The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 303 1 Vs 7

The grand gathering concluded, and the attendees dispersed, returning to their respective castles. 

Aquarian, on the other hand, had a different goal. 

He got the group together, including Ashlyn, and came up with a plan to take them all to the remote island where Aizel had trained with him.

As they arrived on the tranquil island, Aquarian wasted no time in addressing the group.

"Listen, get ready, and fight against Ashlyn. Let's have some practice."

"What? Why me? I thought you were going to fight them?" Ashlyn asked.

"Hahahaha, I might get too excited while fighting this many mages at the same time. 

"Do you think you can stop me then?" He asked.

"But this isn't why I came here"

"Come on, I know a place that has recently introduced a new type of sea monster dish that....

"GET READY... I CAN ATTACK AT ANY TIME..." Ashlyn yelled, summoning her katana in an instant.

"Wait...but are we all seven allowed to fight?" Zareena asked.

"Yes, I think Ashlyn can easily handle everyone," Aquarian replied.

"Don't hold back because I wo...

Before she could even finish speaking, Aizel arrived right behind him, his sword already slashing downward.

"HOOOOO" Ashlyn easily blocked the attack with her sword.

"Now, idiot," Aizel said.

Ashlyn's eyes were wide open, and suddenly a fist-shaped gravity pressure fell on her from the top. 

Aizel had already swapped places in the end moment with his dagger shadow ability. 

As the force of gravity grew stronger around her, Ashlyn could feel her legs shaking. 

All of a sudden, a cascade of golden leaves appeared around her and began to dance elegantly in the air. 

The ethereal leaves moved in hypnotic patterns, giving the area a magical feel. At the same time, a scary black cloud hung over Ashlyn, bringing darkness to the area around her. 



In an instant, Zareena and Raven found themselves displaced from their original positions, transported to the same place where Ashlyn stood before. 

The oppressive force of gravity intensified, bearing down upon them with relentless strength, causing them to plummet to the ground. 

Soren quickly stopped the spell when he saw that the situation was dangerous. With a sense of urgency, he hastened towards Ashlyn, who had set her sights on the direction of Edumont.

"It's an honor to fight with you mam," Edumont said and rushed towards her.

Ashlyn moved quickly toward Edumont, the meeting point with Ashley drawing near, a resounding click signaled another flick of Ashlyn's fingers. 

She quickly switched places with Soren, altering their intended convergence.

Now that she was going in a different direction, Ashlyn changed her path to get to Ashlyn and Raven.

But all of a sudden, a powerful volley of windy arrows appeared and stopped her in her tracks. The strong gusts caused her to stop and stand still for a moment.

[Master she can use space power]

Hmm, this will be tricky,"I think you should take a look at

With unwavering determination, Aizel propelled himself forward, closing in on Ashlyn's position.

Ashlyn quickly grabbed some nearby pebbles and put a surge of mana into them when she sensed him. 

Propelled like swift projectiles, the enhanced stones hurtled towards Aizel with astonishing speed. 

But Aizel was quick and had good reflexes, so he was able to easily avoid their path.

In a daring twist, Ashlyn seized the opportune moment, executing a skillful swap with one of the propelled pebbles, instantly materializing beside Aizel.

She charged at him with her katana ready to strike, hoping to catch him off guard.

However, Aizel expertly parried Ashlyn's katana, deflecting her strike with ease. Quickly responding, he smoothly jumped backward, making sure there was enough space between them. 

"This trick is so old," Aizel commented.

"Is that so...

"Ashlyn stop playing around. This is not even considered a practice," Aquarian yelled from far away.

"Fuck, now she will wen....

With a forceful impact, Ashlyn's powerful punch connected directly with Aizel's abdomen, propelling him through the air like a missile.

He flew through the nearby forest, hitting trees one after the other.

Soren jumped at the chance and appeared behind Ashlyn, his gravity abilities primed for action. In a split second, he unleashed a devastating punch, harnessing the forces of gravity to enhance his strike. 

However, Ashlyn's swift reflexes and cunning tactics thwarted Soren's attack. With a simple flick of her fingers, she executed another seamless swap. 

Now standing behind him, She punched Soren on his back with full impact. Soren was thrown through the air like a powerless puppet by the force of the impact. His body was at the mercy of the forces that pushed him away.

Suddenly a dark cloud appeared beneath her feet. 

Before the cloud can react, she jumped straight into the air. As four more arrows flew at her, Ashlyn dodged them with ease, dancing through the air.

However, her respite was short-lived, for from the right side, a torrent of icy spikes materialized, descending upon her with relentless force. 

Ashlyn acted quickly and used a spatial swap to get herself out of the dangerous mid-air situation and onto solid ground. She deftly maneuvered her body, evading each ice spike with calculated precision.

This time, Seraphine and Edumont took advantage of the fact that Ashlyn was too busy avoiding the icy spikes to close in on her.

Edumont brandished his gleaming sword, his strikes carrying an air of precision and power.

At the same time, Seraphine held her powerful spear and was ready to hit with deadly accuracy.

Together, the duo advanced upon Ashlyn, their synchronized assault designed to overwhelm and subdue their elusive opponent.

Ashlyn quickly used her katana to block Seraphine's spear, sending the spear's dangerous tip in a different direction. 

At the same time, Edumont's grip on his sword weakened as it got swapped by pebbles. Before they could do anything, Ashlyn's hands moved as fast as lightning and grabbed Seraphine and Edumont by the legs.

With a surge of power, she brought them crashing down upon the ground with tremendous force. The impact resonated through the earth, causing the ground to crack and a small crater to form where they landed.

Another arrow flew towards her but she caught it easily with her right hand. 

"Are you just going to shoot arrows from the dis..


In a sudden burst of light, the small box attached to Daisy's arrow exploded, engulfing the area in a blinding radiance that temporarily robbed Ashlyn of her vision. 

Just as she instinctively prepared to swap places to regain her advantage, a swift and skillful chain snaked its way around her waist, firmly restraining her movements.

"Ready for round 2"

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