The Sage of Einar

Chapter 259 - Vikings Attack

Laisa who was sleeping could hear the crying of the babies, so she got up long before Einar and how she had been learning it in the last week.

She lifted the two babies from their cribs and held them so they could calm down a bit as she walked to the bedroom kitchen so she could warm the babies' bottles.

After placing the bottles with breast milk in a saucepan with water on the stove, she just waits for them to warm up for a few moments.

As she did so, she placed the babies on a small table where she began to change the cloth diapers of the babies, who were already a little calmer.

Although it was quite a demanding job for Laisa, it was a way to bond with the babies.

When she finished cleaning them and putting on the cloth diapers, she carried them in her hands and went to where the bottles were.

Using metal tongs, she pulled out the two bottles and waited a few moments for them to cool down.

Touching them and realizing that they no longer hot, she took one of them and turned it over to put some milk in her hand.

It did not burn or cause discomfort, so she knew it would not harm the babies. Taking the other bottle on his way to the rocking chair because she was thinking of feeding the children there.

After sitting down and rocking, she settled the babies on her lap and gave each of them a bottle, who began to eat.

Although neither of the two babies had opened their eyes, they had already learned to hold the bottles, so with the gentle movement of the rocking chair, they drank their milk quite calmly.

When they finished eating, Laisa, like a loving mother, wiped their mouths and placed them on her shoulders before starting to pat them.

The two babies who were already falling asleep could only burp and vomit some slime of milk on Laisa's back.

Who continued to lull the babies until they had fallen asleep. After a few minutes got up and very carefully left the babies in the cribs.

She covered them with a linen blanket and kissed them on the forehead before retiring to remove his dirty shirt.

In the morning Einar, who had a full night's rest, looked at how Laisa was taking care of the babies. So a smile formed on his face.

Well, all the training he had done with her had worked, so with her support, taking care of the babies would be much easier.

After getting up and getting ready to start his day, the door to his room was opened somewhat abruptly, and Sven, who had his armor on, entered the room.

"Einar Viking ships have been sighted off the coast. Be prepared as we may be under attack."

At sea, the Konungar Jorgen's fleet was advancing towards the coast of Iceland.

Jorgen was the king of Norway. After a series of conquests which included the Jarl Eero tribe, he established a government of iron hand.

But he was never completely happy with his government because a tribe had escaped from his hands. He believed that they had died in his escape, but thanks to the king of Denmark.

He learned that they were still alive and that they had taken refuge on an island in the north of the world, as a qualified king could not allow that threat to remain alive.

So he launched a campaign to end that threat. His only regret was that of the 200 Drakkars he had managed to gather.

Only 100 could have survived due to a storm that wiped out half the fleet but as a king.

Jorgen was ready to fulfill his mission, even though much of his army had already died at sea.

"Prepare your weapons, because in front of us is the last rebel tribe. You must pay with blood for the audacity of having escaped your destiny.

The descendants of Jarl Eero do not deserve respect. They are allowed to conquer and destroy them all. "

The Vikings began to shout and raised their weapons as they prepared for battle.

For their part on the dock, Ashraf and some warriors led the population to the tribal walls as they prepared for a battle against the invading Vikings.

Because this time the attackers were true Vikings, the 300 soldiers in training were given a crossbow.

"Run with all your might, you pieces of slave shit. This day you will show that you are worthy to be made into soldiers.

They will have to use their crossbows against bloodthirsty Viking warriors to defend their families.

You should not worry about anything other than killing the enemies. If any of you leaves your place, you will be killed on the spot.

By the members of the military police, I hope you can understand. "

Hearing Wally's words, all the slaves took their crossbows and began to trot to get to their positions from where they would shoot the Vikings.

For their part, a group of warriors prepared some coils of barbed wire which were placed around the coast to cause the greatest damage to the invaders.

Everyone, regardless of whether they were men or women, slaves or children, did the jobs they had rehearsed to deal with any threats that might come along.

Einar and Sven, who were walking down a scaffold placed in one of the secret exits of the palace, watched everyone work in the distance.

"Father, do you have any idea what kind of Viking can bring a gigantic fleet to our island, it will not be an attack from the southern islands."

Sven shook his head "They are much weaker than us. I doubt they can even muster more than 5 Drakkars.

Who is attacking us must belong to an established Nordic kingdom. It could be the kingdom of Denmark in retaliation for the death of his bastard son.

But if the news about the civil war in the Frank empire is true, then I can only assume it would be Jorgen. "

Einar looked at his father with some doubt "Jorgen, who is he and why would he send so many Drakkars after us."

Sven took a deep breath and stepped off the scaffolding that had already reached the ground.

"Jorgen was an ambitious leader who tried to convince your grandfather to be subordinate to him.

Unfortunately, he never took into account that your grandfather was an indomitable man, so he decided to fight him.

In three battles Jorgen was defeated so fearing for his life, he bought some traitors from the tribe who ended up starting a civil war.

Added to the fact of your grandfather's illness and his sudden death, it ended up consuming the forces of the tribe.

But to think that he came for us only makes me angry, but maybe it's for the best because if we can defeat him then one of our enemies would be completely eliminated.

I can't wait to see their corpses on the barbed wire. "

Einar just closed his eyes and sighed while tightening his nasal septum 'To think that a Norwegian king would come to try to kill my tribe for a vendetta that happened with my grandfather.

These people are either very bad in the head or they only do this to try to establish a position in their own kingdom.

Whatever the answer, if you want war, I'll see to it that you end your miserable life. '

When they arrived at the port, the Drakkars were already quite close, so they could see the terrifying numbers of ships full of Vikings.

Einar, who was holding his crossbow, could only show a confident smile "At least there are more than 80 ships and each of them must have 20 to 40 Vikings ready to kill.

That Jorgen should be afraid of us if he is commanding a real army against us, but since he wants to die, I will carry out his wishes. "

Using an iron megaphone, Einar began to shout with all his might, "Warriors, soldiers and slaves, today we face a veritable invasion of our sacred homeland.

The enemies are at least more than 1000 Vikings ready to kill our families, behind us there is only a wall that protects our families but how long can it last before the enemy enters our tribe.

We must stop the invasion on the beach, each of us must use the crossbow to kill the enemies.

The barbed wire will be our secret weapon, as it will stop them long enough to fill them with crossbow bolts.

When they pass the beach defenses, we will use pots with boiling oil from the wall and the built towers of the port.

So get ready because the war is about to start and the lives of our families are at stake.

We are all Nordic; we are citizens of the first nation in the world. May our anthem be the last thing those damn Vikings hear. "

They all shouted in unison and began to sing the national anthem as the Drakkars approached the shore.

Sweat fell on the foreheads of some slaves, but absolutely no one was afraid because the enemy bled and if they bled, they could be killed.

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