The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 74: Plan(2)

Chapter 74: Plan(2)

Chapter 74 Plan (2)

Because of the angle, Mo Yan didn't notice Zhen'er's strangeness, and carefully sorted out the reasons for him: "Everyone in Liuyang Village knows that we are at odds with Second Grandpa's family, but no matter how much we are at odds, Second Grandpa's family They are also relatives of our family. When relatives have difficulties, they ask us for help. If we can help but don't, outsiders will only say that we are cold-blooded and ruthless, and are always on guard against us, and may even do harm to us behind our backs."

Zhen'er had never thought about this. She was so fascinated by it that she forgot about her sadness.

Seeing this, Mo Yan touched his head and continued: "This time the second grandpa came with his whole family. The people in the village must know that if we refuse, the second grandma and the second aunt will still go around like before. They are not the ones who organize our family, and they have indeed taken care of dad and us three sisters in the past. No matter whether it is good or bad, in the eyes of others, it is a great favor after all!"

Hearing this, Zhen'er nodded thoughtfully, his bright black eyes turning rapidly.

"We haven't completely established a foothold in Liuyang Village, and we can't let them ruin the good reputation our family has finally established. If our cousins work hard, we will have a few more helpers in the family. Outsiders There is no fault; if they dare to act recklessly, we will have reason to deal with them, and then others will not side with the second mistress, because we are reasonable, can Zhen'er understand?"

Those three contracts were not written in vain!

Yes! Zhener nodded heavily.

In the past, in my hometown, every time the second grandma came to the house to grab things, if they stopped her, she would sit on the doorstep and scold them. If they dared to talk back, the second grandma would scold them even more fiercely, and even call the village chief and clan chief to comment.

They are young enough to write novels, so others only believe what the second grandma tells them. Later, whenever they went out, there would be people pointing behind them, making them unable to hold their heads up, and no one wanted to play with them.

Mo Yan rubbed Zhen'er's hair happily. The little guy was indeed smart, but she didn't tell her the most important reason.

From the memory of the original owner, although his father gave up the idea of continuing the imperial examination, he never gave up studying, which shows that he still wanted to continue studying. It's just that my family was poor before and had to give up. Now their family is not short of money. When the new house in Liuyang Village is built next spring, they will have a good environment for studying.

If my father wanted to continue his studies and take the imperial examination, with his intelligence and years of accumulation, it would not be difficult to pass the exam. Winning the imperial examination will not only improve the Mo family's status in Liuyang Village, but also slightly deter some people with ulterior motives. If the father can take a step further, no matter whether he can become an official or not, at least in this era when people are so careless, the family will have more. Assure.

In this case, reputation is very important to the Mo family!

However, all this was just something Mo Yan had thought about on her own. She hadn't found a suitable opportunity to ask her father's opinion yet, and Zhen'er was still young. She didn't want him to be burdened with such pressure at such a young age, so she just let everything take its course.

Early in the morning of the second day, the three brothers Mo Yongfu entered the city along with the convoy carrying vegetables.

Mo Yan was not at all at ease with these three people, and wanted to observe closely whether they were serious about their work, so she asked Mo Yongfu to deliver food to wealthy families with the middle-aged man named Yu Fa who had been invited from Yangliu Village.

Dont worry, little boss, I will take good care of Brother Yongfu.

After Yu Fa patted his chest and promised, he and Mo Yongfu got on the bullock cart filled with vegetables and went to deliver vegetables to every household.

Yu Fa was one of the villagers who helped the Mo family cut trees before. He also escaped from the disaster. Later he became very familiar with Lin Yong. Lin Yong thought he was a good person and introduced him when he knew that Mo Yan was looking for someone to deliver food.

Mo Yan has been carefully investigating for a while, and she remembers the amount of food every time. In the end, the money handed over to her after delivering the food is always exactly the same. Some wealthy families would give him a small reward every time they saw that he delivered food in a timely manner and the food was fresh. He would hand it over to Mo Yan honestly, but Mo Yan would definitely not take the reward.

This time he was asked to take Mo Yongfu to deliver food, but Mo Yan was not worried that the two of them would work together to swallow the money.

As for Mo Yonglu and Mo Yongshou, Mo Yan has never trusted him. Mo Yonglu is not smart, but he easily listens to others' instigation. Mo Yongshou is a man of many ideas. There is no telling what will happen if the two of them are together. , only when she puts people in front of her and looks at them can she feel relieved.

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