The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 217 I need to know the truth

Chapter 217 I need to know the truth

"She will feel better in a few days. Just remember to make her drink the medicine I prescribe to her on time." A man in his early 30's wearing a civilian suit, looking noble and decent, speaking and acting as a doctor turned to Ethan Lu. He's a little taller than Ethan Lu, his hooded eyes were as dark as black ink and his narrow nose added to his manly charms.

"Alright… thanks, man." Heaving a sigh of relief, Ethan Lu's worried heart slightly felt relieved seeing that Lexi's complexion turned a bit better after his good friend Doctor Oliver Peng put her on a drip.

"Man, I thought someone was dying with the way your assistant called me in a hurry." Shaking his head, Oliver Peng muttered. God knows he rushed his way to Ethan Lu's private villa as this good friend of his rarely sought for medical assistance; unless, he has a serious wound.

"Well, I will always sound like that even if she's only having a headache." Shrugging without turning his gaze away from her, Ethan Lu nonchalantly responded which made the corner of Oliver Peng's brows twitch.

Staring at Ethan Lu's side profile in disbelief, somehow, he could not recognize this man staring lovingly and worriedly to the woman who just got out from her controversial scandals.

Indeed, Oliver Peng had the shock of his life when he saw the woman he needed to treat. After all, Lexi was a famous rising star for quite some time before those ridiculous articles came out. Although those ambiguous articles were all cleared— one could still not forget her loud name in an instant.

Moreover, she was a true beauty that men like him would never forget even with just taking a glance at her. Regardless, how the hell did Ethan Lu and Lexi Yang become an item? Since when?!?

"Anyway, refrain from tiring her as my findings states that her health was rather low— she's unhealthy in other words." Uttering his other reminder, Oliver Peng snapped from his daze and recomposed his usually calm mind.

"Alright…" The reminders from the doctor went on and on for quite some time before Oliver Peng bid his farewell and left some spare medicines he had on him.

When he left, Ethan Lu called his ever reliable assistant Lyrick Jiang to buy the medicine that Oliver Peng prescribed her which his assistant immediately executed.

After his brief call, Ethan Lu strode to the side of the bed and sat next to Lexi. Scanning her sleeping figure, he heaved a heavy sigh.

"You're really worrying me." He lowly uttered. Ethan Lu was already worried about her safety with those dangerous men coming after her and now, knowing that Lexi's health wasn't as strong as he reckoned— his concern for her slowly was reaching its zenith.

Just as he felt her temperature by placing his palm on her forehead, his phone on the side vibrated that made him glanced at it. Upon seeing Chris Yu's contact name, Ethan Lu didn't hurry as he slowly brushed a nickel strand of hair on Lexi's face.

Staring at her for several seconds until he was satisfied, Ethan Lu stood up grabbing his phone with him. As he exited the room, his vibrating phone stopped. He didn't go elsewhere and directly went to his study room on the other side of his villa.

As soon as he entered the study room, Ethan Lu called back Chris Yu. It only took one ring before the line connected.

"Did you find out anything?" Without going into circles, Ethan Lu inquired. Although he had Lyrick Jiang reach out to their contact in the government, he still felt restless and thought that Chris Yu might have a stronger connection to the special forces since he was an agent, to begin with.

"uh yeah… they were infamous criminals from some underworld organization— we both know who's folk they were under." Sounding relaxed as usual, Chris Yu responded as he flipped the pages of the pile of documents on his desk.

"But, the thing is, each of them vanished from some time ago as if they all died— even our intel could not garner any sightings on them in recent times that's why it will take time to calculate how many people received Kong Shuren's last order. His organization was quite large. The only thing we can be thankful for is that they seemed to have an internal dilemma of who would be their next family head."

Ethan Lu patiently listened to Chris Yu's assertions. However, the more he listened to him, the more questions hovered on his mind. "Chris… how come you recklessly killed the man knowing his large brigade and vast connections?"

Since their discussion, last night was entirely sidetracked to Lexi and why Morris Liu did what he had done, Ethan Lu overlooked this fact. But now, after receiving reports of the horrendous mass suicide from the men that attempted to break into his house before they turned them in to the police, he knew he needed to know more.

After all, it was Lexi and her family's safety on the line. Therefore, he needed to know the whole truth without leaving a single detail behind. In that way, he would know how to ensnare them to his trap.

"I need to know the truth— no more lies— I hate it." He firmly added as an unreadable glint flashed across his eyes.

"Eh…" Struggling, Chris Yu contemplated his words as one wrong word, Ethan Lu would be dragged into a more horrible mess than they already obliged onto him.

"Okay, Me and Brother Mo, we somehow killed the man but not from our own hands okay? Brother Mo believed in the law that's why I'm here. Then, somewhere along the line, we got ourselves entangled with the worst guys and they made a deal. So yeah, Kong Shuren died and we cleaned up the mess."

"Who are they?" Probing further, Ethan Lu knitted his brows as he never thought that his friends would get more entangled with more dangerous people than their real problem. Well, it was not like he was judging them as Morris Liu was pushed into a corner. In fact, if he put himself in his shoes, Ethan Lu also didn't know what he'd do if he was put into such a predicament.

After all, Morris Liu had nothing but a valueless title all this time.

"Man, believe me I can't tell you because if I do, you'd be dragged into even deeper sh*t than you're already in." Letting out a heavy exhale, Chris Yu shook his head. Up until now, his skin could still not help but crawl being reminded of the gaze of the man that killed Kong Shuren in cold blood.

He was grateful that he was never assigned to missions like infiltrate Luciano's base as all agents who did those missions ended with a horrible death that only a piece of their skin or limbs would be sent back to them. Daringly warning them to stay out with their business which irked the secret international government forces even more. Alas, no matter what they'd do, Luciano Familia was a formidable and merciless group.

Of course, when Chris Yu heard Seraphina Yue, the word Luciano and his alias as Big Daddy— he was utterly mind blown that left him unable to move for a while. Although her statements were vague, he got the gist and speculated on his own.

"Are you sure they won't stab our backs?"

"Yes, I am certain." Firmly reassuring Ethan Lu, Chris Yu nodded even though the man on the other end of the line couldn't see him.

"I can only guarantee Lexi's and her parent's safety."

"Got it." With that said response from him, Ethan Lu hung up on Chris Yu.

"I guess that's enough information… no need to tell him that Luciano's man ran amok and went on a killing spree." Chris Yu murmured as he read the hair raising reports on the screen of his laptop on the government classified site.

What he said regarding Kong Shuren's men having an internal dilemma wasn't the full truth nor it was a lie. They were indeed having some issues as they were slowly being hunted down one after another by one man. Although the reports didn't specify who was it, Chris Yu was certain that it was that man who silenced Kong Shuren.

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