The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 126

Translator: StormFrost

Unedited, please ping me in the #typos-and-mistakes in discord or comments (might not notice this as quickly) if you notice any mistakes XD

Pandora’s Box [7]

In the end Chen Liguo’s research speed slowed down.

If he could develop the most perfect drug in three months before then right now he was delaying the development of this drug that would destroy the world by one year.

However, as he delayed, Chen Liguo had to face Bai Yanlou dwindling patience.

At night Bai Yanlou once again tossed Chen Liguo about again. Chen Liguo furrowed his brows and said nothing as Bai Yanlou caressed his sweaty hair and asked him with a smile, "Professor He, you aren’t deliberately slowing down the pace of the drug’s development, are you?"

Chen Liguo panted lowly and coldly countered, "If you can then do it."

Bai Yanlou found that he really had nothing he could do against He Chenyou. He was most familiar with the drug within the entire research institute. If he wanted to slow down its development then Bai Yanlou could only watch on helplessly.

So Bai Yanlou heavily thrusted into Chen Liguo and then said, "Aren’t I doing it now?"

Although Bai Yanlou was usually as gentle as water to He Chenyou, they both knew that once the balance of their deal broke Bai Yanlou wouldn’t be so easy to deal with anymore.

As soon as the drug capable of stimulating abilities was produced, this world would become the world of ability users and Chen Liguo would become a pawn that could be abandoned. Thus, he would not so easily bare himself.

Chen Liguo’s thoughts on this matter had not changed much since the beginning.

He knew he couldn’t develop the drug He Chenyou did in the original world so easily. That drug was too powerful and could even allow some ordinary people to have abilities. This was tantamount to empowering the ability users.

Chen Liguo said, "Daddy, I have something to talk to you about."

The system asked, "Son, what are you going to do again?"

Chen Liguo asked, "Did He Chenyou develop many failed products before developing the perfect drug?"

The system answered, "That’s right."

Chen Liguo asked, "Among them are there drugs with relatively short effects right?"

The system probed, "It can’t be that you want to......"

Chen Liguo nodded and stated, "First let’s make this kind of drug."

The drug was called A72. It was a failure developed by He Chenyou. It could enhance the ability of ability users with no side effects but the only drawback was that it could only maintain this effect for one hour. Using it once more after an hour was ineffective.

As a perfectionist, there was naturally no way He Chenyou could tolerate his own test product having such defects so he didn’t tell the people above that he had made such a thing.

The system just about understood what Chen Liguo wanted to do.

Chen Liguo sighed and thought that this battle between ability users and humanity would happen sooner or later and everything will depend on the extent of the destruction after the battle.

Another two months later, when Bai Yanlou’s patience was about to run out, Chen Liguo finally brought out his drug.

Bai Yanlou was the first to get the injection.

When the drug entered Bai Yanlou’s body Chen Liguo immediately withdrew from the laboratory.

As soon as he left he could see through the glass that Bai Yanlou was emitting cold air——In almost an instant, Bai Yanlou froze the entire lab.

The coldness was still spreading. it seemed that Bai Yanlou was unable to control his ability and was constantly letting it leak.

Chen Liguo hastily turned to leave but not even two steps later his legs were frozen by ice and his entire person couldn’t move.

Chen Liguo was a little angry. He exclaimed, "Bai Yanlou, do you want me to die?!" He had called the other researchers out in advance and was the only one left in the large laboratory. If the temperature continued dropping he’d become a block of ice.

The glass in the laboratory cracked and let out a sharp splintering sound. Finally, the whole piece broke. Bai Yanlou pushed the electronic door open——The lock had already been frozen broken.

Chen Liguo’s face and body was covered with white frost as white vapour left his mouth. He felt like he would lose consciousness soon.

Bai Yanlou walked up to Chen Liguo and embraced him.

The sudden appearance of a heat source made Chen Liguo involuntarily respond to Bai Yanlou’s embrace. When he looked at Bai Yanlou he found that his eyes had turned ice blue——Exactly the same as when he had first hallucinated about Bai Yanlou.

"Bai Yanlou." Chen Liguo questioned in indignation. "Do you want to freeze me to death?"

Bai Yanlou did not respond. He touched Chen Liguo’s eyebrows and after a moment, he drawled out his voice and said, "That’s——Right——"

He was serious. He really did want Chen Liguo to die.

The shuddering Chen Liguo squeezed out a sentence through his teeth, "This medicine is only effective for a period of time. Only I know the key ingredient!"

Bai Yanlou sized Chen Liguo up, seemingly assessing the authenticity of Chen Liguo’s words.

Finally, Bai Yanlou seemed to compromise and said, "Alright, I won’t kill you. Let’s do it here."

Chen Liguo had already been frozen into deliriousness and didn’t know what Bai Yanlou was talking about.

