts have heavy implications. I have came here not to squabble, but for you two. Be nice and die, ha-ha-ha…”

“Just you?” The two scoffed as they showed all they had and more.

Zither Sword King said, “Oh, not just me, with the Luo clan’s help as well. Since I came in, others followed, ha-ha-ha. To be frank, I brought a million hardened soldiers deep into your home to raid Double Dragon Manor. Once it falls, the western lands are headless, easy pickings for the ten million army outside as we coordinate to take down western lands. This is Prime Minister Baili’s plan to immobilize the head. How long do you think it will take? A week? Maybe less?”


Exalted Double Dragons cried out in shock, having the time to curse Luo Yunchang, “You dumb broad! You doomed us all!”

The Exalted ran for the Double Dragon Manor, hoping to preserve Double Dragon Manor’s strength before the plan succeeded and assemble the western lands to defend.

Zither Sword King watched them go, just as a raging golden fires blocked their path.

[Another Sword King?]

The two’s hearts sank, finding before them someone familiar, “You?”

“Ultimate Clarity Sect’s Ye Lin, at your service!”

His eyes shone with golden flickers as Ye Lin exploded with terrible power of Zither Sword King’s level, “Exalted, it’s been a while. If you were wondering, I was the one who leaked information about the Luo clan having secret talks here.”

The Exalted glance at Zither Sword King behind and at Ye Lin in front, knowing they were set up and fear crept in.

“You drew us out here to hold us and let Baili Jingwei succeed!”

“That’s Prime Minister Baili’s plan!” Zither Sword King snickered.

The Exalted were in despair, turning to Ye Lin in confusion, “You’ve been gone for a hundred years. How did you end up helping Sword Star Empire again?”

“Exalted, I’ve never done that.”

“Why stop us then…”

“It’s the will of Devil Palace Lord!”

Ye Lin grinned, “I’ll come clean. I am one of Devil Palace’s three emissaries, the Sun Devil Emissary. And this is Devil Palace’s action, independent of Baili Jingwei!”

The Exalted shuddered, their eyes dazed with doubts.

[Blast it, Baili Jingwei wasn’t enough, now we have Devil Palace stepping in. The largest underground force and the largest known force act at once, and for what exactly?]

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