The Sage of Einar

Chapter 256 - The Miracle Of Life

In the single elevator Einar was holding Kassia and Helmi's hands "Just take a deep breath, as we have rehearsed many times.

Remember that I will be with you at all times. Our babies will be born without problems, I can promise you. "

Kassia, who already had experienced the born of a two children, acted more calmly while Helmi could only breathe deeply as she was feeling a completely new and unknown sensation for her.

When the elevator reached the floor where the small clinic was located, two midwives who were waiting helped Einar carry the two wheelchairs to the operating room.

While Einar, Felipa and the other women who would participate changed their clothes to thin clothes made of cotton.

Because there was no plastic Einar used for completely disinfected leather gloves to avoid any infection, they also all wore cotton head protectors.

Like four-layer masks, although they wouldn't completely block viruses or bacteria, they were good enough to keep saliva from coming out.

Einar also prepared ski goggles for everyone. Although they might seem extreme measures, he dared not be careless with the life of his family.

When everyone was ready, a woman was carrying on her back a small silver tank that had a pipe made of leather connected to it that had a bottle.

She pointed it at everyone and, making a signal, another woman next to her began to pump the contents of the silver tank using a lever.

Which created a piston effect that allowed the liquid inside the tank to squeeze out through the wooden nozzle.

Due to the way it was made, it released a substance in the form of a spray, which was a combination of water with bleach to cleanse their bodies.

Although this would only be used on them as Kassia and Helmi, they had received a general cleaning using soap and water to leave them completely clean in the shortest possible time.

When Einar entered the room, the light from the dozens of candles illuminated the place. Also, the temperature was quite pleasant, so Kassia and Helmi should be completely comfortable.

Sitting in a single Einar looked at his two wives "This will be a time-consuming process. We may be here for a few hours, but that does not matter.

It will take as long as it takes. When the water breaks breaks in both of you, your bodies will already be between the first phase and the second phase of the birth of babies.

I will be with you at all times, for the moment just close your eyes and try to rest a little, the contractions will be increasing more and more. "

After this Einar took the hands of the two women and waited, during the wait the two women who had their eyes closed were looked after by Einar.

Einar, who was looking at the two of them, could somehow remember when he had to attend to the born of his daughter Erika.

Perhaps his only regret was that in this age every baby was a blessing, because so many problems could arise during pregnancy or born.

They could end with the death of the baby, not to mention that only few makes it to adulthood.

For Einar, this was something unacceptable, so he would work throughout his life so that the babies of the tribe and his family could become adults.

Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of his grandfather Eero, the horrible practice of abandoning children was abolished, so his tribe did not behave like the other Norse tribes.

While he was thinking he realized that Helmi began to release water, so it was time to start the process of pushing.

So that the baby could come out and everything would turn out in the best way.

Caressing his wife's face he indicated that it was time "Remember the training Helmi, the baby is already on its way so you are going to feel horrible pain.

Which is only going to get stronger. Remember to breathe and push, don't stop for anything in the world. "

Helmi, who opened her beautiful blue eyes, squeezed the armrest at her sides with all her strength as she breathed and pushed with all she could.

The pain he could feel was something so horrible that he could only push his best to make it end.

The process was quite slow until the head of a beautiful baby with reddish hair began to emerge from Helmi's vagina.

With great care, Einar give instructions to his wife while he was receiving his baby with his hands.

When the baby came out completely, Einar realized that it was a boy. So tears fell from his eyes because he had been born without problems.

Taking her son in her arms, he cut the umbilical cord and using a wooden plier closed the piece of cut cord that the baby had.

After this and almost immediately he took it by his small feet very carefully and gave him a spanking, which caused the baby to start crying.

Placing him on a silk towel, Einar began to lull his son, as it was something that had to be done to release the little amniotic fluid that he might have in his lungs.

With great care, he handed his son to Helmi, who could barely hold him in her arms as she cried for the happiness and pain she was feeling.

Helmi and the baby cried for a few minutes before they relaxed and were able to close their eyes to rest.

"Take a break, my beautiful girl. You have done well, but this is not over yet. Possibly in a few minutes you will feel a sensation not as painful as childbirth.

Because the placenta will expel them, I know it will be difficult but we have to do it, but at the moment you have thought of a name for our son. "

Helmi, who was quite tired and who was enjoying the warmth of her baby on her chest, looked at Einar with a smile "His name will be Erik to honor his sister."

Einar, who wanted to hug his wife, could only contain himself as it was not the time so he just nodded "From now on it will be Erik Hermansen."

With a wave of his hand he asked Felipa to take care of and clean little Erik, for her part Kassia who was to one side at that moment, also released a liquid from her vagina.

So Einar, in the same way as with Helmi, began to guide and support his wife so that the baby could be born without complications.

Luckily for Einar, who was quite nervous, Kassia knew how to do everything much more calmly than when the baby's red-haired head started to come out.

Einar knew that the process was almost ending so when his baby came out he realized that it was a girl so like his brother Erik.

After cutting the umbilical cord, a spanking was enough for a cry to be heard.

"We have a daughter Kassia. She is beautiful. She looks a lot like you."

Einar very carefully brought the girl closer to Kassia, who hugged her as if it were the most precious thing in her life, opening her gray eyes and looking at her husband.

"Tell me what our little girl is going to be called. I think it is your duty according to the rules we established."

Einar, who was smiling but whose face was covered with the mask, didn't take long to say "Katherine, the name of a woman who once ruled a glorious empire.

I think it is a correct name for our daughter; I am sure that in the future she will achieve great things."

Little Katherine, who was on her mother's breast, could only unconsciously form a small smile because somehow she had liked the name.

After some time and after removing the placenta from his two wives, Einar transferred his wives to the intensive care area.

Where he let them sleep comfortably, while his two newborn children rested in specially made cribs.

Although he was tired as a soldier and a concerned father, he stayed by his family's side to take care of anything strange.

It would be a difficult night, but being able to see the faces of his wives and children gave him the willpower he needed to take care of them.

In the early morning, the two babies woke up crying because they were hungry, for which Einar took them out of the cribs and gave them to their wives.

Those who started nursing them. This lasted for a while before a foul scent made Einar sigh.

Well, he had to change his children's cloth diapers. Being their first poop, it would be the most smelly because of the substances that they would have trapped in their little stomachs.

In a very fast and quite careful task, Einar cleaned her two children and began to carry them while one of the caregivers patted them on the back so that they could burp.

Although it was a cumbersome process, for Einar, who had already been a father, it was an almost intuitive feeling, as he had learned a lot from caring for his daughter Erika.

Having already had her two children completely asleep, she put them back in their cribs and when he looked at them he realized with great pride that they were her little children.

'I will take care of creating the conditions so that parricide cannot be used. The last thing I want is for you to kill each other.


They are my little adorations from now on.. I may not be the best father but I will do my best and even the impossible to have them well. '

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