The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 110: successful escape(1)

Chapter 110: successful escape(1)

Chapter 110 Successful Escape (1)

Night falls and the moon rises high.

The previous meal was overturned, and the thin man prepared steamed buns and porridge and brought them to the iron gate. He knocked on the iron gate with an iron spoon and shouted inside: "Come over and eat quickly. I will let you out after eating."

Mo Yan and the other two girls brought the porridge and steamed buns in bit by bit from the crack in the door, making chewing sounds in their mouths and pretending to be eating. After the thin man left, they all fell in the corner. After a while, Lu They put the bowls back one after another.

After a while, we will pretend to be stunned, and whoever comes in later will be knocked unconscious first.

In the darkness, Mo Yan carefully warned the others and told them what to do next. After thinking about it and not missing anything, he felt relieved.

Every step of this was planned. With the greed of those traffickers, it was impossible to watch all of them contract smallpox and die, so those of them who were not 'infected' tonight would definitely be imprisoned elsewhere. .

To prevent their own people from being infected, they can only send one person to do this. The best way is to stun them all. The porridge and steamed buns tonight are fine, even if she beats her to death, she won't believe it.

Nearly a moment passed, and eighteen people fell to the ground in random order according to the previous plan. Mo Yan fell by the steps, and in front of her was another girl.

The night was very quiet, and not long after, Mo Yan heard footsteps, the footsteps of a person.

The thin man paused outside for a while, listening carefully. When he saw that there was no sound in the noisy dungeon, he took out the key, opened the big lock with a click, opened the iron door and walked in.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer, Mo Yan pressed the palm of his right hand nervously, ready to take out the sword in the space at any time. The sword was left by Xiao Ruiyuan before. She placed it in the space. She didn't expect that it could still be used.

The thin man went down the steps with an oil lamp. When he saw a person lying on the ground, he put the oil lamp close to her. Seeing that there were no flowers on her face or signs of fever, he put the oil lamp on the ground and squatted down to prepare the person. Get it on your shoulders and carry it out.

The door behind you is wide open, its a good time!

Mo Yan quickly took out the sword from the space and placed it on the neck of the thin man who had no time to react. The sharp blade brought with it a cold meaning, and the words that the thin man was about to scream were instantly stuck in his throat.

"If you dare to make a sound, I will cut your throat!" Mo Yan threatened coldly, and then said to the others who had already stood up: "Quickly gag his mouth and tie him up first."

Oh oh, okay!

These girls were a little slow to react. After hearing Mo Yan's words, they quickly acted. They stuffed the prepared cloth into the thin man's mouth and tied his hands and feet with ropes made of cloth strips.

The **** of cloth are the socks on their feet, and the cloth is torn from their clothes.

Fortunately, they had rehearsed beforehand, so the two people in charge were not in a hurry. The thin man soon turned into a rice dumpling, lying on the ground unable to move, with only a pair of eyes staring at Mo Yan and others, eager to eat people.

Mo Yan sneered, and with a strong effort on the wrist holding the sword, a blood mark appeared on the thin man's neck: "Be honest, don't think that I don't dare to kill!"

The thin man felt a pain in his neck and his eyes were full of fear. When he met Mo Yan's cold gaze, he believed that this evil **** could do what he said.

Seeing that he was finally honest, Mo Yan personally checked again to make sure that the rope would not loosen, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, but the sword blade did not leave his neck.

Tell me, where are the children you captured?

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