The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Chapter 651 - Ice Queen vs Dr. NTR

Chapter 651 - Ice Queen vs Dr. NTR

Ice Queen also emerged from the explosion, her right hand holding an ice sword made from the darkness.

Terrifying coldness blasted from her, obscuring the world with a dark snowstorm. At the same time, pitch-blackness erupted from the sword, enveloping the surroundings.

Despite the total negation of light, she was clearly visible. The outline of her pearly-white face was wrapped with luminescent ice crystals. They covered her all the way to her shoulder blades, from where they blossomed as wings.

In a way, her transformation was similar to Kiba’s, something the Black Fog noticed.

"Just what are these two abnormalities?!"

The sky continued to roar with furious lightning and release an absolute disintegration force that collided with the coldness, causing the world to quiver violently.

The masters of these two forces checked each other while their wings drew buoyant hues in the catastrophic environment.

Kiba gazed at Ice Queen’s sword and then focused on the weapons he wielded. He brought them together, colliding the streak of lightning and the staff. A blinding glow splashed out, and the two concentrated into one, morphing into a thick bolt of lightning.

The bolt stretched from his hand to the stormy clouds and entangled with the flashes of lightning.

Ice Queen didn’t react. She only observed the hypnotizing gold in his eyes and then the nature of his powers.

It was entirely like hers, and yet also totally different, despite their source being the same.

"Now is the time to start for real, isn’t it?" Kiba asked.

Ice Queen nodded, and they charged at each other, their weapons slashing out.


Her sword met his bolt of lightning. A series of shockwaves surged out, filled with dark shards and crackling golden currents.

Inside the mausoleum, many Alphas were seeking good fortune. They were the ones who acquired the qualification by acquiring Legacy Orbs, and as such, entered the mausoleum through many other entrances.

The shockwaves from the first clash were blocked by the mausoleum but failed to completely block the ones surging from the second clash, which made the Alphas notice the battle.

"These shockwaves are damn powerful!" Crimson Wolf exclaimed. "Almost on the same level as the ones created by Extermination and that cursed titan!"

The eyebrows of Miria – The Mad Blade – knotted together.

Extermination brought back memories she didn’t want to recall, especially his mission to destroy Earth – their only home.

"The world isn’t painted with sinister gray, so it is definitely not Extermination!"

Mountain Lord reminded them.

"Besides, don’t forget that mysterious woman faced him after we failed to suppress him."

Miria nodded in agreement. Extermination wasn’t seen after the arrival of that woman, so most likely, he was defeated.

"But the presence these two are releasing is similar to Extermination when he summoned the Cosmic Spark!"


The expressions of Crimson Wolf and Mountain Lord drastically changed.

They had observed the Cosmic Spark when they tried to stop Extermination. After scanning the energy from the present battle, they felt the same signature.

The other Alphas didn’t notice this. But they were equally shocked as they saw one of the fighters was Ice Queen.

"An independent World Councilmen!" Flame King was taken aback. "Someone is fighting her!"

The council of sixteen ruled Earth through the World Government. Initially, the council’s size was restricted to nine, first represented by the Nine Sovereigns, then their descendants.

But with time, the council expanded to appease seven independent entities – – the seven most powerful mutants in existence!

Ice Queen was one of them.

And if the rumors were to be trusted, she was at least in the three most powerful figures of the seven!

Yet someone was fighting such a supreme entity!

"Isn’t he that doctor?"

Flame King seemed to remember the events that unfolded before Infinity Maze opened.

"Dr. TNR or something."

"NTR!" Alan corrected him. "He’s Dr. NTR!"

Feeling the power coming from the doctor, he realized how valuable Enchantia’s advice was.

Alan eyed Flame King and asked, "Are you married?"

"?!" Flame King was confused.

Why would Alan such a question in a time like this?

While confused, he still answered, "Yes, I am."

Alan nodded and then hugged him. Flame King was shocked, but Alan didn’t care.

