The Prodigies War

Chapter 1774: He Is Nothing

Chapter 1774: He Is Nothing

Leaving the valley, Lin Xun smiled inexplicably. Nan Dong must have suddenly come to warn me because that old man, Nan Leipeng, had given him an order.

“Pinning the future of a tribe on an arranged marriage…it seems like the Musang Tribe is in a very bleak situation. Otherwise, they would not do something so stupid. This is why they say that one who is critically ill will turn to any doctor one can find.”

Lin Xun shook his head and stopped thinking too much about it.

He was just a passer-by and at most he would help only Nan Qiu.


The next second, he disappeared.

Thousands of miles away, he was standing atop an aeth qi-shrouded mountain and inhaling deeply.

From the top to the bottom of the thousand-foot-tall mountain, aeth qi surged like a mighty river and poured into Lin Xun’s mouth.

A few minutes later, the mountain that was surrounded with swirling qi had become dull and lifeless and lost its divine spiritual charm.

Lin Xun immediately stopped. If he continued, the sacred mountain would be completely destroyed. He had not damaged its foundation so it should have no problem restoring itself.


Lin Xun did not stop and teleported away again.

Right now, he urgently needed to recover his powers, so he searched for spiritual mountains and spiritual waters in the wild to absorb energy from.


Hovering above a mighty river, Lin Xun stretched out his hand and made a grabbing motion, and an aeth vein hidden deep in the riverbed was pulled up.

It was dozens of feet long and emitted a blue-green light.

Lin Xun opened his mouth and inhaled. The aeth vein that could take a King Stage expert one year or so to absorb was instantly refined into a stream of hot air and rushed throughout him.

After that, Lin Xun teleported again with a flash, moving farther and farther away in search of necessary cultivation resources.

Two days later.

He stopped at a desert and calmly assessed his state. “I have almost restored one percent of my full powers...”

He frowned. The progress was still a little slow.

At the same time, he concluded that the Tianqu World’s cultivation resources were not particularly abundant despite being located in the Ancient Nebula Road; it was almost comparable to the Ancient Wasteland Domain.

It should be mentioned that he had searched everywhere on this day, hoping to pick up some divine herbs. But all he found was some king-grade herbs, which was of very little value to the present him.

“For now, this will have to do.”

He took action again.

He knew that this was Tianqu World, a remote area of ​​the Ancient Nebula Road, so naturally, he did not want to linger around for too long.

Half a month later.

Lin Xun strolled along the sea of clouds like a celestial being, his clothes billowing around him. So far, he had regained twenty percent of his strength!

“I have explored the area within ​​thirty thousand miles. It’s time to go back,” he decided

When he returned, he intended to ask Nan Leipeng about how to leave Tianqu World and if everything went as planned, he would bid farewell to Nan Qiu.


The Musang Tribe.

Before Lin Xun entered the valley, a noisy quarrel from afar caught his attention.

He was taken at first, then he moved closer.

Outside the valley, a group of figures had gathered. There were men and women, and they were all dressed in gorgeous, luxurious clothes and exuded powerful auras. Their faces were full of arrogance and impatience.

In front of the valley stood a group of Musang Tribe experts led by Nan Leipeng. This high ranking old man wore a sullen look on his face and his hair was almost standing up in anger.

“When did your Cloud Fire Tribe become representatives of the Tianxing Sword Sect? You want to cancel the engagement between Nan Qiu and Mu Xiuyuan? Forget it!” Nan Leipeng thundered.

The Musang Tribe experts were all seething.

Nan Qiu was among the crowd and she looked absent and out of sorts. Her pretty face was slightly pale, and her usual bright and beautiful smile was gone from her face.

“Haha, Nan Leipeng, stop kidding yourself. If Tianxing Sword Sect and Mu Xiuyuan hadn’t agreed, do you think I would come here in person to announce this matter?”

The leader of the group of figures outside the valley, a scholarly old man in a black robe, spoke with a smile.


Nan Leipeng’s eyes reddened and his voice became hoarse, “How would the Tianxing Sword Sect do this? Absolutely impossible!”

“Hahaha, I knew you won’t accept it, so I brought the marriage agreement that you and Mu Xiuyuan signed.”

The black robed old man laughed as he took out a contract that had red writing on it, but the contract had already been torn into several pieces.

The old man in black seemed well-intentioned, but in truth he was gloating at their misfortune. “Nan Leipeng, I didn’t tear up this agreement. It was Mu Xiuyuan himself. He asked me to give it to you.”

Nan Leipeng froze like he was struck by lightning. He recognized the marriage agreement right away, but he did not expect to see it in a shredded state...

All tribesmen of the Musang Tribe were dumbstruck, eyes blazing with anger. Could it really be Mu Xiuyuan’s doing?

If so, it’s despicable!

Seeing their reactions, the scholarly old man in black curled up a corner of his lips in a triumphant smile and took out another letter. “Oh, right, I also have a letter of annulment written by Mu Xiuyuan himself. Nan Leipeng, would you like to take a look at it?” He spoke in a mocking voice.

Even an annulment contract had been prepared!

