The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 121: Who set the fire(3)

Chapter 121: Who set the fire(3)

Chapter 121 Who started the fire (3)

Everyone was stunned and looked at Mo Dashan strangely. If Mo Dashan made excuses, they would definitely not believe him, but he already told his purpose of coming here in the middle of the night, so there was no way for people to doubt him anymore.

Mo Qingze walked over, patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "I have to thank you for what happened tonight. If you hadn't discovered it in time and called someone to put out the fire, the consequences would have been unimaginable."

He wanted to harm someone, but he got someone's thanks. Mo Dashan couldn't explain what he felt in his heart. Looking at Mo Qingze, who looked sincere, he felt his face was burning. He pushed the person away, turned around and left. .

Mo Qingze smiled and didn't mind. He just thought that the person who set the fire was not found, and his mood became depressed again.

Everyone gathered together to discuss the matter for a while, but could not come up with a reason. In addition, everyone was exhausted from getting up to put out the fire in the middle of the night, so they decided to discuss the matter tomorrow.

By the time Mo Yan knew that most of the wood used to build the house had been set on fire, it was already the next day.

After learning what happened and Mo Qingze's assurance, she also felt that the person who set the fire would not be Mo Dashan. It was just that her family had recently built a house and bought a barren mountain. She had indeed suffered a lot of jealousy. If someone really did it because of Jealousy and arson are not impossible.

As a result, there were more suspicious people, but she intuitively listed Lao Motou's family as the primary suspect. However, this was just a suspicion. Without real evidence, she would not say anything to anyone.

Because the wooden beams were burned, some rafters and purlins were also lost. Now it was too late to go to the mountains to cut down the wood, dry it and then process it. Mo Yan had to put aside the matter of the barren mountain for the time being and inquire about a good wood shop to prepare enough wood.

Worried that someone would cause trouble again, Mo Yan went back to the city that afternoon and threw Xiao Hua on the construction site.

No one on the construction site had ever seen a snow wolf. When they saw Xiaohua following Mo Yan, rubbing her legs and wagging her tail, they thought it was a white dog with an abnormal size, but it was not the case. It caused a commotion, and many people who loved animals came forward to touch it, but were avoided by the arrogant little flower.

Mo Yan deliberately took Xiao Hua around to the place where the fire broke out, hoping to see if Xiao Hua could find anything. As a result, Xiao Hua sniffed here and there for a while and found nothing.

Its only been a day and you cant smell anything suspicious. How did you find me before?

Mo Yan pinched Xiaohua's big ears in disappointment. Xiaohua seemed to understand her words. She took her right hand and smelled it. Then she raised her head and looked at her with bright eyes, as if she was talking.

Mo Yan actually understood it and subconsciously touched the palm of her right hand. Could it be that because she was carrying space and using spiritual spring water, she had a special smell that ordinary people couldn't smell, but Xiaohua could identify it?

He touched Xiaohua's huge wolf head and said helplessly: "If you can't find it, you can't find it. But you have been working harder recently, so you stay with my father on the construction site. When the house is built, I will leave a room for you every day. Ill prepare something delicious for you.

I dont know which word touched Xiaohuas sensitive nerves. It couldnt hold it back, and howled like a wolf. It excitedly threw Mo Yan to the ground, stretched out its big wet tongue, and washed Mo Yans face. .

Fortunately, there was no one around, and no one could recognize the sound. Mo Yan pushed it away with a black line on his head, wiped his face with his sleeve, and had a look of disgust on his face.

She always felt that this **** was getting smarter day by day since he entered the space every night. At least every time she said something, this guy seemed to be able to understand it and act accordingly to express it.

At this time, Xiaohua narrowed her wolf eyes, stuck out her big tongue, and nuzzled Mo Yan coquettishly.

Although I am a noble snow wolf and should not flatter a human being, for the sake of future growth, what is flattery? Can it be consumed as spiritual energy?

In this way, Xiaohua stayed on the construction site. Although it was very unhappy that it could not enter the space to drink spiritual spring water, but for the sake of Mo Yan bringing it delicious space chicken every day, it really fulfilled its duties like a dog, and stayed in the space every day. Wandering around the construction site, I didnt sneak back.

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