The Royal Contract

Chapter 243 - More Than Enough

Chapter 243 - More Than Enough

He walked inside the hospital, dreading what he would find inside. He worried about how Dani and Laura were doing. How were they both taking what happened to Ethan?

"I heard what happened, so I rushed here." Alex walked into the waiting room, where Dani and her mother were waiting for news of Ethan's current condition.

He barely arrived at the office when his security following Dani called and informed him of what was happening. He was alarmed to hear that Dani went straight to the hospital and not her office.

When he inquired about it through his contacts, he learned that an emergency occurred. Laura rushed Ethan to the hospital due to a heart condition. They were still awaiting news of his condition.

"What are you doing here?" Dani was surprised to see him as he entered the waiting room and moved closer to their position.

She was not expecting him since she saw him last on his way to his office. But she could already guess how he knew about her whereabouts. She could already think of one, her bodyguards.

"Of course, to be here for you and your mom." He whispered to her as he leaned down to kiss her. Then he turned to her mother. "How are you holding on, Laura?" He held her hands firmly in his, wanting to provide comfort in these troubled times.

He could see that both women were trying to keep it together. Laura showed a steady and calm front for Dani's sake while Dani was doing the same thing.

"I'm fine," Laura said with a forced smile that failed to reach her eyes. She was trying to be the source of strength for Dani, although she felt like breaking down inside.

Her husband meant everything to her, and losing him would mean the end of her world. Ethan had been her partner from the beginning.

She loved him deeply, even if their relationship started only with mutual respect. Initially, they had been cats and dogs, but love still blossomed despite their circumstances.

"Don't worry. Ethan is a strong person. If anyone could survive this, it is him." Alex hoped that his words were comforting enough. Not having experience in this kind of situation, he could only act on instinct.

"Thanks. I appreciate that you are here and came to give us support." Laura voiced out her gratitude, tapping Alex's hands with slightly trembling hands.

At the same time, she still felt happy that Dani had found a good man to stand by him in good and bad times. Now, she felt assured that she was in good hands.

"How is he?" Another man walked towards them, wearing a weary frown on his face. He came as soon as he heard the news. He knew that his family would need him in times like this.

"Uncle Ben, I'm so glad that you are here." Dani temporarily left Alex and her mom to run to her second father figure. "How did you know?"

She always appreciated his presence in their lives. As her uncle and mentor, he had been a strong influence on what she was today. She would be forever thankful for all his support.

"Your mom called while they were rushing Ethan to do the hospital," Ben said to her.

He looked over her shoulder to gaze at his sister, who quietly sat in one of the chairs. "How is she?" He could see that Alex was trying to comfort her.

He still had to get to know the man that her niece was going to marry. He believed that there would be enough time for that. But so far, he only heard good things about him.

"She is calm, but I don't know." Dani never saw her mom liked this before. Like she was there, but she was not. She could not explain it since she had not experienced this before.

Laura had always been the strength that kept them together. The referee that stood between her and her father during their fights. The glue that bonded them as a family despite their differences.

"Well, she was never great at showing weakness," Ben whispered to her. "Let me handle her." He knew his sister was a tough one to crack.

But when she did, on those rare occasions, she could easily tear into pieces. And when that happened, Ben had to be sure to be there at her side.

"Ok." Dani could only seek help from people who knew better what they were doing. Seeing her liked this was new to her. She had no idea how to comfort her.

She decided to sit in another corner as Alex followed her and sat beside her. His uncle went to join her mother on the other side, comforting her mother. She would not know what to do without him.

"What about your work? You are already late, and you have an important meeting this afternoon." Dani stated, concerned that he was neglecting his responsibility to his company because of her.

She remembered their last conversation before they parted earlier. Alex told her about probably getting late again tonight because of another late-night meeting and negotiation that he had to close.

"My work can wait. And besides, nothing can be more important than being with you at a time like this." He felt that he needed to be here to support Dani, no matter the outcome of Ethan's condition.

He could not let her deal with a difficult situation on her own. Her mom would not be in any condition to comfort her since her mom was also in an unstable emotional state.

"You don't have to do this, but thanks. You don't know how much I appreciate your presence." Dani suddenly felt some form of relief from having someone to share her fear.

She would not know what to do if something terrible happened to her father. Although they argued and did not see eye to eye on many matters, she still loved her father dearly.

She would not wish anything worse to happen to him, especially not death. She could not fathom the idea that her father would leave this world. She had no idea how to live without her father constantly hounding her every move.

"I will cancel everything for you. You know that, right?" He waited for her to acknowledge what he said. When she nodded, he felt satisfied that she understood how valuable she was to him.

"Do you want me to check on his condition?" Alex offered since he could see the fear in her eyes, not knowing what was happening to her loved one.

If this happened to him, he knew that he would want her to be at his side in such a difficult situation. He knew that he would need to draw strength from someone who cared and loved him.

He realized that there was only one person he would wish to share his happy moments and, most of all, his worst times. She was the girl sitting right next to him, cradled in his arms.

"Can you stay for a while and sit down with me? I don't want to be alone." She answered him, not wanting to lose a human touch, in particular his warmth.

She once again felt so lucky to be loved by a man like him.. He was not perfect as far as she knew, but he had all the things she desired, and that was more than enough.

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