The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 152 Naked dumpling no more!

Chapter 152 Naked dumpling no more!

Lexi's conversation with her mother didn't last long as Lillian Yang insisted for her to rest saying: Lexi was tired and still have an important date tomorrow. Seeing how persistent her mother, she could only agree and abide.

After freshening up, no matter how long she laid and blankly stared at the ceiling, sleep wouldn't come. Lexi knew her body was exhausted, but, no matter how tired she felt—her brain just wouldn't give her peace. Therefore, since she couldn't go to slumberland, she decided to be a little productive instead of staring at nothingness—and think about her mother's advice.

"Hmmmm~? Hmmmm~?!" Slowly tilting her head to the right, before unhurriedly tilting it to the other side, Churu's questioning hummed grew louder every time.

Currently, Churu was watching Lexi gather different small, medium size boxes and a variety of clothes while she sat on the pillow. Yet, no matter how loud she hummed an inquiring tune, Lexi was indifferent about her obvious query as she continued to fetch the last set of clothes she got after she ransacked her walk-in closet.

"Are you moving out~? Eloping with Mr. Main task~?" As usual, Churu's first question didn't make sense. It only made Lexi wonder what was going on inside the mind of this little dumpling. Does she only cared about her love life and facial masks? Well, she was a guide of this love system, hence, she'd surely focused on this matter more than anything else.

"Nope. Come here." Gesturing her to come by her index finger, Lexi opened one of the small boxes and picked up a nicely rolled body measuring tape from it. Slightly pulling the end of the tape measure, Lexi grinned as her gaze fixed on Churu.

"Sissy, let me take your body measurement -- I'm making you a dress!"

"Me~? Reaaaally~?" At first, Churu was a little confused as Lexi didn't utter a single word when she jumped out of bed. But now that Lexi clarified what she wanted to do in this hour, Churu was excited as she jumped up and down like a small ball with her cheeks blushing.

Upon seeing this, Lexi's eyes softened. Lately, although there are tons of perks Churu received in the past tasks that were accomplished, and Lexi frequently let her take a bite from her food—she never made her cute dresses! Hence, this time, Lexi searched her closet for the clothes she doesn't wear anymore and rely on her DIY skills.

"What dress you're making me? Can you really make one?" Her face gleamed like a moon, lighting up the night. Churu's body slightly shook as she tried to calm herself down. However, her expectant expression was too hard to resist especially when her eyes sparkled as if she would worship Lexi any time.

"Just trust me, okay?" Rolling her eyes, Lexi started taking Churu's small body measures and jot the details down on a small notepad. Fortunately, she attended fashion designing classes and different seminars in skincare while she was abroad; explains why she knew a thing or two regarding this stuff.

"Alright~! I'm having a dress~! A dress~!" Churu hopped out of bed and started marching while repeating her words over and over again with an odd tune. Perhaps, it's her way to relaxed because she was too hyped up being clothed for the first time.

Hours had passed and Lexi was still at it. Thanks to this sudden idea of hers, she managed to keep her mom's words and Ethan's stirring warmth down as her mind was preoccupied with making Churu different dresses for her to change on a daily basis.

Soon, when it was two hours past midnight, Lexi finally yawned as she pressed the turn off button of the small sewing machine she used. Looking on the side, Lexi subtly smiled seeing that Churu was just staring at the five different dresses, five shirts, and five small skirts.

"You liked them?" Softly asking the little dumpling, Lexi tilted her head on the side as her heavy eyes slowly blinked while waiting for Churu's response.

"Lexi…~" Raising her head to see Lexi's smiling yet exhausted front, Churu's voice cracked as she was tightly biting her lower lips while her eyes were welling up. After a second, she flew, like a bolt of lightning and hugged Lexi's cheeks.

"Boohoo~! They are soo pretty~! Thank you~! They are perfect for the perfect me~!" Churu sobbed and spoke in between her hiccups.

Upon hearing her response, Lexi chuckled with her last remarks. Surely, Churu was the epitome of self-love as she always praised herself from time to time and often boosts her confidence by saying she was perfect just the way she was -- despite being in a dumpling form.

"That's alright… why don't you try them?" Tapping Churu's back as she glued on her cheeks like a sticker, Lexi proposed which made the little bun flew right away. She stopped and mildly jumped beside her first batch of clothes with excitement. Her tiny little fingers rubbed against each other in a quick pace as she said:

"Quick, quick, give it to me~!" Sounding extra eager, Churu glanced at Lexi.

"Right," Being reminded that she needed to personally hand whatever gift she wanted to give the little dumpling, Lexi nodded in understanding before picking up a cute red dress and she smiled. She added,

"Want me to help you?"

"Yes~!" More satisfied with Lexi's offer, Churu nodded in glee.

It only took a minute before the clothes synchronized with Churu's ability. Hence, only Lexi and Churu could see the clothed dumpling instead of a dress flying around that would strike a terror on everyone.

"It's soo perfect~! I feel like a modern princess~!" Churu flew while spinning and went straight towards her host's vanity mirror. Looking at herself, her cheeks blushed even more because Lexi made her a matching cute headband using the same fabric as her dress.

When she was satisfied staring at herself, Churu went back to Lexi and asked her to give the rest of the clothes. Confused about her sudden request, Lexi was already sleepy hence, she agreed without a question.

To her surprise, when she passed her the clothes, there's a small hole that Churu made after zipping the space and it opened! She then placed every clothes there like it was nothing before Churu closed it.

"Huh? What's that?" Puzzled, Lexi felt that she wasn't sleepy anymore after seeing what happened.

"That's my private space or bag, hehe. I earned it the last time, remember~?" Referring when the time Ethan Lu realized his feelings for Lexi, she received another reward that seemed to come in handy in the future; which was actually now.

"The last time?" Arching her brows, Lexi recalled the time she came to know that Ethan Lu fell in love with her. However, upon her realization, Lexi only took a glimpse of the status report while Churu only confirmed that she accomplished the task… or rather, Ethan completed the task for her.

"Uh, yeah… I almost forgot about the system. By the way, am I making any progress from my current task? Since it doesn't appear anymore… I guess, there's no progress, right?" Nodding in understanding, Lexi then narrowed her eyes as her brows slightly creased while muttering the half of her sentence.

"Huh? What do you mean~? Have you forgotten, you muted the system so it's not appearing? Want me to unmute--" Looking back at Lexi's concerned front, Churu innocently replied in a matter of factly tone. Just as she was about to snap her finger to unmute the system, Lexi stopped her.

"Wait! I don't want to see it… just yet." Lexi said in one go before she bit her lower lip. For some reason, she was afraid to see these points because ultimately, it was her progress this time and not Ethan Lu.

"Okay, so far, you don't have any side task and your main task of accepting Mr. Main task is still ongoing with almost 60 percent allure points." Churu understood what she meant and thus, she wanted to be considerate with her. However, just as Churu reassured her about having no side quests as they could be a real headache sometimes, she somewhat tattled about her current progress that made Churu and Lexi's eyes gaped open in unison.

Churu: "Uh oh…"

Lexi: "Churu!"

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