The Royal Contract

Chapter 271 - Short But Sweet

Chapter 271 - Short But Sweet

"Wow!" Alex expressed in awe when Dani presented herself upon opening the door.

He always admired the way Dani styled herself. It did not have to be the most expensive clothing or too flashy, but its simplicity spoke volume.

The way she carried herself with confidence and the lack of pretentious movements was the key to her elegance. She barely wore jewelry, but she drew attention like a diamond in the crowd.

Lance, on the other hand, slightly whistled when he saw Jacky in her gown. "You both look stunning." He complimented them both, but his eyes remained focus only on Jacky.

He knew that Jacky could easily pass up as if she belonged to the nobility. Just put her in a great dress, and nobody would know that she was a commoner.

But it was never the reason he liked her. Those were mere physical appearances that any princess would possess. What made her stood out was her honesty. She never tried to be anything else other than herself.

"You two don't look bad at all," Dani stated as she scrutinized the two as they stood in their living room, returning the nice compliments she and Jacky just received.

Alex and Lance also stood impeccably handsome in their tuxedo suits. Standing outside their door, they seemed like men who just came out of the magazine.

Who would not want to be beside two of the gorgeous man in the city? Well, not just any man, but prince at that. But the funny part was, both Dani and Jacky did not care about that.

"Are you girls ready?" Alex asked as he entered the apartment, followed by Lance.

"I guess we are," Dani answered as she looked at Jacky for confirmation.

Jacky looked down at her shoes and smiled. "All set." She replied, seeing the smile on Lance's face, remembering the last time they were in this situation.

Fortunately, Lance never mentioned anything about it. Jacky, until now, was embarrassed about it. But like Lance, she only smiled at the memory.

Alex and Lance decided to travel in one limousine instead of picking them, one by one in a different vehicle. They thought it would be more fun to ride together. Well, Dani and Jacky could not agree more.

"Why don't we have one glass of champagne to take the edge off?" Lance offered, seeing that Jacky was slightly on edge on her seat beside her.

He could understand the dilemma since this would be her first time to be seen with him. He, Alex, and even Dani were accustomed to this kind of scene.

But from what he understood, this would be her first time to attract the media attention. He knew how intimidating that would be. If he was not born to it, he might feel the same way.

Alex started passing each one of them a glass with a third full of the bubbly drink. He believed that should be enough to take the edge off from the ordeal they would be facing once they disembarked the car.

"Ok. Drink up, and let us look forward to a wonderful and fruitful night." Alex raised his glass to the other three, making them follow his lead.

They all drink up, quickly finishing the drink before arriving at the location of the event. The alcohol should be able to do its job. That was to calm all the nerves as they faced the press.

Even famous people did fear making a scene in front of the cameras. Not everyone was immune to the effects of standing in the flashing lights and unending and repeated questions thrown at them as they walked the red carpet.

"Don't worry. All you need to do is smile. You'll do just fine." Lance whispered to Jacky's ears as she toyed with her hands. He could feel her rapid breathing and her agitated movement as she sat next to him.

"You think so." She asked with full of doubt in her tone.

She had done this several times as she attended one party after another with Dani. But nobody paid attention to her since she was a nobody. She never cared about it since she never needed one.

But now, she was sure that the press would eat her alive. She had seen how social media could be cruel to a person like her. She could already see the bashing that she would get once the word got out that she was dating a prince.

"Just squeezed my hand if you feel like it is getting too much." He offered his hand, and she took it.

"Thanks." Jacky felt calmer, knowing that he would be there to support her through this. He was such a good friend.

But the funny thing was, they were not officially dating. Nothing about the setup was romantic. Lance only ended up with her because it was convenient.

Maybe she should stop worrying about things that might not even materialize. She was so concerned about what other people would think when there was no relationship to talk about in this case.

Finally, the car slowed down in front of a famous building, one of the largest in the city. It was not the tallest, but its structure was imposing, showing off its magnificent architecture.

"Ready." The men asked as they gazed at their respective partners.

They could already hear the noise of the crowd outside as their limousine made its way to the entrance.

"Do we have a choice?" Jacky jokingly said, but if she had. She would probably have back out from coming out of the car, seeing the press and the many people littering the street.

"Fair question, but unfortunately, no," Alex answered her, knowing what was going through her mind.

"Don't worry. I got your back." Lance held her hands more firmly in his. "Remember, just squeezed my hand. I won't mind." He reminded her.

Jacky could only nod at him, finding it hard to voice out her thoughts. A few more seconds, the door would open. Luckily, Lance and she would be the first to go out of the car.

It was a small consolation prize for her since once Alex and Dani came out, the attention would immediately go to them. She already told Dani not to take too long from following her.

Eventually, the car went to a final full stop. Outside was the red carpet leading to the main door. It was time, and they all had to brace themselves with what would happen next.

As the door opened, Lance went out first. Jacky could already see the flashes of light. Anywhere she looked, someone was taking a picture.

"Come one." Lance offered his hand to her. Once outside, she shut her eyes for a second, wanting to get used to the idea. Then, she held tight to Lance's hand, zoning out the world around her.

She could do this. She kept repeating to herself. She walked steadily with Lance's assistance, not faltering her steps. Until finally, they had reached the doors that sheltered them away from the prying eyes of the press.

"You were great." Lance suddenly held her tighter and pulled her until they were face to face.

She was surprised by the gesture, not expecting him to do that. But when she felt his lips on hers, she was utterly shocked. If her heart was beating a hundred miles a minute earlier, it just went faster by tenfold.

It was not the kind of kiss that was mind-blowing, but it was indeed short but sweet.

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