The Sage of Einar

Chapter 162 - On The Ashes Of The Old Something New Is Born

In the morning Laura woke up from the makeshift bed where she was, because she had not been able to sleep enough for a moment she believed that everything that had happened in the night was a dream.

Unfortunately, when cleaning her eyes she realized that in front of her was a poor woman whose arm was completely charred and her face was somewhat disfigured due to the fire.

This she could see because through the bandages were covered there were some parts that were not completely covered. Despite the horrendous image that she could see, Laura did not despair or feel like vomiting.

Mainly due to the fact that when she lost her family in that Viking raid something inside her broke so seeing gore blood or even having the horrible smell of burned meat stinging her nose did not make her feel anything.

On the contrary, she feels some fear and sadness, because Papa Einar suffered a head injury when he saved Clemens by holding that wooden piece of furniture that could have taken his life.

'I wonder if Papa Einar will feel better today, when I see him I will thank him for taking care of us so much because I am sure that only a true father would risk his life to protect us.


I wonder how Daven is doing, though? '

Daven, who was helping in the makeshift infirmary, was in the courtyard of the great hall. He could only look sadly at the different injured people who were there while wearing bandages in his small hands that had been washed by some female volunteers.

'All these people injured by something as momentous as a volcanic eruption, the only thing I am grateful for is that I am still alive and that Laura does too, it can be annoying sometimes but I will really get very sad if something happens to her ... '

Kassia, who was cleaning some burn wounds, turned her head to wipe the sweat on her forehead with her forearm and looked with some sadness as Daven seemed to have some tears in his eyes.

"Little Daven, come here and tell me why you have some tears on your face is that something hurts, do you want me to check you?"

Daven shook his head and gave a smile to Mom Kassia "It's okay Mom Kassia, that's what I was thinking about what happened last night and I realized, it's lucky that all of us will still be alive.

Just seeing Papa Einar bloody, or having felt that trembling together with the horrible roars of the volcano, made me thank Odin for allowing me to be alive. "

Kassia also gave him a smile "You should not worry anymore because these kinds of disasters do not always happen, it is very likely that this is the only disaster you can see your whole life at least those were Einar's words.

But anyway, when we recover you must remember to follow the indications against earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, Einar plans to publish so that all of you can be safer in case this ever happens again.

Although I would like to continue talking, little Daven, you must deliver those bandages and I have to continue taking care of these patients, remember to be careful, and thank you for helping. "

Daven who was happy under his head "I should thank you because it is the moment in which you decided to take care of us, you for me are more than just my caregivers, you are my parents, and helping you is the only thing I can do to convince everything. what they are doing for us. "

After saying those words, Daven ran off, because he was afraid that Mama Kassia might see him blushing because he was quite sorry.

On his way to deliver the clean bandages to Felipa, Daven ran into Clemens, who was washing a few bandages that had blood and other substances on them.

"Clemens, I'm glad to see you feel better it would be a real shame if something had happened to you."

Clemens raised his face and looked at Daven "I was very lucky because Dad Einar has been around, but you know about Daven at that time I was so scared that I was stopped for a moment.

I thought that the furniture would fall on me and that perhaps I could never see my parents because I could not enter Valhalla like them, all because I would die as a child and apart I would die for a piece of furniture.

Fortunately, when my life was about to come to the end, I could hear the words of Papa Einar, but what happened and there is nothing to change, we can only do our bit to help everyone ... "

Clemens interrupted his words when two children ran into where Kassia was. In their hands, they could see that they were carrying large stones but that they had some transparent parts.

When the two children arrived with Kassia, she only looked at them with curiosity and some concern without paying attention to the stones in her hands.

"Children, something has happened to you or why are you running, remember that it is quite dangerous for them to do it in this makeshift infirmary."

The children ducked their heads for a moment before the two of them raised their hands to where they were carrying the volcanic rocks they had found while cleaning their house.

"Sorry for the inconvenience Master Kassia but we found these stones, and we thought they would be important so we brought them."

When Kassia looked at the stones, she was quite surprised "Diamonds .."

Einar who was supervising and helping to remove debris from the homes that had been affected by the fire.

He was surprised when after removing a wooden beam he found the stone that had cooked the fire in that house.

Upon seeing it more closely, a feeling of surprise and helplessness began to emerge in Einar, as he realized that the stone had diamonds and some emeralds.

From what he saw for a few moments before turning his face and looking for some other crater, his search was not by hand because it did not take long to see a crater near the ruins of the house.

After approaching, he bent down and took the stone that rested at the bottom of that small crater. When he saw it closely then he realized that it also had emeralds and a few diamonds.

At that moment, the feeling of hatred inside Einar began to be born.

'So many lives lost and many others convalescing from the injuries caused after that volcano explosion.


Everything so that these damn precious stones could reach us but this is only going to cause problems for the tribe, how can I ensure that they do not destroy the fragile economy of the tribe.


If I don't do something fast, soon the problems related to this tragedy and the increase in exotic goods can end in price inflation. The problem is that there is no gold and silver.


If the problem increases this can lead to a civil war and then at that moment everything will be lost.


Think Einar, Think ... '

After breathing a few times, he closed his eyes and began to remember a small event that he had lived with Erika.

"Dad, could you give me 20 pesos so I can buy some sweets when we go out to buy bread.


I just want to try that new cheese and corn candy that I saw on TV. "


Max just smiled and took out his wallet to give his daughter a small bill "Remember that after eating sweets you must brush your teeth and you can't eat many because we have to have dinner."


Erika smiled and went happily to her room while holding her money in her hand ...

After remembering that pleasant memory of his time with his daughter Erika, Einar opened his eyes and could see his daughter, who only gave him a glance before vanishing into thin air.

'Thank you daughter, once again you saved your father, I think what I can do is create paper money that functions only for the internal economy of the island.


But since I want to make paper money, I think the best thing will be to create a bank, maybe the merchants will not accept our paper money.


However, if paper money is supported with diamonds and emeralds, things will be different. The only problem I see is to gain the trust of merchants.


Although that may be the simplest because I only have to guarantee your safety and show that the bank is a safe institution that will take care of your money.


But before anything else happens, I need to talk to my father to impose order in the tribe. The last thing I want is for everyone to become wild beings who only seek their own benefit. '


After thinking this, Einar began to gather all the warriors and volunteers who were working on cleaning the destroyed areas.

When he gathered them all together, he began to explain to them the importance of starting to gather all the volcanic stones and the fact that no one can save them.

Because they will become a strategic asset of the tribe which will be distributed equitably among all members in the form of a new currency called Hagenar.1

After hearing Einar's words, everyone followed his orders because although they wanted to start taking the stones for themselves.

They were more afraid that the herald would prevent them from going to Valhalla or punish them, because for them what he had shown was more than enough to be proof of all the potential he had.

Because of this the screaming, looting, and chaos did not occur, thanks to the actions Einar did and the support of everyone.

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