The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 105 Side Quests COMPLETED!

Chapter 105 Side Quests COMPLETED!

[ Congratulations! Side Quest: Find a job COMPLETED!

Side Quest:

Gain 140 lbs (Completed)

Bless your lips with a kiss (Completed)

Find a job (Completed)

Rewards for completing all the task:

Instant slimming skill (back to the host's original weight of 136 lbs)

Plus 20 points for the guide!

System's guide: Level 2 (45/50)

Skills: No available skills]

As Lexi make her way to the establishment parking space, the ever familiar tone of the notification from the system soon displayed in front of her. Upon seeing this, the corner of her lips formed a subtle smile as another task was completed. Moreover, she didn't have to break a sweat and beat her muscles to loose weight; despite feeling that she wasn't as tired as she expected.

The only task left was to make Ethan realized her feelings, hence, without this side quest, she could somehow focus and plan to complete this one as well. She didn't know when did it start that Lexi was slightly being entertained with completing the task. It's as if there's a weird feeling of delight whenever she accomplished her task. Furthermore, it was actually an effective therapy to move forward -- a double edge therapy that she hadn't realized it yet.

"Sister Lexi, what just -- I mean, did you know Director Shen was there?" Catching up to her, Abigail Fan hastily inquired. Still holding Lexi's phone with great caution, she didn't know what just happened.

Not only Director Shen gave the Chang'e role to Lexi but he sounded he had decided beforehand. To her perspective, even though Lexi did a good job portraying the role, did she already knew that the role was already decided?

"Hmm," Lexi hummed a tune as a response to her manager's inquiry. Indeed, she had sensed Director Shen's presence, hence, she chose some lines of Chang'e and continued with her portrayal as her audition piece. For some reason, Lexi was also appalled on how her senses were heightened.

First, sniffing Ethan's faint scent that she didn't notice before, and now, Director Shen and his groups' presence. If Lexi wasn't having these abnormalities, Lexi wouldn't even know that Director Arnold Shen was there.

Reaching to Abigail's black, compact car, Lexi turned her figure to face Abigail behind her. "Pass that to me." Thrusting her chin forward, Lexi pointed at the precious phone where Churu used as a bed.

"Oh… here," As careful as instructed, Abigail watched Lexi open her palm then placed then connect it as she waited for her to pass the phone. Still confused on the reason why Lexi treated her phone as if it was the most fragile thing yet, Abigail Fan chose not to ask about it and wordlessly and carefully hand the phone like a newborn child.

"Thanks…" Lexi murmured as her gazed softened when she carried Churu. In the eyes of a bystander, Lexi was like a mother carrying her child, however, that's not the case because they couldn't see Churu and only the phone was visible to them!


As they settled inside the car, to Abigail's surprise, Lexi perched in the front passenger seat and not at the back. In retrospect, Lexi habitually treated her as her driver and she would automatically head straight at the back seat. However, this time, Lexi asked her to open the front passenger door for her which Abigail cluelessly abided.

Glancing at Lexi, she saw her placed the phone on her lap before slowly sliding the phone as if there's something above it that she doesn't want to disturb.

'Ah, okay…?' Abigail Fan scratched her temple by her index finger as she recalled Lexi saying earlier, 'pretend that you didn't see anything'. Whatever Lexi was going through, Abigail Fan knew that she'd passed this phase of her life. After all, everyone becomes weird at times and this was probably Lexi's way to distract herself from her career crisis.

Meanwhile, when Lexi successfully slid away from the sleeping dumpling with discretion, she heaved a sigh of relieved. She already guessed that Abigail Fan must be having weird thoughts about her but she could not care less. After all, she got the role while taking care of Churu.

As silence enveloped inside the car as neither of them uttered a single word, Lexi finally broke the deafening soundlessness around them with a calm instigation, "So, you were fired?"

"No! After getting all the resources I painstakingly acquired for your comeback, they want every single one of them! When I refused, the agency tried to suppress me and assigned me to manage untalented artists; so I quit! Now, they are telling people that they dismissed me due to misconduct!" Being reminded of Che Diayu's information, Abigail Fan's hand tightened on the steering wheel as she grinded her teeth.

Indeed, back when Lexi was starting, Abigail Fan volunteered to manage her. After all, setting aside Lexi's stressing attitude problem and her good family background, the girl has talents. She believed that Lexi wasn't a person who she depicted her to be and at times, she proved her right yet, most of the time, wrong; especially when Mia Chen was involved.

Regardless, Abigail Fan could say that despite having several headaches from Lexi -- she finally managed to see the good side and bad side of her. Therefore, even though Lexi was being ruined by ambiguous scandals, Abigail Fan tried her hardest to keep the resources for her but in the end, she was slapped back with the reality that she was a nobody before those powerful individuals like the Liu Corporation.

"Is that so?" Glancing at Abigail Fan's restrained angst, Lexi slightly nodded her head in understanding without a change in her calm expression. She added while unlocking her phone,

"Then… why don't you start your own agency?"

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