The Sage of Einar

Chapter 180 - Situation After The Naval Battle

While the battle on Nelda's ship had come to an end, the other three ships were just starting their own battles against the rest of the Viking ships.

Only on Ashraf's ship did they have to face the threat of two ships that used hooks and ropes to hold on to the ship.

A situation that the mercenaries took advantage of because unlike the way of fighting off the Christians, they were educated in battles in the Mediterranean Sea.

Where they fought many times against Barbary pirates who were extremely dangerous because they always had ships to rob.

So their experience fighting at sea was quite dangerous for all of them, proof of this is that in an attack Ashraf's father lost his life.

Ashraf who had his scimitar smiled as he watched as a group of Vikings began to jump from his left side, so using his weapon he faced them in a brutal but effective way.

The Vikings tried to attack Ashraf and the warriors who accompanied him, but to their surprise, they realized that the way of fighting was completely different.

The tactics they were used to were simply completely useless, rendering all their effort useless.

Ashraf, who was facing a Viking, easily dodged the ax that was approaching his head, so taking a step forward he managed to use his scimitar to cut the Viking's neck.

He almost immediately fell into the sea while holding his neck sinking into the blue waters.

This scene continued to be repeated throughout the ship, with the only difference being that in some cases Ashraf's warriors were injured, losing a hand or fingers due to the direct confrontation they had with a large number of Vikings.

But despite that and the injuries they had on their bodies, they continued to fight against those Vikings who were trying to get on their ship, and they did not let any of them represent a danger to the slaves they were transporting.

In just a few minutes the Vikings already outnumbered and knowing they had no chance of winning, chose to escape while others simply stayed.

For it was better for them to die than to escape like the cowards who were climbing their Drakkars. They also knew that if they returned in that state to the tribe they would simply be judged.

Due to the ineptitude, they showed in battle, not to mention the great damage that the tribal forces had done, which would place it in a dangerous place before other groups of Vikings.

The warriors of the ship, when they saw how the Vikings were dying and having already killed all the enemies, raised their weapons and began to shout some songs in Muslim.

Although they did not process the Islamic faith, they had lived the vast majority of their lives in the Umayyad caliphate, so their way of celebrating was quite peculiar.

While this was happening in the ship commanded by Ashraf in the other two ships, the situation was worse because although those in charge of taking care of those ships were professional soldiers.

Most had no experience fighting at sea, so the constant movement of the ship made them lose their balance, making them easy prey for Vikings well versed in naval combat.

Perhaps the only advantage they had was that they had more people, so the losses could be compensated quickly, and after a few minutes they ended up completely surpassing the attacks of the Viking Drakkars.

Although they suffered enough casualties in the process, not to mention that the wounded were too many, but despite this, no ship decided to stop because there were Vikings in the water.

So if they stayed somewhere or came close to the coast, they would be easily intercepted by the Viking tribes that were there.

In the afternoon, after a period of navigation and leaving the area of ​​the naval battle, Nelda decided to check the damage that was on her other three ships.

So slowing down his boat, he approached Ashraf's ship first. When he arrived, he realized that all the wounded were being treated on the deck.

Ashraf, who was biting some medicinal herbs with his mouth, took them out of his mouth and placed them on the wound of one of his fellow warriors.

Whoever had a large chest wound caused by an ax, fortunately for the warrior the damage was only superficial, and not a bone or organ was damaged in the process.

When he finished placing the herbal mixture on his partner's wound, Ashraf stood up and turned his head to look at Nelda, who was looking at him.

"Nelda I am glad to see that you are in good condition, I hope the ship has not suffered so much damage from the Vikings who attacked."

Nelda shook her head and approached Ashraf's ship "Not at all. The attack was too easy for us to repel your families are in good condition and in fact, we had no people injured during the confrontation.

Except for a few minor cuts and bruises from the women who were holding the spears, but nothing completely serious like what I can see happening to you. "

Ashraf sighed and laughed "None of us died which is a good sign, although some lost arms, fingers, or even legs.

That may turn out to be a problem in the future, but most of us are in good shape. My only regret is that the two Viking ships were able to escape before we could have stolen some of what was on top of them.

However, the Viking corpses found enough silver and gold coins, with which I hope to compensate the families of those men who lost a limb.

I think that in that way to avoid a mutiny in the long term, but what really worries me are those two boats that are behind us.

From the faces that I can see in the distance, you can see that they are quite depressed. I think they suffered quite a few casualties during the confrontation. "

Nelda stroked her chin and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath "It was something that I feared would happen because specially trained soldiers were only effective on land and at sea, it is normal for them to lose.

But I will have to personally review the damage they have done, either way, keep navigating in a straight line while I check on the condition.

In case you ever see a Viking ship or something that could put the fleet at risk, I remember to signal the red flag of the ship. That way we can prepare.

Although we can follow this path all night, perhaps at noon we will leave this inland sea and we can reach the North Sea.

In that area, it is basically almost impossible for us to meet a Viking because it is too big and there is nothing of value that is worth doing rounds in that place. "

After finishing saying those words, Nelda began to slow down her boat so she could see and help Bruno's group of soldiers if necessary.

For his part, Ashraf continued his work of chewing herbs to prepare an ointment for the wounded warriors. For this, he put some herbs in his mouth and began to mask them.

When Nelda got to the nearest ship, she could see the extent of the destruction on her deck, as there were corpses that were piled up and there were quite a few wounded.

With some sadness and concern, he stood up and signaled to the one who seemed to be in control of the ship.

"They need help, I have a few women who can heal the wounds of their partners."

Derian, a young soldier who had been left in charge after the death of his captain, walked to where Nelda was and nodded his head.

"I really preferred all the help you can provide, as of the 25 crew members 8 died and more than 12 are injured.

If no help is given to them now, they could die and it would be dangerous for the fleet to be without so many people, not to mention that the slaves may notice something strange and reveal themselves which would be quite dangerous. "

Nelda with a helpless look pointed at Anna "Take a few women on deck and help the wounded.

Those who simply do not have some way to survive must end their lives as quickly and painlessly as possible.

By the way, young man, what is your name. "

"Derian, Captain Nelda, that is my name, I was chosen to continue the work of the captain who should be among those corpses.

The poor man died in the first confrontation we had. An ax beheaded him, killing him immediately. "

Nelda sighed and pointed to the corpses "Although I understand your pain and that of your companions, they must take valuables and anything that can be given to their relatives.

Because their corpses will have to be thrown into the sea, there is a long way to go and their bodies can release bad air that can make you sick, which would be even worse. "

Derian looked at the corpses and gulped before beginning to follow Nelda's orders.

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