The Sage of Einar

Chapter 176 - Dismissing The Inuit Warriors 2/2

"Vaccines, what a magic word you have invented Einar, if only I were younger I would like to study what you have been teaching children.

But I think my age will not allow me to learn enough, but you can be sure that I will talk to my people so that they receive the vaccine that you have told me. "

Einar nodded and put his hand on Natukt's shoulder "You should not worry, your children or grandchildren can always learn also from the fact that we accept your tribe.

You are one of us so everything we do will benefit you, although that also includes having responsibility, I think talking about it would be redundant.

Before I forget, my father and I are preparing a farewell dinner so that you and your warriors can enjoy their last night on the island.

It will be in the central square because the patio of the great hall currently has the wounded and it would not be comfortable to eat with the aroma of alcohol and blood. "

Natukt who was watching how everything was getting ready for tomorrow nodded and he informed all his warrior brothers about the invitation to the banquet.

After this Einar stayed for a while before retiring as he had things to do so the only ones who stayed were the Inuit warriors and the warriors led by Eskol who were filling the barges.

For the next few hours they worked to fill the canoes and barges with all the materials they would need, so when Natukt and his warriors finished they said goodbye as they had to go to the great hall.

Leaving only the group of Eskol warriors taking care of the barges and canoes, to avoid that they could get wet by accident or that some animal will try to steal their contents.

Upon reaching the central square, the Inuit warriors were quite surprised to see how there were many tables set up and they could smell the delicious aroma of meat being roasted from afar.

Because they would soon be members of the tribe, they were treated with even more respect than they already had, so with Elin's guidance, they arrived at a tensegrity table specially prepared for them.

When Juni and Aila sat down they left the great hall carrying with them large jugs containing herbal liquor, these were placed in front of the Inuit warriors, with the intention that they could enjoy the liquor one last time before they left for their tribe.

Natukt and his warrior brothers took the jars and following the Norse traditions they had learned thanked the god Odin as they raised their jars to the sky.

"For a successful trip to our tribe and may Odin allow us to return safely to our new tribe!"

After shouting those words, all the Inuit warriors drank that delicious liquor, while they were drinking Aila and Juni brought large plates of cooked seal meat to the Inuit warriors.

When the meat arrived, the Inuit warriors took their cutlery and devoured it, enjoying each bite that they gave to the juicy seal meat that they had in front of them, although what they liked the most was a plate that had pieces of meat that were completely cooked with lard.

They knew those pieces of crispy meat were called chicharrón, and it was one of the curious ways that Einar had invented to cook the meat, giving it another type of texture and flavor.

As the night progressed, the Inuit warriors enjoyed everything that had been planned to say goodbye, from a sound show which was done by the children of the orphanage, to a small magic demonstration where Einar took out a white fox from a tray.

Because he was very good at illusion, many Inuit tribesmen and warriors started yelling fanatically at Einar.

Well, although Einar's eyes had only done a little magic trick based simply on illusion, but for all who saw it, it was proof of his divine.

With one hand supporting his head Einar sighed silently 'I think I should start teaching the children some illusions.


Although that would break mysticism, it could generate quite a few problems for me in the future because if they come to realize that what I am doing is not magic but a sleight of hand could cause an adverse effect.


Sometimes it is more dangerous to keep a secret than, to tell the truth, and I am not willing to lose the support of the entire tribe for a simple illusion. '

When he finished thinking those words, Einar said goodbye and let the children play some instrumental music to make the atmosphere of the banquet pleasant.

After this one by one of the Inuit warriors, they fell asleep in their chairs, while some warriors took them home in a wheelbarrow so that they could sleep without danger of getting sick from the cold outside.

The last to fall was Natukt who after finishing the liquor in his jug, simply fell asleep on the table.

In the morning of the next day, the Inuit warriors got up and began taking turns taking a bath in the hot springs.

After finishing, they all took their things and looked one last time at the house where they had stayed, promising themselves that they would return but they would do it this time with their families, never to return to that place they once called home.

Because the departure of the Inuit warriors was something important of transcendence, most of the tribe was gathered in the port, leaving only a small path through which they could pass to reach the dock.

Where would they have to get into their canoes to start their journey home, in search of returning with their entire tribe and perhaps a little more.

When Natukt and his warrior brothers arrived at the port, they were amazed at how many people were waiting for them to get into their canoes.

All of them looked at us with expectant eyes because since they had been informed that they were part of the tribe they no longer saw them as guests, but as valuable members of the tribe who were about to undertake an expedition.

This caused the group of Inuit warriors to feel a significant amount of pride within, so they promised themselves that they would do everything possible to return because they liked the feeling they were feeling.

With small steps, they advanced through the path that the crowd had left, all while hearing some shouts of support from the children and the occasional adult with whom they had spent time in their stay within the tribe.

Upon reaching the dock, Einar approached them and giving a small greeting invited them to go to their canoes while he gave a brief speech.

"Today all of us are gathered here to witness the farewell of our newest members of the tribe, all of them during this time have behaved very respectfully towards each one of us.

That is why I am proud to say that they have earned our respect and that is why we are here because we are not just witnessing the farewell of the Inuit warriors.

Rather, we are witnessing the birth of new warriors that belong to our tribe, who are embarking on a dangerous but necessary expedition to the north in order to recover the rest of the tribe members that we lack.

That is why I tell you here that we must be patient because they will not take long to return and with them will come many new members of the tribe which we must treat with respect and be patient with them because their customs are quite different from the ones ours.

Therefore, it may take time for them to change their habits, but if we all do our part, they could change in a very short time and it may be your future wife or future husband among them.

How good a warrior could be who saves your life in a battle or someone who takes care of your family when it is sick, we must be prepared to receive these new members of the tribe with open arms.

I also want to tell you to avoid any act of racism against them, since the tribe will not tolerate any discrimination against new members of our tribe, remember we are all family, and family is respected.

Well, unlike foreigners who have to earn respect among us, there must be an environment of humility and brotherhood, because all of us are the pillars of what could once be called a nation.

But for now, I only ask you to look with pride at those warriors who are leaving towards the horizon and we wish them a good trip because they must arrive safely at their destination so that all of us can be calm.

Since they have a great important mission with which the quality of life of our tribe will increase, this is only the beginning of something greater that can only be done if each of us does our part.

It does not matter that we think that what we do is too insignificant, everything we do has a function within our society, remember that there are no minor jobs because from the moment we are supporting we are an important part of this tribe.

I hope you can take what you need from this little speech and discard what you consider unnecessary, now brothers and sisters we only have to look towards the Horizon and see how those warriors who are willing to sail the sea to achieve a greater goal go away for our tribe. "

After that brief speech, all the warriors and members of the tribe who were present gave a great shout and watched with pride how those canoes and barges that carried the future of the tribe were lost on the Horizon.

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