The Royal Contract

Chapter 254 - Embrace The Future

Chapter 254 - Embrace The Future

He drove them to their destination, still keeping his plan as a surprise. He always enjoyed seeing Dani's face lit up when she liked what he came up with every time they went out.

"So, you will be working on a case with Gerald." He had no idea why he suddenly asked the question.

Personally, and when it came to business, he did not have any connection with Gerald. There was just no opportunity for him to use his expertise. Marcus, David, and Evan were a good enough team for him.

But he had heard of his accomplishment and the many good things he had done with his career. David and Evan trusted him and treated him as equals because he was that good.

"I am still thinking about it. Gerald offered me this case, but I need to finish reviewing it before I make my decision.." She related to him.

She was comfortable talking to Alex about her job. He was a good listener and most times gave good advice. Although he never once insisted on his opinion concerning her work.

"Well, I don't know the guy personally, but his reputation with his job is pretty impressive," Alex admitted. "I won't say working with him is such a good idea, but it is not bad either."

He would not blame Dani if she decided to work with him in this case. He believed, for her career, it would be a good move for Dani to learn from a good mentor. And if rumors were correct, Gerald is one of the best to teach her besides David and Evan.

But he knew working on such cases would require her to work closely with him. He knew he could trust Dani regarding her working with the opposite sex, but could he trust the guy.

"So, you don't mind if I proceed with this case." She looked at him from her angle, studying him as he drove with ease through the mild traffic.

She was slightly bothered about the time she would be spending in this case if she did agree to work on it. Cases like this would require time and devotion, which she felt would affect her time spent with Alex.

But from what she had analyzed so far of the case, she already knew it was an opportunity hard to pass up. She believed that she could learn more from experienced compared to just sitting around, studying some files.

"I know that even before I met you, you already have a career that you want to pursue. I will never stand in the way of that as long as it is what you want." Alex explained what he thought of the idea.

"But I will say that it will suck that you will be busy most of the time that you are handling that case." Alex glanced in her direction. "It would mean less time for me." He pretended to be melancholy about their situation.

"Stop it. I have not said yes to it anyway." She punched him in his arms, making him smile at the process.

But she was glad that they were able to talk about it. She never wanted to keep anything from Alex. As much as possible, she preferred to discuss matters with him even if they disagreed about it.

At least, they would know the sentiment of the other. Eventually, find a way to resolve the matter amicably. It was what she had seen with her parents and would very much intend to do with their relationship.

"Fine, I was telling the truth. But honestly, if you think this will help with your career. Then, go for it." He would be vigilant about watching over her. Only to make sure that she would always be safe.

He kept insisting that it was because he was concerned for her safety at all times. He had nothing against her working with another man. But it did not mean that he was comfortable with it.

"We'll see." She answered him, shrugging her shoulder since she still had made any decision about it.

She had to check the remaining reports and weighed their pros and cons. It would affect her other cases and her personal life. But if it was worth all of that, then maybe she might take the offer.

"Anyway, why do I seem to know where we are going?" She asked, realizing that the direction where they were going was becoming very familiar.

Setting aside the case, she finally understood his surprise as her focus shifted to the road they were heading. How could she forget this place when she grew up in this part all her young life.

"Because your mom called me earlier and begged me to make you visit them. I will not do this if I don't think that you miss them too." Alex said as he grabbed her hand and kissed it before going back to driving.

"You did this for Mom." She felt teary-eyed hearing the thoughtfulness of the man sitting beside her.

After talking to her mom earlier, she felt guilty for her lack of time to visit her father, who was sick and hospitalized. But now, Alex made it possible for her to see her parents and spent some time with them.

In a few days, she knew that her time would be more hectic if she decided to take on the case. Then, there was the fundraising this weekend. Even if she was surprised by it, she still appreciated the intention of Alex to help.

"Well, I also did it for you." He knew that Dani sometimes acted tough around people, showing everyone that she could control her emotions. But he knew her even better than anyone else.

In a short time, he knew her. He discovered she had a heart that was pure and kind. Despite her status in life, she still defended what was right from wrong, regardless of who was on the other side of it.

She was a beautiful person, inside and out. She deserved to be loved, cared for, and protected, and he was more than willing to tackle the task.

"Thanks. I love it." At the moment, she could only express in words how much she appreciated his actions. But later, she intended to do more. That was the least she could do.

All her young life, she believed that she had a perfect life until it was all shattered with the hard reality that it was not real. Now, she lived her life fighting for her place in this world.

"I love you." He answered her with a sweet smile on his lips.

He was happy to see that his surprise brought a beautiful smile to her face. It was the only reward he looked forward to whenever he planned to do something for her. He never wanted anything else.

"I love you, too." She replied to him, feeling an overwhelming sensation in her chest as she watched him as they slowly approached their destination.

Maybe she truly deserved a man like him. After all that happened to her, she finally believed that it was time to embrace the future set for her.

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