The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 259 A Stranger

Lumos conjured wooden barriers one after another, each designed to impede Soren's advance.

Soren's strength grew with each wall he broke through. His powerful punches quickly reduced the wooden barriers to splinters. 

The sound of splintering wood filled the air as their opposing energies collided, testifying to Soren's unyielding resolve. 

Golden leaves danced through the air, their graceful movements defying the laws of nature.

Lumos, determined to protect himself, reached out with his magical prowess, commanding the very elements of the forest to his will. 

Trees twisted and bent, roots extending and intertwining with the earth, forming a formidable barrier against the onslaught of the golden leaves. 

However, the leaves were bestowed with a supernatural sharpness that only increased with time.

They sliced through Lumos' conjured defenses effortlessly, rendering his efforts futile within mere seconds. Despite his best attempts to manipulate the surroundings, the relentless assault of the golden leaves persisted, inching closer to Lumos with each passing second.

"You have gotten stronger, princess,' Lumos commented.

"Don't act cocky; you were all just regular royal mages. Reaching Grade IV doesn't make you better," Zareena replied.

Soren's palms met with a powerful force, sending forth a shockwave charged with the immense pull of gravity.

The power of the impact rendered Lumos temporarily paralyzed and left him reeling from the shock. Lumos fell to the ground helplessly, his face smashing against the hard ground below.

The impact was so powerful that it carved large craters into the ground around where Lumos had been standing. His body's weight appeared to be drawing him toward the ground beneath him because it was bending and distorting it. 

Without any relief, Lumos discovered that the very craters that had formed around him were swallowing him up. 

"He is trapped now," Soren calmly said.

"Good work, idiot. I will make him drink one of the special potions, from which he will be unconscious for a whole month. 

"He is their leader, so we can extract much information from him. Let's get rid of the remaining ones,"

Soren nodded.

Soren encased Zareena within a protective barrier, shielding her from the relentless grip of gravity. With Zareena at his side, he dropped further into the crater, navigating the perilous landscape.

Zareena swiftly retrieved a vial containing a powerful concoction.

Gently, she administered the elixir to Lumos, who swiftly succumbed to its effects. Lumos's mind drifted off into sleep, his body at peace, as though carried away by a strong stream.

As they approached the field of battle where Edumont, Raven, and Seraphine had fought Donald, they were met with a shocking revelation. 

Aizel stood atop Donald, his fists raining blow after blow upon his adversary's battered face. 

Donald's face was swollen, bruised, and dripping with blood; it was a horrifying sight to behold. 

His eyes remained shut, unable to open amidst the swollen flesh, and his lips, too, were so inflamed that he could not form words. Aizel's relentless assault had rendered Donald helpless, his voice silenced by the brutality of the confrontation.

"Why are you beating him, just kill him already. We don't need him," Zareena said.

With a single sweeping motion, Aizel cleared the mixture of sweat and blood that adorned his face, leaving behind a streak of crimson across his palm. 

Without uttering a word, he turned away from the scene. 

"What happened?" Zareena asked, seeing Raven approaching her.

"I don't know princess, we were taking care of this baldy, but suddenly Aizel came rushing, saying, "Tell me more about Aaron."

"And from then on, he just started to beat the shit out of him."

"Well, leave it for now. I have contacted the crew members. We should leave the kingdom quickly. 

"We don't know how Seafolk and Whiskerkins are going to act after that."

Raven nodded.

The group moved quickly through the thick jungle close to the busy harbor town, with a sense of urgency in the air. 

Edumont bore the weight of the unconscious Lumos on his broad shoulders.

Aizel lingered back, accompanied by Jeffrey and Daisy, his expressionless face a mystery. 

Cloaked in Raven's shrouded darkness and lifted by Zareen's golden leaves, the group ascended into the sky, their movements ethereal and unseen by prying eyes.

They soared high above the ground and flew through the huge landscape toward the far-off sea with ease.

Three or four hours went quickly and without incident, as they continued their flight in secrecy. 

And then, finally, the majestic sight of the royal ship came into view, its grandeur reflecting the hope and salvation they sought.

With a graceful landing, the group touched down upon the sturdy deck of the royal ship, their collective breaths easing in a sigh of relief.

