The Sage of Einar

Chapter 182 - Attacking The Supply Line

Bastian who was sitting on the branch of a tree looked seriously at the small enemy camp that was a few meters from where he was.


"We will camp in this area, remember not to light any bonfire, since from your camp the enemy's lookouts can find us in their routine checks.


We will go out at night with the only mission to assassinate everyone, and we will leave this damn place to go to the next camp.


Understood soldiers! "


All the soldiers who were hiding behind the bushes nodded and prepared to spend the night.


During the waiting time, they had to feed on stale black bread, which they had to soak in water because otherwise, they would not be able to eat it.


Also to avoid being discovered, they placed a few lookouts on the trees to be able to guard their hiding place in case an enemy got closer than they should.


At night, all the soldiers readied their weapons and began to walk slowly through the thick vegetation of the forest as they approached the enemy camp.


Bastian, who was in charge of the operation, advanced in the front line, holding his sword with quite enviable security.


Seeing the first camp guard who had wandered off to urinate in a nearby bush, he approached him and surprisingly put his hand over the guard's mouth before stabbing him with his sword.


Feeling like the guard was shaking because the sword had pierced his lungs, he continued to hold him until he felt him stop moving.


So at that moment he released it and cleaned his hand as it was completely full of blood.


'Rest in treacherous hell.'


After this he began to walk towards the camp, looking for any other unsuspecting guard there to be able to end his life as quickly as possible.


After crossing some bushes it did not take long to find another candidate to be killed, which was a guard who appeared to be extremely drunk.


This because he was staggering from side to side while holding a wooden jug, Bastian at that moment began to walk slowly towards the back of the carefree guard.


Upon arrival, he touched the shoulder of the guard who just turned his body, and before he could do something he felt a sword pierce his chest.


With a smile on his face, Bastian pushed the corpse of the guard to the ground where he drew his sword and dragged the corpse into some bushes so that it would not be found.


After this he began to look at his soldiers and with some signs he realized that he had already completely cleaned the perimeter of the camp, so raising his fist he made a signal for everyone to begin the attack.


Because all the camp guards had been killed, no one realized that a great threat was approaching them.


So many were asleep and others had simply gotten drunk on beer that they had stolen from some nearby farms.


Bastian began to walk slowly but steadily, and when he reached a tent, he entered to see a naked woman whose eyes were completely red.


Making a signal not to make noise, he approached the three naked and drunk men who were sleeping.


Using his sword, he ended the lives of the three, so he made a sign to the woman to take revenge if she wanted.


When Bastian came out of the tent, he heard how the woman who was crying began to repeatedly stab the corpses.


'Maybe the poor woman ends up committing suicide but at least she got the revenge she needed, it's a shame we couldn't act before.


But today these bastards came down for all the actions they have been performing in this sacred land. '


After some other steps, another tent was found where four other soldiers were resting, who never woke up and had because a sword ended up cutting off their heads.


This began to be repeated throughout the camp from the outside to the inside, each and every one of the 200 people that made up the enemy camp ended up dying at the hands of the soldiers.


When the last enemy soldier was killed by Bastian and some woman's captives, the operation was terminated and it was then that they began to search the corpses for things of value.


Already at dawn and having recovered everything of value, they took some torches and began to set fire to the camp before starting their way into the forest to launch a new attack.


In the morning numerous cavalry arrived at the destroyed camp, where they only found charred corpses and a large quantity of completely useless materials.


The leader of the cavalry squad took a deep breath as he tried to calm his anger as he entered the corpses and was sure that the body of one of his younger brothers was found.


"All bodies are buried and I also want you to report that there we have a group of rats attacking the rear supply lines.


We need to increase the number of troops defending the camps and we also need to have some cavalry members ready at each camp to give notice in case something happens.


I do not want to have to repeat this scene at any time because all those corpses are our companions or relatives ... "


After this the cavalry soldiers quickly got off their horses and with some shovels, they began to dig large holes to place the corpses.


For his part, the leader of the cavalry squad began to walk through the destroyed camp, looking for some indication of which of the innumerable corpses belonged to his brother.


It took a bit of time and it wasn't until noon that he can find him lying in a bush; he had a gigantic wound on his chest and fear could be seen on his face.


At that moment he fell to his knees and began to stroke his late brother's hair while some tears rolled down his cheeks.


"Brother, because you had to die so young, I told you that it was not a good idea that you will enter the army, I told you but you did not listen to me.


Now, look at what we are going to say to our parents when they have to bury their son's corpse. You are just a young man who had great things to do.


But now you are nothing more than a lifeless corpse but do not worry brother, I will take care of revenge and wash away the dishonor of your death ... "


The leader was interrupted when a soldier mounted on his horse arrived where he was.


"Claude, a messenger has just arrived saying that a caravan has just been taken out near this place, possibly we will find the culprits of this massacre."


Claude looked at his brother's corpse and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Someone take care of taking my brother's corpse to the headquarters because it deserves to be buried by our family.


It cannot be buried in this place abandoned by the hand of God as soon as those damned once I get on my horse we will ride as fast as possible to try to kill as many as we can. "


After this Claude left his brother's corpse on the ground and quickly got on his horse and behind him, most of his soldiers began to follow him.


Only a few remained who had the obligation to bury the wounded and prepare the body of their brother to take it to the headquarters.


While Claude was riding to where the caravan had been attacked, Bastian was ordering his soldiers to quickly burn as much as possible and to get out of there as soon as possible as one of the enemy soldiers had escaped.


Although it was a shame for all of them to have to lose the vast majority of the resources that could have stolen their lives will be even more important.


So using some torches he lit all the wooden wagons on fire and they started running towards the forest where using branches they erased their tracks.


Avoiding in this way that they could follow the path through the tracks they were leaving, after about 20 minutes Claude arrived on the scene with his soldiers who, seeing the destruction, clenched his fists.


"Try to look for survivors and if there are none, their bodies have to be buried, also that someone informs the headquarters that we need reinforcements in the supply lines.


Otherwise, they will continue to destroy all our weapons and supplies in order to keep us in this damn dukedom. "


Following Claudia's orders, they all began to search the forest but did not find any footprints or anything to be able to locate the attackers. They ended up giving up in the course of hours.


At night Bastian woke up from his dream and stepped out of his little tent so he could see the night in all its splendor.


As he raised his head, he felt the cold night air so he sighed, letting a cloud of white smoke come out of his nose.


'It is a beautiful night to kill traitors. It is a pity that we can only attack at night, but fortunately, it is only for today.


Well, tomorrow the reinforcements will arrive to be able to put an end to these threats and the traitor of Germanicus. '


After this Bastian stretched out his hands and began to order his soldiers to wake up and prepare as they had another camp to attack.


Well, like them, there were other small squads doing all the possible damage to the different camps of the supply line that existed.


All this with the intention that the forces of the enemy front line dispersed their troops towards the rear, giving them the valuable time needed by the reinforcement troops to prepare before attacking them completely.

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