Watching everything in secret, Lin Xun was just as surprised as the others. Mu Xiuyuan is too cruel. It’s clear that he has no intention of giving face to the Musang Tribe.

Lin Xun looked at Nan Qiu who was among the crowd.

The optimistic, tough, and straightforward girl was now biting her lip, and her pretty face was pale and dazed. Lin Xun felt his heart ache to see her like that.

He still remembered that Nan Qiu seemed perturbed and hesitant when she spoke about the marriage when she had not even met Mu Xiuyuan, so how could she just accept the marriage right away...

In other words, she did not oppose the marriage completely, and she had thought about trying to get to know and understand her future partner.

But now, with the torn-up marriage agreement and an annulment letter, all of this had come to a complete end!

This blow was undoubtedly very hurtful and cruel for a woman. How could a woman who had her engagement broken off ever hold her head up again in the future?

Mu Xiuyuan, a well-known figure in the Tianqu World, rejected Nan Qiu in such a ruthless way. How could she continue to live in the Tianqu World?

No matter where she went, she would be laughed at and mocked!

Nan Leipeng took the marriage annulment contract with trembling hands and saw only one sentence written on it:

“The engagement is terminated!”

There was no explanation and no reason; the marriage was just voided!


Nan Leipeng was so furious that he suddenly coughed up blood and trembled violently. He gritted his teeth and grunted, “Mu Xiuyuan...Mu Xiuyuan, you are too cruel...”

The other members of the Musang Tribe were dumbfounded.

They all hoped that the marriage between Nan Qiu and Mu Xiuyuan would improve the tribe’s situation.

Who would have thought they would receive such devastating news?

“Why...did they ask you to break off the engagement?”

After a moment, Nan Leipeng raised his head and looked directly at the scholarly old man in a black robe, his face still livid and ferocious.

“Oh, it’s very simple.” The old man said proudly, “Because Mu Xiuyuan is engaged to my daughter!”

He pointed to a girl dressed in luxurious clothing beside him. “This is my daughter, Yue Jin!”

The gorgeously dressed girl was beautiful. She raised her head proudly and shifted her gaze over to Nan Qiu who was standing in the crowd far away. “Sister Nan Qiu, you must take care of yourself and don’t be too upset. Otherwise it hurts me to see you like that.”

Her words were extremely grating on the ear.

Nan Qiu finally lost control of herself and sprinted into the valley. She had reached breaking point after suffering such humiliation.

The gorgeously dressed woman smiled smugly.

At this point, Nan Leipeng understood that Mu Xiuyuan had likely terminated the engagement because of the Cloud Fire Tribe!

“Yue Zhongting! You…you...” Nan Leipeng howled. He was so angry that he could not form a complete sentence.

“Hahaha, save your nonsense. I will be leaving now.”

The old man in black laughed loudly, as if he had won a sweeping victory, and left with the group.


On this day, the news of Nan Qiu’s canceled engagement spread throughout the Musang Tribe, casting a dark shadow over the entire tribe like a thunderbolt had struck from a clear sky.

Nan Leipeng fell ill from rage and almost went insane.

Lin Xun paid no attention to them; he only cared about how Nan Qiu was.

“What are you doing here? Do you plan to take advantage of my sister after her engagement is canceled? You wish!” Nan Dong, who was guarding in front of Nan Qiu’s door, roared out his pent-up anger when he saw Lin Xun.

Lin Xun simply darted a glance at him.

A mere glance sent the raging Nan Dong trembling all over, as if his spirit had fallen into an ice cave. He felt a terrifying, suffocating aura bearing down on him.

“The anger of the weak is undeserving of pity. If you want to do something for your sister, get out of my way.” Lin Xun stepped forward.

Nan Dong subconsciously moved aside and only came to his senses when Lin Xun pushed the door open. I was actually frightened by him?

He stood there, stunned.

The room was dimly lit, but to Lin Xun’s surprise, Nan Qiu did not cry, nor did she look upset or angry.

She was just sitting quietly by the window, her expression still and her eyes empty, as if she had lost her soul.

Lin Xun closed the door and came up to her. “I can help you.”

Those words stirred Nan Qiu like they had the power to penetrate the heart.

Nan Qiu’s glazed eyes regained a hint of clarity as she stared blankly at Lin Xun for a good while. She suddenly sprang up and hugged him tightly, tears silently rolling down her face.

The stream of tears soaked Lin Xun’s shoulders and clothes.

Lin Xun sighed in his heart. Regardless of how strong a woman is, it would be difficult to cope with such a humiliating blow.

After a long while, Nan Qiu finally stopped crying, let go of her hands and stepped back a few steps.

“Brother Lin, I’m sorry you had to see me make a fool of myself,” she murmured.

Lin Xun stroked her on the head and said softly, “You did not make a fool of yourself. I said I can help you. You should not have to bear such humiliation.”

Nan Qiu raised her head and looked confused at Lin Xun. “But he...he’s Mu Xiuyuan...”

Mu Xiuyuan!

He was a legendary existence in the Tianqu World, who also had the backing of the Tianxing Sword Sect. Who...dared to go against him?

Lin Xun couldn’t help smiling and said softly,

“In my eyes, he is nothing.”

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