He hugged him tightly and said, "Welcome to the Union!"

"Huh? What Union?" Flame King asked in confusion.

"The Cuckold Union!"

Alan answered.

"What?!" Flame King broke the hug and pushed Alan away. "I’m not a cuckold!"

"Not for long!" Alan said as a matter of factly.


"So I’m welcoming you in advance!"



Meanwhile, Ice Queen heavily pressed her sword onto the bolt of lightning, pouring bone-piercing coldness into it.

Kiba felt his hand turning numb, with dark frost moving on his fingers. He swiftly pointed his other hand at her face.

A beam of explosive light burst out, and at such close-distance, it was all but impossible to dodge.

Yet she achieved the impossible by leaning her head to the side, causing the beam to brush past her. Simutanosuely, her wings curved out, and the pointed corners stabbed at him from the sides.

"!" Kiba was surprised, and he quickly pulled back, flying a few kilometers away. Her wings failed to stab him, so they started swirling in his direction, creating a typhoon of ice shards.

In the meantime, Kiba looked at his numb hand. The frost particles were quickly wrapping it, and it was a real pain to hold the bolt of lightning.

"Eternal Darkness’ main power is corruption. I can’t underestimate that."

He poured golden strength into his hand, and the frost faded in thin air. He then brought his attention to the incoming typhoon.

Instead of retreating further or blocking it, he did something that stunned everyone.

Grabbing the bolt of lightning with both hands, he charged straight into the typhoon, the shards whipping at him.


The bolt of lightning plunged into the typhoon’s upper swirls and cut them with the absolute obliteration force.

The typhoon turned unstable and started fading, but the shards managed to gash him. Though his regeneration ability erased the gashes before they were even formed.

Even as that happened, Ice Queen appeared before him. She stabbed at his stomach, and he ducked to the side while bringing his bolt of lightning at her neck.

But she was faster, and even though she missed his stomach, the sword stabbed into his left ribs. Hot blood gushed out like a fountain, and dark frost burst into his ribs.

His hands stopped, and the bolt of lightning stopped a hairsbreadth away from her. She looked at him without any emotion, their faces separated by a few inches, with her sword positioned between his ribs.

To her absolute surprise, he didn’t grunt or cry in pain. He did none of the things her deceased opponents did in such moments.


He started laughing.

She was startled, and before she could wonder if he was crazy, a terrifying gravitational force enveloped her.

"Gravity Cage."

The horrifying gravity couldn’t turn someone of her strength into nothingness, and Gravity Cage didn’t attempt to do that.

All it did was pull her body to his, like a needle to a magnet.

She bumped into him, with her l.u.s.trous lips pressing on his.


She was totally shocked.

Before today, her lips had zero contact with anyone.

Now she was kissing him, at least from the perspective of bystanders.

"Hey, pervert," Kiba said in her mind. "You might be a queen, but there’s something called consent."


"Learn its meaning before engaging in something like this. Ruling an all-women island is no excuse."

Her eyes enlarged, and her face turned a dark shade of crimson.

This man! How dare he!

Before she could get angry, the Gravity Cage vanished, and the change in sudden gravity made her lose balance. Her body blurred down, her lips sliding from his lips to his chin, and by then, she managed to stabilize.

She flew up and was again surprised.

Her sword that was earlier pierced in Kiba’s ribs was now floating next to him. There was no sign of any injuries on him!

Such a thing was impossible. Because even godly regeneration ability couldn’t heal a wound created by darkness in such a short span.

So the only explanation was that the sword didn’t stab him, but rather the air!

That would explain why her sword was floating there as only she could move it.

But that should also be impossible. She had plunged the sword into him and felt the frost entering his ribs.

Ice Queen moved her focus from him to the atmosphere. She scanned the remnants of power and realized what happened.

"Reality warping," She said, speaking for the second time since she met him. "You replaced my version of reality with yours."

Kiba smiled in response.

Ice Queen made a grasping motion, and the sword flew to her.

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