As the others exchanged grateful glances and words of reassurance, Aizel retreated to a secluded corner, his demeanor solemn and introspective. 

He sat down and took a meditative posture, his hands expanding and closing in a repetitive motion that revealed his inner conflict and the remaining traces of his recent experience. 

"What happened when you both were fighting?" Raven asked Daisy.

"I don't know; I was too far away to hear the conversation between them," Daisy lied.

"What to do with this guy, princess? The potion effects will wear down by tomorrow," Edumont said as he placed his hand on the shoulder of Jeffrey, who stood silently.

"We will see about that tomorrow. Let's rest for now, and don't take it too easy until we reach our kingdom.

"It has been reported that the father has arrived back at the castle along with everyone,"

"The King is back!" Raven explained.

"Yes, he will meet all of us when we arrive back at the kingdom. Make sure to be presentable and respectful," Zareena further added.

After two days of traveling, they finally arrived at the Felgura Kingdom's busy harbor. Though their bodies were worn out from the journey, their spirits were unyielding. Jeffrey sat peacefully next to Aizel, his expression unruffled. 

It was evident that Jeffrey had embraced the uncertainties that lay ahead, his acceptance of the fateful path that awaited him shimmering in his eyes.

The potions' effects may have worn off, but that left an indelible stamp on his will.

As the ship expertly placed itself at the pier, a bolt of lightning suddenly engulfed Aizel, bathing his entire being in brilliant light. 

Aizel suddenly disappeared from the ship, leaving behind a stunned and enthralled audience. 

"Where is he heading now?" Raven asked.

"Just leave him," Soren replied.

Daisy approached Seraphine with a mix of fear and haste in her voice and her walk. 

She leaned in closer and spoke softly, her voice barely rising over the din, "Please stop him. He is heading towards the Eudora Family,"

Seraphine's eyes widened, and she hurried off the deck of the ship and followed where the Aizel was heading. 

"What is happening, Daisy?" Zareena asked.

Daisy sighed.


"Bring me something good to drink, Carla," Alecra said.

He sat on the plush sofa, his naked chest gleaming with sweat as a luxurious robe draped around him. 

Carla, dressed in her own tempting robe, arrived with poise and an evident air of charm. 

In her delicate hands, she carried a tray adorned with enticing beverages, the aroma wafting through the air, tempting and inviting.

As they enjoyed the drink, one of the guards entered to report something.

"Sir, the princess, and her group have arrived back to the kingdom," he said while bowing.

"Okay, you can leave now," Alecra said.



Shards of glass rained down from the shattered ceilings, a cascade of fragments descending in an instant. 

In the blink of an eye, Alecra's world turned upside down as his head collided with the unforgiving ground. 

He looked up as a hand with an iron grasp grabbed his hair, drawing his gaze to the icy depths of a pair of dark, abysmal eyes.

Aizel didn't give Alecra a chance to utter a word before his skull was smashed in not once, but twice, by his fist.

The sickening sound of shattered teeth accompanied the horrifying sight of blood pouring from the wounds on his head. 

Pain surged through Alecra's body, overpowering his senses, while Aizel's relentless assault continued unabated.

With a powerful thrust, a forceful kick collided with Aizel's chest, propelling him through the air. Wisps of mysterious smoke arose from behind him just as he was about to smash into the hard ground.

A gigantic Orc, standing at least 15 feet tall, emerged out of thin air in a stunning spectacle. Unbelievably, the beast had not one but three terrifying heads, each sporting a unique look. 

The Orc seized Aizel in its huge, strangely delicate hands with incredible dexterity.

Vespara emerged from the cloud of black smoke and appeared on Aizel's side, joining the mysterious Orc.

Together, they turned their attention to the source of the commotion—a man whose face bore a warm smile.

"So this is your student Vespara, I already liked him hahahaha....

"It's good to see you again, big brother," Vespara replied with a smile.

"Aizel, go with him," Vespara continued.

Aizel gave Vespara a death glare, their eyes meeting with a tension that couldn't be expressed. Yet, in a bewildering twist, the man who had been the cause of their confrontation materialized beside Aizel.

"This much anger is not good for you; come with me and let's talk.

"I will listen to what you have to say."

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