The Royal Contract

Chapter 230 - Personal Motive

Chapter 230 - Personal Motive

She was still slumped on the couch, thinking of the man that just walked away from her. He might have said he was not leaving her. From his actions, there was a warning in the way he left.

She would not count that he could wait for her anymore. She saw in his eyes that he had enough of her plots and schemes. He was ready to move on. But she was not.

"Pull yourself together. You can do this." Cassie quickly moved to the bathroom, fixing herself.

It was the only way she could accomplish her goal. It was necessary to achieve her dream. Cassie knew that any time Nick would come knocking on her door. She did now want him to see her messy state.

She could not allow him to suspect that anything was amiss. She had to continue her charade to continue to earn his trust. He was the only key she had to get close enough to destroy Ethan and Dani.

A continuous knock on the door indicated that the man she was waiting for had finally arrived. She was glad that it took him longer than she initially thought. He did not see her other guest.

"Hi!" She said seductively as soon as she opened her door to him. He stood out there with a scowl on his face. But he lightly smiled upon seeing her only on her robe. She knew he liked surprises, and she planned to make him happy. That would earn her a reward.

When he was in an ecstatic state, he tended to talk more than he planned to share with her. That was always her goal, to extract as much information as she could for all her plans.

"You look like you are expecting company." He teased her, knowing what was hiding under that thick fabric.

He could not wait to peel it off her skin and see what surprise hid underneath it. Knowing her, she already had something planned for him, a few of the things he liked about her.

"Well, I am, but it would seem that he is not coming. What about you? Do you want to come in?" She decided to play his game.

To him, she was just a dumb bimbo that he used for sex, but for her, he was the dumb fool that she was using for her purposes. A time would come that she would dump him too.

The time for her to execute her plans would come soon enough, against them who used her family and her for their selfish needs. That would also include Nick, who never truly appreciated her.

"If you insist. I guess another man's loss, my gain." He grabbed her and pulled her closer to him as he kicked the door closed.

The movement and his words reminded her of the man who recently left. The man that she would rather be with right now. Not the man that had his arms around her.

But she quickly shoved the thought deep in the bottom of her mind. She needed her wits to deal with a man like Nick. She could not be emotional, or else she would lose in this game.

"Then, let us make sure that it is worth all your while." She pulled him further into the room until they stood in the middle of the living room.

She pushed him down on the couch and slowly took the robe off her body, making a show in front of him. She knew how he loved a tease, and that was what she was giving him.

After a few minutes of dancing, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, making her sit on his lap. He started toying with the fabric of her lingerie, liking the feel of it in his touch.

"Show me what you can do." He ordered her as he laid back on the back of the couch, placing his hands on both sides of the backrest.

She immediately changed position, kneeling in between his legs. She started removing his coat and tossed it on the empty chair. Then, she unbuttoned his shirt and kissed the skin exposed to her touch.

Slowly she went down, unbuckling his belt and working on removing his pants. She knew his favorite, and she would make sure that she performed her best.

"Is this to your liking?" She asked, giving everything she got to satisfy his cravings.

"Yes." He groaned as he felt the buildup in his body.

When he could not take it anymore, he grabbed her arms and pulled her to him, making her straddle him. He wanted the gratification that only she could give him at the moment.

He knew he could always go elsewhere, but at the moment, he needed something from her too. Then again, he was glad that he decided to come here today. It was like hitting two birds with one stone.

After they had their release, both laid down on the couch, with their bodies quite satiated. However, their minds had a different story as both planned their next move.

"So, what went wrong today?" She placed her well-manicured hands on his chest and played with the curls that spread on his skin.

"What made you think that something went wrong?" He asked, curious about her question.

"Because you are here during office hours." She stated her observation.

"Well, you are starting to get me too well." He was not sure if that was a good thing or not.

Not now, that he just saw someone he had seen before leave the building. It was too much of a coincidence because it was not the first time he saw him in the same proximity with Cassie.

But he would give her a small benefit of a doubt, but it did not mean that he would not look into her. If he found out that she was double-crossing him and working with someone else, he guaranteed she would regret the day she decided to betray him.

"It is my job to know what you like and dislike. It is the only way I can give you everything you want and need." She had to appear convincing. He could never suspect that she was only using him.

Soon, she will be free from him. She just had to push through a little more. She would finally achieve justice for what happened to her and her family.

"Well. let me tell you something that happened today." He had to feed her something. A lie that he could use to catch her loyalty to him.

He wished that she was not lying to him, that she was working with him and not against him. It would be such a waste to lose someone like her if he learned that she had a connection with that man.

"I just found out that a shipment would happen in the docks. One of Alex's shipping lines planned to smuggle something big." He opened the topic.

"What do we have to do with Alex?" She asked, not following his line of thought.

She seemed to be genuinely disinterested with Alex, he thought. "He is now working with Ethan on a project." Nick continued with his statement.

The way her eyes lit up at the mention of Ethan's name confirmed that she was planning something more than she was willing to share with him.

He knew that she was helping him against them because he asked her, too, but he did not realize that she also had a personal motive.

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