The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 284 Ocean Depth

"Remember to use mana inside the water to enhance your breathing.

"And let your body flow freely inside. Feel the depth of the ocean. Let's dive in!" Aquarian shouted.

Aquarian disappeared into the depths of the ocean in the blink of an eye. 

Aizel tapped into the wellspring of mana in his surroundings, channeling its energy to enhance his abilities. 

As he took a deep breath, his lungs grew stronger, giving him the strength to go deeper into the unknown abyss below.

Aizel went down into the depths of the ocean with purpose, and his body quickly adjusted to the pressures of the underwater world. 

Surrounded by the ethereal beauty of the ocean's depths, he embraced the serenity and power that came with his connection to mana.

[Master, it's so beautiful here.]

He looked around in amazement as he saw all the different kinds of marine life that existed.

Schools of brightly colored fish raced through the clear water, and their scales sparkled like gems. Majestic creatures with slender bodies and iridescent fins glided by elegantly, making everyone stop and look at them.

Aizel swam closely behind Aquarian, their movements synchronized as they delved deeper into the enigmatic depths. 

With each passing moment, the surroundings transformed into an ethereal realm, where plants emitted a soft, otherworldly glow, casting an enchanting radiance upon their path.

At the end of their underwater trip, they reached a peaceful place deep in the ocean where they could rest on a bed of rocks. 

Aquarian moved smoothly to the rocky surface and crossed his legs in a meditative position. 

Aizel mirrored his actions, finding solace in the stillness of the underwater world.

The gentle movement of the seaweed and the soft currents that touched their bodies created a calm atmosphere that made them feel very peaceful. As they sat in perfect harmony, the ocean's ethereal beauty surrounded them.

"Now we will meditate here. Try to loosen your body, clear your mind, and find peace along with the ocean.

"Feel like you are a part of it," Aquarian said.

Aizel glanced towards him with his brows raised.

"I can use the water element. It's not a big deal to talk," Aquarian replied.

Aizel allowed his thoughts to disperse like the gentle ripples on the water's surface. 

His mind became a blank slate, free of any thoughts that were still bothering him.

The calm depths of the ocean surrounded him, and its relaxing presence filled his senses. The regular rise and fall of the currents made him feel like he was being lulled to sleep by a beautiful song. 

In this serene underwater realm, time seemed to stand still, and all external concerns melted away.

Aizel became one with the water, his gaze fixated upon its depths as if he had transformed into a statue of tranquility, existing solely in the present moment.

As the hours slipped by unnoticed, Aizel remained in his serene state, oblivious to the passage of time.

Aquarian's gentle tug on his shoulder was the only thing that brought him back to the present. He slowly blinked his eyes and turned his attention back to him. 

The deep connection he had established with the ocean began to recede, allowing his awareness of his surroundings to flood back in. 

With a nod to Aquarian, he acknowledged the end of their tranquil meditation and prepared to return to the world above the surface.

Back on the Island...

Aizel laid back with his eyes locked on the sky as the sun began to set, casting a warm golden tone across the sky. 

The changing colors of dusk made a beautiful fabric in the sky, which was decorated with stars that started to shine. 

Beside him, Aquarian sat in silent contemplation, their shared presence a comforting reassurance in the tranquility of the moment. 

"So how was it?" He asked.

"So calm. I just wanted to stay there forever," Aizel replied. His eyes focused on the stars.

"I have been impressed with you. You were able to adapt and go into a trance so easily. 

"When Vespara tried, it took her almost a month.

"It seems you can manifest a water core," Aquarian replied, his eyes also locked, gazing at the stars.

"I first thought about what the hell I was doing with you. You are teaching me only meditation to keep my mind clear and calm. 

"I thought this might help me in the battle. But I realize you are trying to show me something.

"Your techniques are based on what I felt in the ocean's depths," Aizel said.

Aquarian eyes were wide open for a second, and a small smile crept on his face when he heard that.

"It seems I was not wrong about you." 

"And now I think I need to spend some time in the depths of the ocean daily instead of meditating here, right?" Aizel asked.

"Yes, the real training starts tomorrow. In the morning, you will meditate in the depths of the ocean.

"Then you will practice with me. Let's head back early for now,"


In the potion shop,

Shelly's eyes widened with surprise as a radiant magic circle materialized before her very eyes, its ethereal glow casting a soft luminescence in the room. 

Within its shimmering embrace, Aizel and Aquarian emerged, stepping forth from the realms beyond. 

"You guys scared me."

"Hahaha, I am sorry, young lady. Now I will take my leave. 

"See you tomorrow, Aizel."

Aizel nodded, and Aquarian teleported once again.

"So are you having fun?" She asked.

"Hmm, you can say that in a way. There is still so much to learn from him in a month."


"Yes, Doc,"

"It should be someone else job to inform you, but you haven't returned to Earth, so I will tell you on her behalf.

"Irene is getting married."

"Good for her,"

"She has invited us. She visited your place many times, but you were not there."

"Who is she getting married to?" The same guy that I met?"

"His name is Luke. Have you met him?"

"I met them in the coffee shop. It's been a long time, and I don't want to remember that day." he sighed.

"So when is she getting married?" He asked.

"After a week."

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