The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 105: Audacious(2)

Chapter 105: Audacious(2)

Chapter 105 Audacious (2)

The fat man smacked his lips, looked at the city gate, and finally said harshly: "Go back 'home' first, and wait until the storm is over before leaving the city!"

The thin man quickly agreed and explained to the people behind him before turning the carriage around and driving towards the north of the city.

In the carriage, the conversation between the two traffickers fell into the ears of Mo Yan, who had just woken up.

Damn it, I actually met a human trafficker. Mo Yan sat up with weak hands and feet, leaned against the wall of the car, and cursed secretly: I hope Zhener is safe and not caught by them.

I listened carefully to the noise outside, only the sound of rolling wheels. After a while, the drug on Mo Yan wore off, and her limbs were finally no longer so weak.

In the darkness, Mo Yan stretched out her right hand and groped around, and finally discovered that including her, there were at least six people in the carriage. However, she could not clearly see their appearance, and could not tell the difference between men and women. Seeing that none of them had woken up, it was obvious that the traffickers had drugged them. Not light.

Fortunately, when the trafficker covered her mouth and nose, she subconsciously held her breath, and her body had been nourished by the spiritual spring water for several months, so she was able to wake up so quickly. Otherwise, she would have been lying unconscious like this, being dragged away. I dont know where I am.

Mo Yan has space, so she is not worried about her situation. Even now she can hide in the space and then come out and run away when no one is around, but she doesn't want to do that.

In my previous life, I had seen a lot of news about human traffickers abducting women and children. Lets not mention whether the lives of those trafficked women and children will be good or bad in the future. The sad and desperate scenes of their parents and relatives are very sad. I just wish I could kill the traffickers thousands of times. Thousands of cuts.

It would have been better if she hadn't encountered this, but since so many people were caught at the same time, she couldn't selfishly walk away alone and watch so many families being torn apart.

Moreover, the space is upgraded by accumulating merit, and she will not save her from death. Without merit, she is even more afraid of retribution. She accepts that retribution will happen to her. If it happens to her family members in her previous life and this life, she will definitely hate herself to death. .

The carriage drove for more than half an hour and finally stopped. Mo Yan quickly lay down as before, closed his eyes and pretended not to be awake.

At this time, the car door was opened, and the fat guys voice rang again.

The effect of the medicine is almost gone, get the person in quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble when the person wakes up and shouts and alerts others.

I understand, fat brother, are we all locked together or separated? asked the thin man.

The children will be put in one room and the girls in another. The girls will be given better food. If they starve to death, become thin and sick, we will suffer great losses.

"got it!"

The two of them greeted the people behind them, and the thin man got into the carriage and helped the fat man. The fat man carried the man on his shoulders like a sack and walked into the yard next to him.

Mo Yan allowed Fat Brother to carry him without moving. She secretly opened her eyes and looked around. She could clearly see the layout of the yard through the bright moonlight.

She found that the courtyard was not small. After crossing the middle gate, she even saw a large pond, surrounded by scattered buildings, pavilions, and garden verandas.

It seems that these people are not just ordinary human traffickers. Otherwise, they would not have been able to obtain direct passage orders to all parts of the country, and they would have been able to build such a good courtyard to hide people.

Fat Brother carried Mo Yan through several small moon gates and did not stop until he came to a rockery.

Mo Yan held her breath and didn't dare to move. Then she heard the sound of unlocking, and then the sound of the iron door being opened.

Fat Brother carried Mo Yan down a flight of steps before he stopped and placed her on the musty-smelling straw.

Mo Yan heard the sound of the iron door above being closed and locked. Not long after, the iron door was opened again, and another person was carried in by Fat Brother and placed next to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan counted silently in her heart. It was not until the iron gate rang seventeen times that she realized that the traffickers had arrested seventeen girls during the Lantern Festival alone, not to mention the children whose number was unknown.

These human traffickers are really courageous!

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