The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: Give it to me, punk (5)


“I’ll kill you, bitch!”

The angry kick sent the monster flying.

Everyone was surprised by the person who had suddenly appeared at the scene.


“Lee Gun!”

Yes, the one who had sent the monster flying while cursing was none other than Lee Gun. He had calmed down Death when it went berserk due to reaching stage 4 and realized what was going on here.

As proof of this, Lee Gun held a Virgo Construct, which was shaped like a piece of cloth, in his hand. It was the Construct that had brought him tea and food and taken the rap for destroying the detached palace.

“You wanna die, bastard!!”


Lee Gun landed on the ground. Killing intent flashed in his eyes, as the monster had been about to pluck out the hair from his molt.

“Of all the things you could have plucked out, that isn’t it!!!” He emanated the chaotic Death.

The monster’s actions seemed to have revived Lee Gun’s memories from twenty years ago. It was a time when his body would deteriorate the more he used his abilities, and his hair had fallen out in droves.

“At the time, I bought and applied everything they said was good! I ate everything they said was good for the hair, yet I failed. In the end, I had to shave my head! #$*#$&*!!”

It wouldn’t have been shocking to see him cry, yet killing intent emanated from Lee Gun’s eyes. “Do you realize what I went through to revive it!! Yet you dare pluck it out?!”

“…You have a rich head of hair now.” The one to answer was Hugo, who was huffing and puffing. He had followed his friend here. “In the first place, that’s just your molt…”

However, Lee Gun felt differently. Even if it was a molt that he had shed, it still looked like him! “I’ll drive those bastards extinct! #$*#$&*!”

It was rare to see him this angry, so the Chun siblings were anxious.

Hugo let out a sigh. He had always been by Lee Gun’s side, so of course, he knew about Lee Gun’s rage.

‘He didn’t show it outwardly, but it was a one-year-long period where the risk to his body was very high.’

That period was the reason Lee Gun had gotten swindled out of his money by the Aquarius temple. He used to feel very sad in front of the mirror.

The risk of using his power was so severe that the hair on top of his head had disappeared, and in the end, he had to shave his head. Lee Gun had been so sad that Hugo couldn’t talk to him for 3 days.

‘In truth, he looked really good when he shaved his head.’

In fact, among Lee Gun’s cosplay fans, there existed something called Lee Gun’s “Five stages of Transition.” The 4th stage was the one that described him during his bald days, and it was a pretty popular look for Lee Gun’s fans. This was why a lot of figurines were created, modeling the 4th stage.

However, it was the period when his temper had been the worst. No, it was when he had been the toughest. This was why it was one of the favorite Lee Gun’s time periods for Hugo and Hugo’s children.

[Kuh-huhk…!! Snake bastard!]

Of course, Lee Gun was unaware of all that.

He immediately summoned Heaven’s Punishment. “I will grind you up, and I’ll make a hair growth solution out of you”

Lee Gun was about to grind up the monster from Time’s camp using Heaven’s Punishment when…

“Wait a moment! You shouldn’t touch it right now!”


The one to stop him was Stevens.

The monster, which had launched itself as soon as Stevens shouted, clicked its tongue as if it was too bad.

[You’re quick on the uptake!]

However, the monster’s eyes flashed as if this was enough. At the same time, an incredible light started to spread.

Lee Gun immediately retreated, but the light touched him a bit.


Then, Lee Gun started to become smaller.

The monster from Time’s camp had used something when Lee Gun had sent it flying. It was the ability of Time.

[Rewind Body Time]

The monster seemed to have been aiming for this. It laughed when it saw Lee Gun being swept up by the light.

[I never expected the Serpent Bearer to be here. This is great!]

Once it sent Lee Gun back to a time before his awakening, Lee Gun would become a normal human! Of course, this ability consumed a considerable amount of magical energy, but it didn’t matter.

[You won’t be able to use the power of a Zodiac with this!]


The Chun siblings were taken aback by the familiar sight. They immediately realized what had been done to their uncle. So they quickly took out something from their possession. It was an item that returned someone to normal after the person had been attacked by Time.

“Please wait a moment! We’ll change you back to normal—”

However, their eyes turned round. Lee Gun had quickly gotten into his fighting stance when the light dissipated.


“Idiot! There’s no way this will work!”

Lee Gun glared at the monster as if he were angry. However, everyone’s expressions changed when they saw him. This included Hugo, Kevin, and even Stevens. It was to be expected.

“Damn it! He’s so cute!!!”


Lee Gun had returned to being his ten-year-old self.

Hailey, who had been about to attack the enemy, froze for a second.

The one to scream first was Chun Sungjae. He reflexively looked for his camera when he realized his mistake. He realized this wasn’t the time to be doing such a thing.

[Master will be happy if I take you alongside the molt.]

The monster from Time’s camp let out a sly smile. It was about to kidnap Lee Gun when…

“Lee Gun!”


Stevens grabbed Lee Gun as if the latter were a rice sack.


A muscular man over 190 cm tall held a ten-year-old boy. It was like looking at a rugby player moving with a rugby ball!

Stevens gritted his teeth as if he had expected this. “Shit! I warned you because my Zodiac almost suffered the same fate not too long ago!”

Hugo, who had been trailing them, became surprised. “What? Leo was attacked?”

“That’s right! That bastard attacked us! The kidnap attempt failed, but we suffered damage. Leo turned into a baby cat!”


