The Sage of Einar

Chapter 148 - Rebellion In The Empire

While Ludovico was torturing the Prisco bishop in the rest of the empire, the situation began to ferment as the son of Emperor Louis the Bald from his fiefdom in the Aquitaine area was giving a speech to all his subjects.

"I want you to listen to my words well because what I am going to tell you is of great importance for the Empire, perhaps you did not know it or maybe you were aware of it but whatever the case, my father was in the north waging a war against the paying kingdom of the North which had declared war on us.

During the course of the war, my father was caught by a pagan named Anders who, under the influence of the new pagan queen, cut off my father's arm as well as an ear.

At that moment my father decided to search for the culprit and under the pretext that it had been duke Dean, he launched a horrible attack against their lands, burning and murdering Christian brothers who did not owe or fear anything.

A few days ago I just learned through a letter that came to me from the North that my father had carried out a real massacre in the capital city of that duke Dean.

It did not matter that there were children or adults who were simple servants of God, my Father murdered them all and was not satisfied with it, he hung their bodies on the walls of that destroyed city to be a reminder of all those who claim to be traitors to the empire.

I, like his son, feel ashamed for my father and that is why the group together with the rest of my brothers who are also giving a speech at this very moment have decided to rebel against the tyranny of the one we call emperor.

He may be our father, but by the actions he has taken he has shown us that he is suffering from the same evil that the Roman emperors once suffered when they began to murder their people for no reason.

That is why I humbly ask you my people for your help in order to defeat my father and bring peace and prosperity back to our empire.

You will be with me in this fight or you will wait for my father to arrive and murder you and your families for no reason, such as those he murdered in that city where he unleashed hell itself. "

At that moment all the soldiers, peasants, nobles, and members of the church began to shout in unison.

"We will fight the tyrant!


Death to Emperor Ludovico! "

Hearing the voices of all his people and understanding the messages that Luis was saying, he smiled evilly because once he killed his father he would have more opportunities to claim the throne, although that would mean having to face his brothers.

These scenes did continue to be repeated in all the duchies where the emperor's sons were found, only the duchies who remained faithful to Ludovico and who knew that perhaps the emperor would win, silently prepared their troops to protect their lands because there was a need for a civil war had arrived.

In the capital of the empire in Parisii, Gisela the not bastard daughter of the emperor found out about the actions that her father had done, but despite this and the pressure of some nobles, she decided to stay on her father's side.

So with the help of the Dukes, who had fiefdoms that surrounded the capital, she made an alliance to be able to resist the attacks of her brothers in case they wanted to take what his father had built.

During the following days, the tranquility that the Empire had begun to be obstructed as the first battles took place between members of the faction of the emperor's sons and those who supported him.

One of those who had personally initiated attacks was Luis the Germanic, who from what use of reason always yearned for the throne of his father so when he gave himself the opportunity to rebel, he did so.

So the first place he attacked was the duchy belonging to Duke Gautier, who was a faithful supporter of his father and who also represents a danger because if he did not defeat the Duke's territory, he could not send troops to support Duke Hippolyte.

Unfortunately, although it was able to conquer some border towns, its advance was interrupted by the attack in the form of guerrillas led by the second son of Duke Gautier.

Aubin was not willing to see how the rebellious son of the emperor destroyed and conquered the duchy of his family.

He was able to stop the attack of Luis the Germanic, cutting the lines of supply and attacking in wooded areas.

Although he knew that if he faced each other head-on, he would be defeated. He only wanted to buy time so that his father and the emperor could conquer the duchy of Westphalia.

With him and without Duke Hippolyte, he was sure that his father could defeat Luis and manage to expel him from his lands.

Meanwhile, in the camp of the northern troops, Ludovico, who was reading the different reports from the messengers, knocked on the wooden table.

"Gautier, prepare the troops to attack Duke Hippolyte if we can kill him or create a breach so we can help your son.

We can make a path north to Parisii, where we will reorganize the army so that we can kill my children. "

Bending his head, he caressed his nasal septum "To think that of all my sons, only my daughters would help me in times of danger.

Gautier, do you think it's a good idea to let them inherit the throne, or do I have to give it to their husbands? "

Gautier took a deep breath and looked seriously at the emperor "Times are changing too fast for me, emperor, and seeing the circumstances are happening in the Empire.

I think that letting their daughters inherit would be the best option since according to the records they would not be the first queens of the Frank kingdom, and also in the eastern Roman Empire women can inherit when there are no males available.

I do not think that the nobles refuse to accept the reign of either of their daughters or of the two because the vast majority have revealed themselves and joined one of their sons, the only thing we have to do is eliminate them completely and at that moment they will have to follow all your orders.

Unless they want to be killed or lose their hard-won rights during your father's Empire. "

Ludovico raised his head and looked at Gautier with a smile.

"I guess the future belongs to women, who would say that my father's empire would be for my daughters.

I'm not sorry, but I wish I had educated my children, but they would not exist.

Get the troops ready to start the trek to the Duchy of Westphalia, we have to start a punitive expedition! "

After these words, Gautier left the tent gave the order that the soldiers prepare for battle.

The next morning Adelaide awoke to the first rays of the sun coming through the wooden window in the crevices of the tent where she was sleeping.

So she got up and went to the water barrel she had on a bench so she could wash her face.

Upon reaching the barrel, she looked at her reflection, which showed her somewhat joyfully, so using her hands she washed her face.

After cleaning her face and hands completely, she put on her armor and prepared to leave because today she had to participate in the start of the siege of the port city of Bederkesa in the Duchy of Westphalia.

When she came out, she saw soldiers running from one side to the other while carrying weapons or boxes as they were preparing for the walk to the city of Bederkesa.

Breathing the aroma of iron and smoke in the environment, Adelaide began to walk towards the command tent as she had to see her position within the troops according to the arrangements of her father and Duke Gautier.

On the way, she met Paul, the son of Duke Gautier.

"Good morning Adelaide, you are ready to start a siege, I couldn't sleep very well because of the excitement."

Adelaide laughed and looked up at the beautiful morning sky "I didn't sleep very well either, but I'm sure we can end the siege early, as I heard from some spies that the city is going through a famine.

If we can get the people inside the city to reveal themselves and open the gates, we will finish quickly so we can go to the capital of the duchy without problems. "

Paul clenched the handle of his sword and sighed "I wish it were so easy to do it but I can tell you from experience that most peasants even if they are hungry will not betray the nobles.

We can only hope to create enough discord or a situation that we can take advantage of to break into the city.

My only regret is that we cannot use brute force like we used to enter duke Dean's city. "

Adelaide shook her head "Doing that would create more problems for us than solutions, I can tell you that from experience the nobles can use such actions against us.

There are my brothers who rebelled against my father saying that he did horrible things and will not stop doing it, creating fear among his subjects.

They will get them to help them because if they don't, the threat that my father comes will be enough to make them think twice before refusing. "

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