The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 223 EliXi

Chapter 223 EliXi

Ironically, even though the crowd didn't go cray cray just like when Elliot Gong arrived, he still subconsciously turned his head towards the other end of the red carpet without responding to the host's question.

On the other point of the carpet, Lexi was assisted out from the white van— wearing a red wine modernized cheongsam qipao dress that had a slit that reached her flawless fair upper leg. Her hair was elegantly tied in a low bun and aside from her red lips, her makeup was too light— one would think she was wearing no makeup at all.

Upon seeing the modern yet traditional woman standing tall after she completely exited the vehicle, an approving smile formed on the side of Elliot Gong's lips. Now, he understood why there was a sudden quietness when she arrived— Lexi was just elegantly stunning!

Of course, as a friend, Elliot Gong felt proud at first until he realized that Ethan Lu wasn't around and Gael Zhang would surely hit on her if he had the chance. That sudden awareness made his heart filled with terror yet, his front seemed he was just rendered speechless by Lexi's beauty.

After a beat, the world seemed it was unmuted as the cameras resumed to flash as the crowd started to murmur their comments about Lexi.

"I never thought that she's actually very pretty."

"Huh? That's Lexi Yang? Why does she look like a goddess?!"

"Omg! Is Elliot Gong blushing while looking at her! Omg! What is this?!" With this one comment from a so-called fan, others around her altered their gaze from Elliot Gong who just snapped from his foreboding nightmare and then to Lexi who has a meek smile on her red lips. After doing it several times and catching Elliot Gong who was seemingly glancing in Lexi's direction, part of them was… romantically excited.



"Hehe, I'm sorry, what's the question again?" Politely apologizing to the bewitched host, Elliot Gong was tempted to strangle him and snap him back to warn him that she's taken and his career depended on being his fly swatter. After all, his dear friend and also Lexi's admirer— or what he thought he still was— was a hypocrite disguising himself as an understanding and benevolent man.

However, just before he could arrive earlier, the ever retentive Ethan Lu never forgot to oblige him to be Lexi's repellant. Recalling the super short message: "You know what to do. *angel emoticon*", Elliot Gong felt a chill run down his spine.

In retrospect, Ethan Lu wasn't as pushy as this or rather, he never was. But now, Ethan Lu gained a skill to intimidate him and how to tame him to follow his orders— which was more shocking than the fact that he was being overly sensitive and possessive. Nevertheless, since Lexi and Elliot Gong somehow became friends during their filming— he didn't mind filtering the men that could come close to her... but definitely not Gael Zhang.

"There has been a heated discussion online about your pairing with Miss Yang— what do you think about it?" The host politely repeated the question after he collected his thoughts subsequently being awestruck with Lexi.

"Ohh… hahaha," Thanks to his years of acting experience, Elliot Gong easily concealed his miff with that matter and displayed as if he was flattered. "Well, Me and Lexi became really good friends during our filming— that's what's important at the moment and she's really an understanding person even I am shocked myself." Elliot Gong answered briefly which the host didn't press the matter any longer.

Meanwhile, as Lexi posed to every angle she could, she could only hear indistinct noises as her thumping heart was enough to deafen her. Calm, serene, and modest on the surface but from the inside? She was utterly high-strung.

Lexi didn't really felt nervous until now that she was faced with the flashing lights from the cameras and before these many pairs of eyes— as if she was standing naked before them. After a while, she proceeded to the end of the red carpet and Lexi was welcomed by a polite host.

Up close, the host was positively fascinated by her beauty despite wearing little to no makeup. Although he had a glimpse of her before her scandal broke out, for some reason, she looked more matured and gorgeous now; it was as if she took extra care with herself. Singling out the fact that she might just be happy and content.

"Miss Lexi Yang! One of the most talked about personalities…" The host went on and on with his endless sugar-coated words to praise Lexi as he professionally dodged her recent scandal for a moment, but in the end, the host still linked his question to the recent downturn of her career.

"... Miss Yang, everyone was surprised about your participation in the movie, Taming Hearts— what urged you to audition for the role of Chang'e despite the on-going rumors at that time?"

Lexi didn't immediately respond as she slowly nodded her head in understanding and meekly smiled. "Knowing it was Director Arnold Shen's last movie to direct, I couldn't let it pass without trying despite all the odds against me." Lexi knew that something like this would come up as this was showbiz. Therefore, she prepared some answers inside her head beforehand.

"I see… What do you think about your pairing with Mr. Eli Gong?"

"Eli had always been a good colleague even back then with our previous projects together. But we became good friends during filming Taming Hearts so, about our pairing in the movie— it was pretty fun and challenging at the same time." Lexi contemplated her words and gave half of the truth and half insincerity about the fun part. Well, although she indeed worked with Elliot Gong before, none of those projects saw their chemistry not until Arnold Shen dared to pair them and revised their script.

"I see… one last question: now that the rumors about you were cleared, do you have a word to those people who judged you and what can you say to the people who spread those false rumors?" This time, the question wasn't on the host placards but his personal question. Well, he could not be blamed. After all, Lexi remained silent when her scandal was still hot— no clarity or defense— just pure silence on her side even until it was cleared. But now that she finally showed up in front of the public, the host could not help but take the risk for this juicy gossip.

Lexi chuckled, "I had always believed that the truth will always prevail. What's important is that everyone including me learned our lesson and it will make us have better judgment in the future." After keeping silent for the whole time, Lexi still gave her piece of thought about the matter as she nearly forgot all the hate she received online because she was showered with love in real life— with family, newfound friends and from her boyfriend.

After Lexi answered all of the following questions about the movie and encouraged everyone to watch this masterpiece— she entered the theater and the following cast took turns on the red carpet.

Unbeknownst to her and all the cast of the said movie, the netizens were going crazy and the hashtag EliXLexi, EliXi tandem, and many Lexi and Elliot Gong's name combinations bombarded different social media platforms.

There were stolen pictures of Elliot Gong brightly smiling towards Lexi's direction that could be misunderstood in many ways. Alas, instead of criticism, enthusiastic fans were somewhat mind-boggled by their great chemistry— instantly shipping them together.

That very instant, the clip of Elliot Gong and Lexi Yang from the trailer of the movie went viral. Surely, while everyone was busy on the current premiere night, the online world was also busy shipping Lexi Yang and Elliot Going, Rika Song and Gael Zhang, little numbers of Elliot Gong and Gael Zhang shippers.

It was one of the busiest nights online as more and more people joined the chaotic shipping and uploading pictures of the said cast here and there— intriguing the people who watched the trailer to watch the whole movie itself.

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