Bai Yanlou languidly said, "If you don’t answer, I will take it as acquiesce."

If Chen Liguo knew that Bai Yanlou had said such a thing, he would probably scold him as shameless.

The monitor in the lab had exploded because of the extremely low temperature. In short, when Chen Liguo came out of the lab three hours later everyone saw his fagged and exhausted expression.

"How was it Professor He?" Someone asked.

"A success." Chen Liguo brushed dregs of ice off his body and with a slight indifferent tone, said, "But the effects can only be maintained for an hour."

"What about the side effects? Are there any other side effects?" Another researcher was a little anxious to confirm.

Chen Liguo said, "There are none."

When they heard this they all shouted and jumped for joy. Only Chen Liguo showed a hint of gloom and anger in his eyes.

Bai Yanlou, this son of a bastard, after eating and drinking his fill, he went off to pretend to be weak again.

Chen Liguo returned to his room and cleaned up the marks on his body.

When liquid flowed down his leg he pounded the wall and angrily swore, "Bai Yanlou, you will pay for this!"

The system wondered, ’Chen Liguo, have you been frozen stupid, being so into the act......’

Then Chen Liguo’s next sentence was, "He froze me dizzy, I didn’t feel good at all! This bastard!" His chrysanthemum felt a painful heat. Fuck his father.

System: "......"

After this drug was produced the people above were quite satisfied.

They asked Chen Liguo if this medicine could be mass produced and Chen Liguo said that it was no problem. Its development was already very mature.

Only Bai Yanlou was not satisfied. He asked, "It can only be completed to this extent?"

Chen Liguo’s attitude to him was becoming colder and colder by the day. He confirmed, "En."

Bai Yanlou said, "Okay."

Chen Liguo asked, "What do you plan on going?"

Bai Yanlou had the shadow of a smile on his face. He said, "What I plan on doing, surely you can’t not know?"

Chen Liguo looked at him, his brows furrowed.

Bai Yanlou stuck out his finger and pressed Chen Liguo’s eyebrows. He said, "Professor He, every time you look at me like this I want to ruthlessly fuck you."

Chen Liguo sneered. You speak as if you haven’t.

It didn’t take long for the drug to get produced. One day, Bai Yanlou suddenly said to Chen Liguo, "Don’t leave your room tomorrow."

At the time Chen Liguo was holding a tube of reagents. His hand trembled and he dripped a bit too much. He asked, "Why?"

Bai Yanlou lazily said, "Because we’re leaving here."

Chen Liguo pursed his lips and looked at him. "What do you plan on doing to the institute?!"

Bai Yanlou snapped his fingers and a flame kindled above it. He said, "Naturally it’s a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood."

Chen Liguo pursed his lips and revealed a stubborn expression. "Don’t destroy this place——"

Bai Yanlou said, "As you wish."

Chen Liguo said, "If you can, don’t touch my team. I’m used to them."

With the least bit of care, Bai Yanlou said, "It’ll depend on the situation."

The ability users destroying the lab was something that would happen sooner or later. Chen Liguo just wanted to minimize the harm of this incident the most he could.

Chen Liguo did not sleep at all this day and in the wee hours of the morning he heard bits and pieces of sounds outside.

These sounds gradually became louder and as the sun rose, Chen Liguo heard the miserable shriek of humans.

Chen Liguo said to the system, "I think they probably won’t leave any survivors."

The system said, "It was like this in the original world." Not only were there no survivors, the entire institute was destroyed and valuable research results were buried along with it.

Chen Liguo sighed inwardly. Experimental subjects who were captured and treated like guinea pigs wanting to kill the researchers once they gained freedom was normal. Chen Liguo couldn’t stop it and could only close his eyes and pretend that he was asleep.

He closed his eyes for a whole day. In the evening Bai Yanlou opened the door to Chen Liguo’s residence.

Although his body was as clean as a pin Chen Liguo still keenly smelled the strong smell of blood.

There were a few people behind Bai Yanlou, all had weapons in hand.

"Let’s go." A cigarette hung from Bai Yanlou’s mouth. He had changed from his experimental subject clothes. He lifted his chin towards Chen Liguo and said, "Professor He."

Chen Liguo’s expression was indifferent. He got up from bed and casually packed up and followed Bai Yanlou out.

"Boss, are we not killing this person?" Someone had evidently killed until their eyes turned red and directly aimed the gun at Chen Liguo.

Bai Yanlou looked at the man and coldly rebuked, "What did I tell you before?"

The man heard this and showed a resentful look.

Upon seeing this Bai Yanlou smacked the special wall next to him, leaving a handprint in it. He said, "I don’t need disobedient people."

The man showed a fearful expression and hastily nodded, saying yes.

Bai Yanlou walked out of the place with Chen Liguo.