Hugo was surprised, but Kevin glared at Stevens. “How dare Leo come to our holy ground without permission!! Do you want a war?”

“Whatever! Lee Gun said he’ll make me a weapon! I came here because he called me here!”

“What? Why would Lee Gun make you a weapon?”

“Why else! I did Lee Gun a favor!”

“What?!” Kevin raged. “Are you kidding me?! I did everything Lee Gun asked, yet he never even sparred me once! Why would he do that for you!!!”

Kevin tried to choke Stevens’s neck as if he wanted to kill him. When Stevens also tried to choke Kevin, Hugo became angry. “Both of you should fix your bad habits! Is this really the time to be fighting each other?!!”

Their opponent was an enemy that could threaten even the Zodiac of the Leo temple.

‘It is dangerous.’

In the end, Hugo fished out Lee Gun, who was squirming because he was buried in his oversized clothes.

“Hailey! Kids! Return Gun to—”

“Get out of my way!!!”


After pulling up his clothes, Lee Gun kicked Stevens and Kevin. The two Zodiac Saints groaned as they fell over. At the same time, they were surprised by Lee Gun’s strength. He was able to send them flying.

“Did he just throw us?”


Since Lee Gun had returned to an age before he had awakened, he shouldn’t be able to use his power. Moreover, the power of a normal human couldn’t toss a Saint rank. It was impossible. This was especially true of someone with the strength of a ten-year-old!

It meant…

“What the hell? He didn’t lose his power?”

“What is going on?! I heard Gun awakened at the age of twenty-one!”

They weren’t the only ones shocked.

‘No way.’

The monster looked taken aback as well. A chaotic black-green light was emanating from the ten-year-old Lee Gun, and there was no mistaking it.

‘That’s the power of the Serpent Bearer!’

The monster’s mouth fell open.

‘This makes no sense. How can he use that ability as a child?’

The ten-year-old Lee Gun didn’t seem to care as he summoned Heaven’s Punishment. “Come!”

When its owner called for it, the weapon appeared in Lee Gun’s hand. It was weighted to fit his adult body, so the weapon did feel heavy.

Lee Gun furrowed his brows for a brief moment. However, the weapon wasn’t so heavy that he was unable to swing it.

Lee Gun’s eyes flashed. “Die!!!!!!”

Heaven’s Punishment let out a violent roar. The power of Death, which had ascended to stage 4, ruthlessly fell toward the monster.


The terrifying power of the black light swirled around the Virgo Saint’s holy ground. Everyone screamed as they were sent flying.

“Koo-oohk— W-What is this power?”

“As expected of the stage-4 power…!”

After they were sent flying, they opened their eyes. The Virgo Saint’s holy ground was gone. The monster, which had received the attack, had half its body destroyed.

Slime, who sat atop Lee Gun’s head, emitted a light as it jiggled in joy at the sight before it.

The Chun siblings were shocked.

“What the hell? Uncle can use his power despite becoming younger?”

It seemed they had suppressed their desires for nothing. They had agreed to never turn Uncle back to his younger self, since he couldn’t use his power!

“Uncle can use his power despite being younger…”

“He’ll look cuter as a four-year-old….”

Hugo became angry when he saw the crazy look in his children’s eyes. “Stop thinking about useless things! Hurry up and return Gun to his normal self!”


The monster from Time’s camp had only its head left. It vomited blood. Thankfully, it had activated the power of Time, so it didn’t suffer an instantaneous death. However, the power of Death was too strong.

‘What the hell? The power of Death that he’s using is the power of the previous Zodiac. It’s the power of Ouroboros.’

This monster’s name was Square. It was the butler that served the Time monarch, and it was also Time’s left hand. It had served Time for a very long time, so it had even picked out Time’s generals before.

It knew better than anyone about the thirteenth Serpent Bearer, whom its master was trying to obtain. So it knew the limit of the thirteenth’s power.

Moreover, it believed the power of the thirteenth wouldn’t work against it and its master, no matter how strong the power was.

‘It should have the same power as the previous Zodiac. But what is this difference in power…!’

Lee Gun was using the same power, yet the power seemed to differ depending on the user. It was like the difference between the original owner using the power and a Construct using a borrowed power from its owner.

‘He’s not normal.’

This was also why Square had to take Lee Gun to its master.

‘It might be a bit dangerous, but I have to call in the troops…’

At that moment, however…


Square was shocked when it saw the slime on top of Chun Sungjae’s head.

‘That’s…! No way!’

For some reason, Square became desperate at the sight of slime.

‘I have to quickly inform Master…!’

When lightning erupted from Square’s body, the Virgo Constructs urgently yelled.

[Baby snake-nim! Please be careful! That bastard’s party isn’t to be underestimated!]

[Jean-Louis is the past version of the Time monarch!]

[There is some connection between them!]

Lee Gun sneered. “Who cares about that?”

The small Lee Gun raised Heaven’s Punishment high. Of course, he wanted to know more about Time. He was curious about Time’s objective. However…

‘That bastard has been a mystery since I’ve been inside the Devil’s Tower.’

Despite trying to find it out, Time was someone that Lee Gun was unable to figure out.

When Lee Gun brought Heaven’s Punishment down on the monster’s head.


Death, which had advanced to stage 4, clashed against the power of Time, which the monster received and used.


An unfamiliar sight unfolded in front of Lee Gun’s eyes. It was the sight of corpses filling up a vast ruin.

[I can’t believe this! I’m still falling short with this.]

It was the memory of Time.

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