The Sage of Einar

Chapter 200 - Arrival Of The Merchants

Laura, who was holding Einar's hand, watched as some small green salicorns were growing in a specially prepared field still next to the tribe's harbor.

"Dad, why do salicorns grow in areas with only seawater, and what would happen if instead of seawater we only use fresh water."

Einar smiled and bent down to point to a small salicornia that was near them "We could not grow the plant with fresh water, because its evolution made it resistant and dependent on saltwater.

It is as if we try to grow a wheat plant using salt water, the seed will never germinate because it requires water without salt content to be born.

In addition, a curious fact is that salicornias are the only plants that grow in places with seawater, that is why we can find them in the marshes.

There are many types of salicornia and we only need to remove their leaves to allow the plant to grow new leaves that we can harvest later.

It is a vegetable that does not provide the vitamins that meat cannot give us. In the future when Natukt and his people arrive, I will show you a lot of new plants for cultivation that will improve our quality of life. "

Laura smiled, showing her teeth, and raised her hands with joy "I can't wait, but dad when the salicorns will be ready to be harvested."

Einar put his hand on his chin "Possibly it will take two or three months before we can harvest the first leaves of salicornias. As it is the first time we sow them, we must find a correct time.

Since in the future I plan to plant salicorns along the entire coastline of the island, to guarantee a fresh vegetable for everyone and with the use of caustic soda in the glass manufacturing process.

But now we should go back to the great hall so we can… "

Einar interrupted his words when he heard a bell ringing from the harbor. That could only mean that the lookout on the wooden tower of the harbor had seen someone.

Without thinking, Einar charged Laura and began to run to the town because he had to place her in a safe place because he did not know who was heading to the port.

As he ran, he could see how some warriors came out of the gates of the wall carrying their weapons, while others stood at the top of the wall, carrying their crossbows.

Although the wall was not yet completed, the front and some parts were sufficiently built to allow for a few crossbowmen.

Upon entering the tribe he could see all the men preparing while some women began to prepare to carry supplies in case it was a Viking attack.

Laura, who was watching the preparation of the town, squeezed her small hand because she wanted to join the defense of the tribe but knew that because of her age she could not be of much help.

"Dad, I swear I will grow up to be able to join the defense of the tribe whenever necessary."

Einar kissed Laura on the forehead and as he entered the great hall, he looked at Kassia, who had in her hand a crossbow and a quiver with crossbow bolts.

For his part, Helmi was holding a scaled armor and a metal helmet. After seeing this, Einar left his daughter on the ground and looked at her with pride.

"I'm sure you are going to do it, but now let Dad get ready as he has to command the defense of the tribe in case of any Viking attack."

After saying those words, Einar stroked Laura's head and approached Helmi, where he carefully began to place the armor.

"Do you think it is a Viking attack or the merchants?"

Einar, upon hearing Kassia's words, frowned "It's hard to say which of the two will be, but better safe than sorry but one thing is for sure.

Starting tomorrow, I will start with the development of a telescope using glass. It is vitally important to have a functional tool to be able to see as far as possible. "

When he put on his helmet, Einar kissed Helmi and subsequently went over to Kassia to kiss her before taking the crossbow and quiver.

"I'll be back with victory or good news, be careful either way."

When he finished saying those words, Einar left the great hall and began to run towards the main gate of the wall, as he had to prepare his defense.

On the way, he met his father who was clutching his big ax while he was talking to Eskol.

"Father, there is news from the pier"

Sven shook his head and looked at Einar seriously. "At the moment, the harbor watch has not sounded the attack horn or bell that indicates that the ships are from a merchant.

We will have to wait for the sound the lookout makes. "

Einar took a deep breath and began to organize the warriors in the best possible way, with that any enemy would have trouble attacking.

It was then that with all the warriors settled, the awkward silence was present.

Einar, who was holding his crossbow securely, resisted the urge to wipe his forehead as the heat of the sun was making him sweat.

Everyone then waited some time until the sound of a bell could be heard. At that moment, everyone relaxed and took off the helmets that protected their heads.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Einar looked at his father with a smile "The merchants have finally arrived. I want to know what important things they have brought.

But now that I think about it, father, how many merchants come to the island and where are they from? "

Sven, who was also wiping his sweat, started walking towards the port, accompanied by all the warriors.

"There are five groups of merchants who come to our tribe. The first corresponds to a rich Nordic who is established on some islands in the south.

He usually trades food and farm animals, he also has among his merchandise sometimes slaves or strange things that they find in their forays to the giant island in the south.

It's just that we always have to be careful with the merchants that you send because one of you ever tried to steal information.

We had to end his life, but not before making him suffer. For our fortune, this did not affect our communication between the tribes.

The second group of merchants comes from an island also in the south, but it is not the largest island. I think their island is called Eire.

Four years ago his tribe left Denmark, and they conquered a settlement that they called Dublin, due to their differences with the Christians they looked for alternate trade routes and ended up finding us.

The third group of merchants is led by a woman named Nelda. She is our merchant who is located further south.

Although she is a Christian woman, she is not interested in doing business with us. Of all the merchants she is the best to do business with.

The fourth group of merchants belongs to a group of rebels who live in the southern mountains. They call themselves the last Celts.

Their appearance is quite strange even for us, but in their ships, they have a great number of minerals, honey, and different things that our tribe needs.

Finally, there is the group of merchants who come every two years, they come from a place where there is a great wall that the Romans built.

I think they call it Hadrian's wall. According to them, they live in a city located on the east coast, where many centuries ago there was a post of Roman soldiers who guarded the wall.

They are Christians but they do not follow the normal Christianity that most follow; I have never really asked them, but what I have seen is that they do some rituals very similar to the Celts.

They are strange people, but they always bring a lot of cattle and cereals, like wheat and barley, to trade.

As for which merchants are the ones that arrived, we will have to find out. "

Upon arriving at the port, they all stood on the wood while watching five ships approach, all of them full of cattle and large sacks.

Einar was quite surprised, as they were carrying a large number of things that were visible to the naked eye.


'I hope that the glass, paper, and gems are enough to be able to get a good deal, as the tribe needs a better flow of coins to be able to motivate internal trade.


If that doesn't work, I can always look for things like tensegrity items and a few more things so I can trade. '

When the first ship arrived at the dock, it stopped until it was settled in a good place. At that moment a warrior approached and helped the ship by mooring it to the port.

From inside came a man dressed in monk's robes and a very thick beard. He had golden hair and blue eyes that revealed his thirst for adventure.

The man after going down the way in the port and seeing Sven was happy and approached him to give him a handshake "Sven, it's a pleasure to see you alive."

Sven laughed and squeezed his friend's hand tightly "Derian, I'm glad to see you with hair still. I hope you don't look like your father and lose your hair."

Derian stroked his hair and looked at Sven with some seriousness "You know well that the old man left that curse to annoy his descendants, there is nothing he can do.

I have to make the most of my hair since I don't know when I will lose it. "

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