The entire institute was covered with blood. Chen Liguo saw more than ten corpses along the way, some of which he recognized. Chen Liguo suspected that Bai Yanlou did not leave any survivors other than him.

This escape had been planned for a long time.

The ability users who had escaped previously had already prepared a vehicle to meet up with them outside.

When Chen Liguo and Bai Yanlou got into the car he saw the daughter of fate Wang Yangzi.

Compared to before, Wang Yangzi’s spirit was much better. She was dressed in stalwart clothes and carried a gun. Seeing Bai Yanlou and Chen Liguo come out together she revealed a look of surprise. She asked, "Boss, how come this person wasn’t killed?"

As a researcher, He Chenyou was no different from a devil in the eyes of the experiments like Wang Yangzi. She didn’t expect that He Chenyou could walk out from the institute intact. She thought that this man had died long ago.

"He’s mine, not killing." One sentence determined Chen Liguo’s fate. Bai Yanlou said with narrowed eyes, "Let’s go."

The party left.

Through the car window Chen Liguo could see smoke billowing from the institute and sighed a little regretfully.

In the car Bai Yanlou did not pay attention to Chen Liguo so the surrounding people cast bad looks at Chen Liguo.

A person who had been researched on by Chen Liguo couldn’t hold back and opened with, "Professor He, you didn’t think that such a day would happen did you!"

Chen Liguo’s attitude was indifferent. He was simply too lazy to respond.

The man secretly grit his teeth. If not for Bai Yanlou being present he would have probably made a move against Chen Liguo.

Bai Yanlou did not have any intention on helping Chen Liguo either and didn’t speak a single word to him until they reached their destination.

This group had chosen to set up in a place far from the city.

They changed several vehicles during this period, seemingly to cover up their whereabouts.

When they arrived at the destination and were arranging rooms Bai Yanlou directly said, "No need to make arrangements for him. He lives with me."

Surprise covered everyone’s faces and they seemed astonished that Bai Yanlou and Chen Liguo had such a close relationship......

Chen Liguo’s expression was bad the entire time. Hearing Bai Yanlou say such, he said, "I don’t want to."

Bai Yanlou turned his head and looked at Chen Liguo. He reached out and lifted his chin, lazily countering, "You have the power to choose?"

He really didn’t.

When under the eaves one had no choice but to bow their heads. If Bai Yanlou chose to not shelter Chen Liguo then he would surely die miserably.

Chen Liguo was a little vexed.

Thus this matter was decided like this and Chen Liguo was directly carried into the room by Bai Yanlou.

He didn’t expect that Bai Yanlou’s room would be quite exquisite and all kinds of electronics were available. There was news broadcasting on the TV at that moment. The contents of the news was about a laboratory catching on fire, causing more than a dozen casualties......

The response from the institute was quite timely but they didn’t dare broadcast the truth. The fact that more than 100 test subjects had escaped was too shocking, there was especially no way to make public that these 100 people had ability users.

Bai Yanlou stood behind Chen Liguo and said with a smile, "Look, how amusing it is to cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell."

Chen Liguo asked, "What do you plan on doing next?"

"What else can be done?" Bai Yanlou asked. "Of course it’s taking over the world and destroying it."

Chen Liguo pursed his lips. He did not feel that Bai Yanlou was joking.

On the TV the sounds of explosions and crying continued unceasingly and the reporter was still standing in the front giving their coverage.

Chen Liguo was a little tired. He watched and watched then with his mind in a whirl, fell asleep.

Bai Yanlou’s ice cold eyes softened after seeing Chen Liguo fall asleep. He reached out to pinch Chen Liguo’s earring then took his hand back.

For this group of ability users escaping from the institute was just the beginning.

They got weapons from who knows where and began to plan their next step.

As the leader of the ability users Bai Yanlou’s attitude always seemed very lazy. Except for when he slept with Chen Liguo at night it seemed like he hardly liked to speak.

But although he was very quiet his prestige among the ability users did not diminish the slightest.

It was reasonable to say that after taking the drug invented by Chen Liguo all their abilities should have been greatly enhanced and some should refuse to obey. But in truth, all these ability users greatly admired Bai Yanlou.

Of course, as a researcher, Chen Liguo was not treated as well as Bai Yanlou.

He was simply the least popular person in the base.

He didn’t even have a few pieces of meat in his meal box at lunch time.

Chen Liguo took his own meal box and silently looked at the greens inside it. They didn’t dare not give Chen Liguo food so they simply picked out the meat and gave Chen Liguo the cheapest vegetables to eat.

After eating it a few days he finally exploded. At noon he took the meal box and went to Bai Yanlou then threw the food in front of him.

Bai Yanlou was in the middle of talking on the phone. Seeing the floor covered with vegetables a smile appeared in his eyes.

