The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 49: Who is Zhuangzhuang’s Dad in the Variety Show Wind and Cloud

Chapter 49

It seemed as if the whole world fell silent with that "Dad."

Including the livestream room.

In the livestream, the normally scrolling comments paused for a moment, and the director and staff sitting behind the camera collectively let out a gasp.

Indeed, inviting both Ren Man and Yue Qingchi was for the views, but no one had anticipated that Ren Man's son would call Yue Qingchi "Dad" at this moment, including Yue Qingchi himself.

The child's mother was the first to react, laughing as she said, "I'm sorry, lately Zhuang Zhuang has been calling every man in his twenties or thirties 'Dad.'" She then took the child aside, saying, "Zhuang Zhuang, hasn't Mommy told you not to call strangers 'Dad'?"

〈Holy crap! This show is explosive, I dare not breathe〉

〈Could Ren Man and Yue Qingchi be secretly married? After all, kids don't lie〉

〈What nonsense are you spouting?! Sister is beautiful on her own, no coupling〉

〈Kids don't lie but they do talk nonsense. My son once said his kindergarten teacher pooped in his pants〉

〈Hahahahahaha, the comment above is killing me〉

〈Honestly, right now I'm most envious of Nian Suian and Gu Zhijing, mother and son. It must be so satisfying to watch this drama unfold up close!〉

〈Agree with the above〉


After that interlude, Yue Qingchi no longer had the heart to greet everyone. He casually found a place to sit in the courtyard. However, Yue Qingchi's mother kept her eyes on Ren Man's back, lost in thought.

The awkward scene didn't last long as the fourth guest arrived.

This time, it was someone Nian Suian knew, the film emperor Xiao Mo. It must be said that to be a film emperor, one must be quite good-looking. He was pushing two suitcases by himself, followed by two girls. One wore a dress with small leather shoes and had long hair reaching her waist. The other wore sportswear and sneakers, with a high ponytail, pushing her own suitcase.

Earlier, Qiao Peipei had said she didn't know which sister Xiao Mo would bring to the show. Unexpectedly, he brought both.

Nian Suian quietly asked Gu Zhijing, "Why aren't you going to ask for an autograph? Don't you like him too?"

Gu Zhijing shook his head, "I'm feeling a bit conflicted right now."

Xiao Mo had probably not checked his phone on the way here and was unaware of the "awkward" incident that had just occurred in the courtyard.

As soon as he entered, he proactively greeted everyone and introduced his two sisters.

"This is my sister, Xiao Yan." Xiao Mo put his arm around the girl in the dress. "Yan Yan, say hello to everyone."

"Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Yan."

After Xiao Yan finished, Xiao Mo pointed to the girl in sportswear behind him, "My sister, Xiao Zheng."

Hearing his introduction, Nian Suian exchanged a glance with Gu Zhijing, thinking: This film emperor doesn't even bother to pretend, the difference in attitude is evident just from the introductions.

At this point, everyone was unfamiliar with each other. Nian Suian and Gu Zhijing aside, even though Xiao Mo and the other two were all in the entertainment industry, actors and singers don't interact much usually. They might have met before but couldn't be considered close.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, everyone sat down. Compared to the pin-drop silence in the small courtyard, the livestream comments were much livelier.

Among the countless comments shouting 〈Brother is so handsome〉, some astute viewers offered their opinions: 〈Is it just me, or does Xiao Mo's attitude towards his two sisters seem different?〉

〈You're not alone, I feel the same way. His attitude towards the younger sister called Xiao Zheng seems quite poor〉

〈Aren't you all being too sensitive? They're siblings, how could he treat them differently? You're reading too much into a simple greeting, must be haters from rival camps!〉

It must be said that the film emperor's fan club is quite powerful. Soon, no more questioning comments could be seen, only a flood of supportive messages.

"I should check when Peipei is coming," Nian Suian was about to look at Qiao Peipei's livestream when she heard Qiao Peipei's voice.

"Sister Suian, I've missed you so much!"

"And little brother Zhijing, sister has missed you too."

〈Aren't the Gu mother and son ordinary people? Why do they know Qiao Peipei?〉

〈Knowing celebrities doesn't mean they're celebrities themselves〉

〈The Qiao family is in business, and so is the Gu family. It's not strange for them to know each other〉

〈Is the commenter above an insider?! What's the background of the Gu family?〉

〈Ahh, our Peipei is so cute, sweet girl forever!!!〉

"Peipei, you're finally here. Where's your brother?" Nian Suian was curious why Qiao Peipei came alone.

"My brother? He's behind me with the luggage."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao Yan's roar came from the entrance: "Qiao Peipei! Am I a donkey or what?!"

Qiao Yan was pushing three suitcases by himself, carrying a travel bag, and had a large hiking backpack on his back.

Seeing this, Yue Qingchi and Gu Zhijing ran over to help. Nian Suian saw Gu Zhijing stumble under the weight of the hiking backpack, which gave an idea of how heavy it was.

Qiao Yan put down the luggage and leaned on his thighs, panting heavily.

"Brother, don't you work out every day? This is perfect weight training. Who was it that said: 'I'll take care of my sister'?"

〈Poor brother...〉

〈This is what real sibling relationships look like〉

〈Not really, my brother would never help me with luggage, he'd only hit me〉

After catching his breath, Qiao Yan came over to greet Nian Suian and Gu Zhijing.

"Suian, Zhijing. How do you find it here?"

"It's good you're here. I can't imagine how awkward it would have been otherwise." Watching drama unfold wasn't as easy as it seemed. Before Qiao Peipei arrived, Nian Suian felt she could have built a Barbie dreamhouse with all her fidgeting.

Gu Zhijing also said, "It's not as fun as I imagined."

〈So real, the atmosphere in the courtyard was really awkward earlier〉

〈What are you talking about? Isn't it still awkward now?〉

〈The director must have had a hard time gathering all of you〉

〈Little brother Zhijing's expression is really funny, his face is all 'I want to escape but I can't' hahahahaha〉

〈Giving the high school brother a little taste of the entertainment industry shock〉

〈I don't know if you've noticed, but Xiao Mo really does treat his two sisters differently. Sister Xiao Zheng is standing alone to the side, looking pitiful〉

There weren't enough seats in the courtyard. Xiao Mo let Xiao Yan sit while he stood behind her, while Xiao Zheng stood alone by the wall, playing with her phone.

Seeing this, Gu Zhijing took his small stool to Xiao Zheng, "You can sit here." Without waiting for her response, he walked back to squat beside Nian Suian.

Nian Suian saw his action but didn't say anything, only ruffling his hair when he squatted down.

〈Little brother Zhijing is so gentlemanly! Thumbs up〉

〈The little brother is handsome and gentlemanly, I'm a fan now〉

〈Am I the only one who noticed he has a good relationship with his stepmother? The head pat was so natural, like petting a puppy〉

The guests had been sitting there for half a day without any tasks, and were starting to get restless. It was now close to noon, and although it was October, it was still very hot.

"What are we doing next?" Xiao Mo asked the staff off-camera.

"There's one more guest who hasn't arrived yet. Please wait a little longer."

Nian Suian glanced at the livestream. The sixth guest's livestream was black, and it wasn't clear what the situation was.

"Is the sixth guest the Pei Sheng you mentioned earlier? What's his status?"

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