Chen Liguo had a dark expression. After waiting for Bai Yanlou to hang up the first thing he said was, "Bai Yanlou, this is how your people like to handle things?"

Bai Yanlou asked, "What’s wrong, Baby?"

Chen Liguo said, "I’ve eaten this kind of dish for several days."

Bai Yanlou lifted his chin and said, "Mine’s on the table, you eat it."

Chen Liguo walked over and took a look at Bai Yanlou’s meal box. He found that this meal box was practically double of his. Not only were there two big chicken legs vegetables and meat were arranged neatly. With one look you could see that it was a meal box of love.

Chen Liguo was not polite either. He picked up chopsticks and began to eat. With how much he usually ate and such a portion, just half would be enough. But today he finished off two-thirds of the meal in a single breath.

Bai Yanlou did not advise him either and lit a cigarette as he watched Chen Liguo dig into the food.

FInally, when Chen Liguo finished eating and put the food down Bai Yanlou asked him whether he was full.

Chen Liguo said that he was full.

Only then did Bai Yanlou go over and eat the rest.

Chen Liguo saw Bai Yanlou’s actions and was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that Bai Yanlou would actually be willing to eat his leftovers.

After eating Bai Yanlou asked, "What are you so surprised for?"

Chen Liguo pursed his lips and did not say anything.

"I’ve prepared a lab for you." Bai Yanlou lit another cigarette and said, "And your original team."

Chen Liguo exclaimed, "So quickly?"

Bai Yanlou nodded and said, "We cannot wait." The drug Chen Liguo provided to them had a huge defect and the one hour time limit was too deadly. He had to have Chen Liguo develop a more refined drug.

"On what basis do you think that I’ll do things for you?" Chen Liguo coldly said. "You have destroyed the entire institute."

Bai Yanlou heard this and had a smile that was not a smile. He questioned, "Since when did Professor He have such a sense of justice?"

Chen Liguo countered, "I may not have a sense of justice but neither am I a white-eyed wolf."

Bai Yanlou lightly said, "Not developing it doesn’t matter. How many people here hate you, this even you are clear. My patience is very good but theirs? It might not necessarily be so."

These words were very interesting, as if the one threatening Chen Liguo wasn’t Bai Yanlou.

Chen Liguo sounded an ’oh’, his expression somewhat cold.

Bai Yanlou looked at Chen Liguo and reached out and pressed his lips. He said, his brows furrowed, "Professor He, it’s best you be a little more obedient."

With a bite Chen Liguo chomped on Bai Yanlou’s finger.

The two looked at each other and saw keen interest in the other’s eyes.

This meal box incident was only a small example of Chen Liguo’s unfavorable situation in the base.

In fact, most of the time the people in the base tried everything possible to harass Chen Liguo. At first Chen Liguo still endured it but then he couldn’t bear it and went to Bai Yanlou to complain.

Bai Yanlou was very clear-cut. So long as Chen Liguo made a case against them that person’s supply of drugs would be reduced.

Some people refused to accept but he simply said, "This drug has been developed by him. If you hate him so isn’t it good to use the drug less?"

So those who didn’t agree had nothing more they could say.

Bai Yanlou was also afraid of Chen Liguo’s little moods and greatly urged his subordinates, saying that the drug was created only by Chen Liguo right now and if they made Chen Liguo upset and he tampered with the drug then wouldn’t all of them be finished?

Hearing this, his subordinates felt that this was true so Chen Liguo’s situation was no longer so awkward.

As soon as they came out of the research institute the government sent troops to encircle and suppress the ability users.

Only, the location of the base that Bai Yanlou selected was very subtle. Although it was in the suburbs it was not too far from the city. So long as there was a fight it would be a big battle. Their location was very close to a dam and Bai Yanlou directly told them that if pushed it, they would directly blow up the dam.

Thus for a time, the government didn’t dare act.

But though there were no big operations the small ones continued. The most often they would fight in a night was three or four times.

Of course, the ability users still had the advantage. After all, they not only had weapons but also had abilities that ordinary people didn’t have.

Chen Liguo, on the other hand, had his ears shut and his entire heart was dedicated to research.

Bai Yanlou had indeed left him several researchers but how could these few people be enough for Chen Liguo to send off for work? So Chen Liguo so happened to use this as an excuse to forcibly slow down the speed of research.

Even so, what should come will still happen. After six months of confrontation between the two sides, a large number of ability users suddenly appeared on the internet.

The existence of ability users was finally exposed to the public.

For the government, this was nothing good but for the ability users, this was a godsend——They could frankly and righteously recruit people.

The Author Has Something To Say:

_(:з」∠)_ Continuing to beg for nutrient solution haiya.

Thank you darlings for the mines, grenades, and rockets.

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